||Chapter 3|| Does The Pain Weigh Out The Pride?

Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers, Michael Bay and Hasbro do. I only own my OCs, plot twists, and evil cliffhangers.~Hannah


Where there are lies, there is also truth.


||3rd Person P.O.V||

The sound of wailing sirens penetrated the silence, alerting those within the abandoned factory that their special guest was close.

An abandoned factory; seemingly harmless.

Yet, the secrets it held within would be the reason for so much pain and suffering that was soon to come.

"We must have ze key!" Rushed chatter filled the air as the sirens became louder. "We must! We must!" 

"Would you shut up already?" A male's voice growls. "You'll get your damn 'key' soon enough." 

There was a moment of silence until another voice penetrated the air, this time belonging to a female. "I still don't understand why I have to work with him." She spoke in a purr, though her voice held an edge of annoyance. "Can't we just get the girl?"

"Oh stop your bitching already," The second voice snaps. "Your job is to act like a whore, at least pretend to enjoy it." After that remark was made no one spoke, they only waited in silence for their 'guest' to arrive.


With his sirens wailing to block out the sound of his pounding spark,  he turned down the next road, the factory less than ten minutes away. Five if he hurried.

But he wouldn't hurry. He was in no rush. For, what he was about to do, was something he would never forgive himself for doing.

He still remembers the day, the day he made the deal.

"You, must bring me the boy."

"And if I don't?"

"I'll kill her."

His frame vibrated in a growl, his sirens, if possible, wailing even louder.

It was never meant to be him. He was never meant to be the one to bring Sam to them, but fate, it seems, has a different plan for him.

I love you...

He felt as though he had to tell her that before he left, before she hated him. She had to know that he never meant to hurt her, that he...

No, that wasn't it; it was something else.

It was the want, the need, to know if she felt the same. He needed to know what she felt, and hoped those words would give him the answer he so badly wanted to hear.

But it was useless, in his opinion.

She hadn't heard him, and she never would. She would never know how he felt...not after she found out what he plans to do.

But...even so, he couldn't help but smile at that last moment he shared with her.

She promised to always trust him, no matter what happens.

And that's what kept him alive, what kept him moving.

The fact that she trusted him enough to say that.

With a heavy vent he revved his engine, the abandoned factory becoming larger in size as he approached.

Forgive me Tanya...I'm only doing this for you.


||Tanya's P.O.V.||

If someone ever tells you to take deep breaths when you're furiated there's only one thing you can do.

"Oh shut the fuck up already!"

You tell them to shut the fuck up.

The guard takes a step back holding up his hands in surrender. "I'm only doing what your father instructed me to do, Ms. Lennox." He says quietly, his eyes trained on anything but me.

I tilt my head, my eyes narrowing. "Oh really?" I scoff, crossing my arms over my chest. "Well I'm telling you to fuck off. I don't need some fucking guard to watch me just because I'm pissed off."

Just because I'm pissed and almost verbally said I was going to rip a dick's balls off and shove them up his ass doesn't mean I have to be guarded.

The guard looks around nervously, shifting his weight from one foot to another. "I.." He looks at me for a split second and gulps. "I'll be outside." And without wasting another second he exits the room, the door slamming closed behind him.

"Thank Primus he's gone." I grumble as I lean back in my chair, kicking up my feet and resting them on the table in front of me. "I thought that dude would never leave."

'Don't you think you overreacted dear?' I raise my eyebrows.

"Me? Overreact? Please..." I trail off and bite my lip.


Perhaps Sparky has a point.

Then again...

It's not my fault I'm pissed off.


Director Galloway, a man with an ego nearly as big as Megatron's.

And with that ego came the need to act as though he cared for the younger race. 

So when the Wess child was mentioned he made it his priority, after things were cleared up, to find out who, or what, the Wess child was.

William Lennox and the soldiers around him were less than pleased with the suited man.

As for the Autobots...

They're a different story. 

"They're here to hunt you!" The Director made no attempt to lower his voice, wanting his voice to be heard. "What's there to hunt for on Earth besides that?"

