||Chapter 5|| The Past Isn't Always Dark

Disclaimer: Need I say it? We all know I own nothing except my OCs and plot twists.

Don't jump to conclusions.

It'll leave you angry and heart broken.

||Tanya's P.O.V||

"I remember you very clearly...Tanya Fey Wess." Her words cut through the air like a steel knife, the knife hitting home as it stabbed me harshly in the stomach. My insides twisted and turned as a single emotion flowed through my veins.


The instant she said my old name fear instantly took over and I began to panic, my brain shutting down as my irrational fear took over, and as several questions came to mind as I stared at her like a deer stuck in headlights.

How did she know my name?

Does she know Bill?

Is she with the Decepticons?

Am I fucked?

Those questions swarmed my mind as I slowly backed away from Willow, my eyes never leaving her. What made matters worse for me was the fact that she was completely calm, no sign of worry or shock on her face. Her light brown eyes stared back into my icy blue ones.

"W-who are you?" I finally manage to stutter out once I was at a safe distance.

Pathetic a voice hissed in my head. I shake my head, wanting nothing more than to get away from this girl and the voice in my head.

Even if the voice was right, there was nothing I could do. My fear of hearing that name spoken from someone who I don't even know, or remembering knowing, made it impossible for me to stand up for myself.

'Tanya...' Sparky's voice did little to soothe me, and I was about to scream for Sam if this girl didn't get the fuck away from me.

Sad, I know. Screaming for someone like Sam.

"You haven't answered my question," I hiss, but it was pathetic; you could hear the fear dripping from my mouth.

"I already told you," The girl says calmly. "My name's Willow, Tan- No!" I glare at the girl, though the fear was still there.

"Don't you dare say my name. Don't you fucking dare." It's sad to think someone who wasn't afraid of standing up to a giant dick of a robot is scared of a girl...Just a simple girl who knows my name somehow.

"Please, just let me explain." Willow begs, finally showing emotion as she took a small step towards me, to which I respond by taking another step back. Ain't no way this woman is getting anywhere near me any time soon.

"Why? To tell me you work for that monster?" I growl, my eyes frantically searching for a weapon I could use to defend myself, if I could stop being a little chicken and do something.

'Maybe you should let her explain?' I scoff, glaring at Willow as I respond to Sparky's remark.

'No thanks, Sparky. All I want to do is kick her ass and get answers out of her.'

'Most you always resort to violence?' Sparky asks.

'I blame Uncle Hide.' With that said I focus on Willow again, my teeth gritted tightly.

It was just her and I, no one else was around as far as I could tell. If I charged at her she might scream which would alert anyone around our room. On the other hand, I could just stand here and let her explain things without me throwing punches.

I like the first idea better.

Willow seemed to blanch at my words, and her eyes widened in what I could only guess was horror.

So now she shows emotion? But why is the question.

"No!" I jump, raising my arms slightly incase she suddenly attacked. "I would never turn you into Bill!"


That name...That fucking name that's ruined my life in more ways than one. The name that belongs to the bastard who has made my life a living hell, even when he's nowhere near me.

And this girl knows who the fucker is, and I assume she knows everything too. Which leaves only one explanation left.

This 'Willow' works for him, or some other fucked up shit.

The ice cold fear that had rooted me to where I stood, that had stopped me from acting, was now replaced with a burning rage.

"You...You fucker." I snarl lowly, my eyes narrowing to near slits as I glare at her. "You know that mother fucker's name." This time it was I who took a threatening step forward, my hands clenched tightly at my sides. "Which means you know exactly what I am." 

I had promised Optimus and the others that I would never allow my anger to get the best of me while I was around people who knew nothing of us, but right now...

I didn't give a shit if this supposed Willow sees my left eye flare red, I was beyond pissed.

"W-wait please! I can explain!" She had begun to back up, her back almost pressed all the way against the closed door that served as her only escape. "Please Tanya!"

There's my name again. "You...have NO right to call me by my name." I step forwards again, my fists shaking by my sides. "Not when you work for Bi-I told you I don't work for him!" I stop in my tracks for a moment as she interrupts me; my eyes glaring into her as she speaks.

"Please, let me explain." She stares into my eyes as she spoke. "Please...Tai Dye." I jerk back in shock as she says the one nickname very few know.

"What did you just call me?" I ask lowly. She gulps, taking a small step forward.

"I called you Tai Dye...The nickname you've had since you were a kid." She says softly, smiling the slightest at me.

I scoff as I continue to glare at her. "So what? You're probably a spy working for Bi- I know more." I blink, staring at her in slight shock as she interrupted me.


Can't she let me finish one sentence?

'Tanya, let her speak. Let her explain.' I furrow my eyebrows as Sparky's gentle yet firm voice stops me from making a smart remark.

Why wasn't Sparky defending me in this situation?

'But Sparky...'

'I can sense your fear, child.' Shit. 'And you mustn't allow it to cloud your judgement.'

'It's not that easy..' I mumble, a frown slowly taking over my glare as confusion slowly began to take over.

'Have you even tried?' I scoff, shaking my head the slightest at her question.


'Exactly.' Sighing heavily I looked back up at Willow, noticing she hadn't moved from her spot. Good.

"You have five seconds," I mutter, my eyes still holding a glare. "Talk. Now." She blinks and just stares at me, and for a moment I think she's not going to say anything. That is...until she finally spoke.

"Tanya Fey Wess, you were the only girl in our middle school that had dyed hair." She finally says, a smile once again returning to her face. "You used to be called Grape Head because of the purple color." My eyes widen slightly in shock and I have to take a moment before I could respond.

