
The bat came down and made contact with Peter's shoulder. "What do you want?!" Tony yelled, fighting against the chains. The man stopped and turned around. "The boss said you'd know what he wanted to know," he said. The man walked away mumbling to himself. "Are you okay, kid?" Tony asked looking down at the teen's small form sitting on the floor. "Physically, mostly," Peter mumbled rubbing his jaw. All too soon the man came back. "The boss isn't telling. Said, he'd come and check on you soon. For now he said I could keep doing this," he chuckled. Peter squeezed his eyes shut preparing for whatever the man was going to do. Once again the man picked up the baseball bat. "Maybe, I'll get something better," the man said with an evil grin. Peter flinched back, tears flowing down his cheeks. When the man pulled a knife out of his jacket pocket, his sobs got louder. "He's a kid! You can't do this to him!" Tony yelled. The man turned towards Tony with a grin. "I won't kill him. Just make him hurt," he chuckled. The man leaned down close to Peter's face. He raised the knife and made a clear cut across his cheek. Peter gritted his teeth, but tears still flowed down his cheeks. "I'm a superhero. I can take a cut," Peter said with a forced smile. "Your kid's strong," the man said. "Oh, it seems I've forgotten to introduce myself. Call me Caleb." Caleb smiled and turned to Tony. "But a small cut isn't even close to the worst I can do." Tony fought against his chains yelling at the man. Caleb yanked Peter to his feet, well as much to his feet as he could get with the chains on his ankles and wrists. Peter had one knee on the floor with his other foot and hands balancing him. His heart beat quickened but he managed to keep most of his composure. "I'm going to break that braveness out of you," Caleb growled. He stood up and kicked Peter square in the chest. His body flung backwards and his head hit the concrete floor.
Peter sighed when he opened his eyes. "I'm getting tired of waking up here," he mumbled looking around. He was hanging from the ceiling again except this time, Tony was still across the room in the same position. "Peter, your awake," he whispered, barely loud enough for Peter to hear. "We have to get out of here." Peter suddenly realized the man wasn't in the room. "How are we going to do that?" Peter asked looking up at the chains that were holding him to the ceiling. "You still have your suit, right?" Peter nodded. "Unless they broke it, you still have the metal arms in the back of your suit," Tony said. "But I don't have my mask, I can't use them." Tony grimaced and shook his head, mumbling a curse under his breath. "You'll figure something out. You're Iron Man," Peter said with a smile. He tried to move but winced at the pain in his shoulder. "I can't let them hurt you anymore," Tony said with a frown. Peter was sure he saw tears in Tony's eyes but when Tony looked back up at him they were gone. Suddenly, Peter heard a door open and snapped his head in the direction of it. "Is our spider boy awake?" Caleb said walking into the room. In his hands was the knife he had used to cut Peter. He was cleaning it absentmindedly. "Now, what to do, what to do?" He mumbled. He turned toward Peter again. "Don't touch him!" Tony yelled. Caleb turned toward Tony. "I'm tired of you trying to defend him. Time to shut you up." Caleb walked towards Tony with an evil laugh. "Dad!"

Now, you may be asking yourself, "Did Peter just call Tony dad?" And the answer to that is yes. Peter was scared, and his mind went to the first thing that brought him comfort, I guess. But it's cute so I put it in there. It's going to effect their relationship when they escape. No spoilers though! Bye!