"I have a pretty good idea." Tanya mumbles, a deep frown spreading across her face from where she stood behind Optimus' pede; moved there to keep her from strangling the man who had the miraculous talent of pissing off everyone he met.

"'The Fallen shall rise again'?" Tanya groans as Galloway, or Dickoway in her opinion, spoke again.

"Doesn't he ever shut up?"

"It sounds to me like something's coming." 

Tanya rolls her eyes, staring through the open space between Optimus' legs. "No shit Sherlock."

The Autobots and the soldiers waited for Galloway to speak again, but grew worried when he turned quiet; his eyebrows furrowed in thought.

"And another thing," He spoke slowly, eyeing Optimus closely to watch for any change in his expression. "Who is this Wess child?"

The moment the question left his mouth the room went quiet, deadly quiet. William, who was tempted to ask Galloway to leave, turned slightly, sending General Morshower a look.

The General himself knew of Tanya's...condition one might say. And he also knew to keep quiet about it. Very few people knew of what Tanya could do, and they hoped to keep it that way.

The less that knew the better, for both Tanya's and the Autobots' sake.

If the Decepticons were to find out that Tanya carries the Allspark within her, it would only end in misery.

Though if any human were to get their hands on her, Galloway for example, there was no doubt in their minds Tanya would be experimented on...something Ratchet, and Sparky herself, say could be the death of her.

"That is something that does not concern you, Galloway." Morshower finally says, his eyebrows furrowed. "We have that certain...problem...under control."

From below Tanya huffs, looking to the side. "So I'm a problem now, huh?" She grumbles, her words catching the attention of the Autobot Leader that stood in front of her.

'Tanya,' His voice was soft over the bond they shared. 'Of course you're not a problem.'

Tanya froze, her eyes traveling up to meet Optimus' optics. 'Then why do I feel like I am?' She mutters, looking away.

"But how can we be so sure?" The attention was once again back on Galloway. "How can be sure this so called child is being taken care of?" Galloway refused to back down, not until he knew what exactly was going on.

"Sir," This time Will spoke, taking a step forward on the platform he stood on. "I can assure you everything is under control." He tried to keep his tone emotionless. The last thing he needed was for Galloway to believe he was letting his emotions cloud his mind.

Not that Galloway would know anything about emotions, he was a cold hearted ass after all.

"And I'm assuming," Galloway said slowly, his eyes, which hadn't left Optimus since the moment he started speaking, narrowing further. "You know nothing of this Wess Child as well?"

Now the attention was on Optimus. 

Tanya looks up at Optimus, a smile forming on her face. If anyone could get Galloway off her back it was him, that Tanya was sure of.

"As General Morshower stated," Optimus finally says; his voice firm. "The problem is being taken care of."

And just like that...

Tanya's smile faded.

"Problem?" Galloway frowns. "You make it sound like this child is causing problems." He shakes his head and clears his throat. "Either way, this..problem..must be detained before anyone else learns of it."

'A problem?' Tanya slowly takes a step away from Optimus, her eyes lowered. 'That's all I fucking am?' A low growl vibrated within her throat and she shook her head; taking yet another step away from Optimus. 'Didn't he just say I wasn't?'

Optimus' optics narrow the slightest, his frame tensing. Did he honestly need to say what needed to be said? And for who's sake?

His? Or her's?

"The problem," Tanya freezes in her steps; fearing what he was about to say. "Will be detained. I can assure you."

A quiet gasp left Tanya's mouth as his words reached her ears, and she looked up at Optimus in shock. '..Detained?'

Galloway takes a moment to think over Optimus' words, but replied with a nod. "And make sure it is quickly." 

"No." Tanya's hands clench at her sides as she speaks, finally stepping into view. "I refuse to be detained."

Everyone froze at the sound of Tanya's voice, and both eyes and optics snapped in her direction.

'Tanya what are you doing?' Optimus demands, looking down at the girl with shocked optics.

Tanya doesn't look up at Optimus as she speaks. 'Refusing to let myself be detained.' She snaps.

"And who are you little girl?" Galloway spoke before Optimus could speak, his eyes narrowed. "I don't remember this being bring your kid to work day."

"Oh shut the fuck up, already." Tanya grumbles, her arms crossed over her chest. 