How does she even know that!? I don't remember a Willow ever-

"I'm not done," Her words snapped me back to reality before I could fully comprehend my thoughts. "Your original hair color was black, the same as your father's."

It was as though a WWE wrestler had just punched me as the wind seems to leave my lungs, my mouth falling open.

Now I was sure she was a spy or something. I only ever told one person about-

"But you dyed your hair purple," Once again I'm interrupted. "So you wouldn't be reminded of the man who scarred you for life."


Silence fills the air as shock fills me, my anger vanishing in an instant as I stare at the girl in front of me. If she was a spy there was no way she could've known why I had dyed my hair nearly eight years ago.

I had only told one person why I did, and that person left my life the Summer before we started High School; taking my dark secrets with her.

"H-how do you know this? I o-only told one person that..." I finally stutter, my mouth suddenly feeling more dry than it did before. Willow, or whoever she is, smiled widely at me.

"I see you still have a horrible memory." She murmurs as she walks over to a shelf on her side of the room. I watch her every move, my heart beating a mile a minute.

Her right arm reaches out and carefully pulls a framed picture out from between two books.

So she's good at hiding shit too, huh? What other surprises does this girl hold?

"Here," She slowly approached me with the picture frame in hand, but hid the image from my eyes. "Look at this...It should explain everything." Her eyes were now locked on mine, her eyes shining in hope. 

I narrow my eyes at her as she holds the picture frame out towards me, keeping a few feet between us. I watch her for a moment, taking a quick glance at the object she held.

What good would it do me to take it?

"...This better not be a trick..." I mutter as my left hand slowly reaches for the picture frame, my eyes never leaving Willow as I took the picture frame from her. She didn't react as I took it, she just kept looking into my eyes.

This is it, I suppose. The picture hidden that I'm about to see holds the answers to my questions. Or perhaps it doesn't, and I'm a fool for believing the girl in front of me.

In the end my curiosity got the better of me and I finally turned the frame over.

And nearly drop it as my eyes land on the image hidden behind a thin sheet of glass.

(The picture in the media is the picture Tanya sees.)

"H..How did you get this?" I whisper as I stare down at the picture. "Only one person c-could have this picture...and she's gone."

A photo of two girls stared up at me as I looked down at the picture, and at first I couldn't understand why she was showing me this picture. That is..until I looked up at the upper left corner and the saw the small inscription that someone had written in neat cursive.

Willow Tree&Tai Dye

Once I saw those words I knew immediately who the two girls in the picture were.

It was Willow Ross, and old and very dear friend of mine, and..


You could tell the difference between us easily, or at least I could. Willow looked happy, like...really happy. She was pointing at me with her finger, for a reason I can't remember. All I remember is that as Judy snapped the photo that day Willow had accidently blinked, which made her look like she was winking at me in the photo.

Then you had me, the one just...there. I had some sort of smile on my face, so I remember that I was happy. 

I mean...Why wouldn't I be? Willow was the first person to ever notice me, to ever show me kindness, besides Sparky and the Witwicky's of course.

Back then, I was the weak, frail girl. The one strange girl who had purple hair and never talked to anyone but the spazz.

But after I met Willow...everything changed. 

She was the first ray of hope in my life, and she was my first friend.

My Willow Tree.

And I was her Tai Dye.

A sob like laugh left my mouth as tears pricked at my eyes. "This has always been my favorite picture." I whisper, wiping at my eyes with the back of my hand as I looked up at Willow again. 

She smiles widely, tears of her own filling her eyes. "Mine too, Tai Dye." We stared at each other for a split second before we both rushed forward; my arms wrapping around her in a tight hug as hers did the same.

"Please tell me you're real," I beg in a whisper as we stand there. "You better not be some dumb ass ghost."

The girl that I held laughed, shaking her head. "I'm real Tai...I'm real." 

There are very few times when I openly cry in front of people. The last time I cried was when Will announced he was adopting me.

And now....I was gonna fucking cry again.

But I didn't care.

"I've missed you so much." I whimper as my knees cave from underneath me, dragging both of us to our knees. 

I had my Willow Tree back.

Her arms tighten around me as the first choked sob leaves my mouth. "I've missed you Tai...more than you can imagine." I bury my head into her shoulder as sobs rack my body, and as I allow the tears to fall freely from my eyes. 

"Don't you dare leave me again, Willow. Don't you fucking dare because I swear I'll hunt your ass down." She chuckles, rubbing my back comfortably.

"I promise, Tai." I grin as we just sit there, hugging. Perhaps college won't be so bad now since I had her-

"What the hell happened in here?" I groan loudly in irritation.

Almost forgot about Spazz Face.


Hello my dear reader~! Not the most interesting or longest chapter I've written, but don't worry~ From here on out the drama and action begins OuO

Oh~ And this is also the last chapter I'll ever write.

In 2015 ;P

A year has already passed, huh? Wow time passes quickly :3

I'm so glad to have been able to make it this far in this series with all you, and am extremely grateful for each and every one of you.

You're all the reason Tanya and any of this exists. So thank you~ For giving me the will to write and share this story <3

I hope to see you all as this story continues on and into a new year.

Next update should come within the next day or two ^_^

Until then, stay majestic~

Dedication: 19NC_Medix I have yet dedicated a chapter to you (I think xD) and tbh you deserve it my friend. Thank you for your continuous support ^_^

~Ze Majestic Llama~