'Tanya.' Tanya ignores Optimus' warning tone, and steps forward; her eyes narrowed in determination.

"You can forget about locking me up, because it ain't gonna happen." William and the other soldiers looked at Tanya in shock, and worry.

She was giving her identity away.

"Excuse me?" Galloway stepped closer to the railing on the platform, his face scrunching up in a soon to be scowl. "Who do you think you are to demand such things? Besides, this has nothing to do with you little girl."

"You're just like every other government ass," Tanya mutters. "An idiot and ass. Go figure." The Autobots, apart from Optimus who was frowning as Tanya spoke, shifted awkwardly on their axles. "And for your information this does concern me."

By now Galloway's face was sporting a full on scowl and his ears had begun to redden. "Watch your mouth, little girl." He says lowly. "You're walking on thin ice." Though Galloway wouldn't admit it to anyone, he was starting to question how a girl like Tanya could bluntly tell lies to someone higher than her.

Which just goes to show how a man like him has little to no common sense.

"No you watch yours." Tanya fires back, her chin lifted in defiance. "And since you obviously have no idea what I'm talking about, I'd like to tell you-"

'That's enough, Tanya.'

Tanya froze, her narrowed eyes glaring at Galloway. Heavy footsteps sounded behind her and she looked away as Optimus' flame ped came into view.

"What's the meaning of this?" Galloway demands as Optimus goes to block Tanya from view again.

"It's nothing." Will speaks up, finally getting over the shock of hearing Tanya speak. "She just needs to learn to watch her mouth." Tanya flinched at the pointed look he sent her.

"Obviously," Galloway mutters as he shakes his head. "But that's besides the point. I demand to know what she was about to say."

'Yeah, Optimus.' Optimus frowned at the taunt. 'Tell him.'

'That is enough Tanya!' A short yelped escaped Tanya when Optimus yelled over their bond, and she flinched when his anger flowed through. 'I think you've said enough.'

"Fine," Tanya mumbles dejectedly. "Don't tell him I'm the Wess Child."

Time seemed to freeze as the words flowed from her mouth.

"What?" Galloway looks at the faces of Will and Optimus; both sporting looks of mixed worry and anger. "What does she mean by this?" He demands.

"I mean what I said, Dickoway." She smirks, Galloway's new nickname rolling off her tongue in a purr. "I'm the Wess Child."

'Tanya...' Sparky whispers, waiting for someone to react to her words seeing as everyone in the room seemed to freeze at her words.

"Detain her!" Galloway was the first to speak, his pointer finger pointing at Tanya. "I demand that girl be detained!"

The suited men, who had arrived along with Galloway, stepped towards Tanya.

"Don't touch me." Tanya growls as they approach her. "Don't you dare fucking touch me!" She refused to let herself be grabbed by a suited man again.

"Galloway that is enough!" Morshower finally snaps, a half scowl-half frown on his face. "I suggest you tell your men to stand down."

"Yeah," Tanya growls. "Otherwise I might have to-Tanya enough!" Morshower sighs, cutting Tanya off before she could finish her threat. "You as well need to watch your tongue."

Tanya sent Morshower and those around her a glare. "Right," She snaps as a soldier approaches her. "Because I'm just a fucking problem."


I sigh, rubbing my temples as I wait for Optimus and Will to enter the room. I have no doubt I'll be scolded, yelled at even.

I mean hell, I pretty much gave away who I was. And in front of some government ass nonetheless.

"Well...screw them," I grumble, crossing my arms over my chest in a huff. "They only consider me as a fucking problem...Might as well play the role then."


Speak of the Devil and he shall come.

I face the door as Will's voice reaches my ears and watch as he and Optimus' holoform walk in.

Frowns on their faces.


"Let me guess," I let my feet fall to the floor as they approach me. "You're both pissed off at me, and are going to lecture me until I 'learn my lesson'." I put air quotes around the last part.

Because I honestly don't regret what I did.

Will looks over at Optimus for a moment before he pulls up a chair besides me; Optimus standing a few feet behind him.

I cock an eyebrow at him. 

"What you did was stupid, Tanya."

To bite my tongue? Or not to bite my tongue?

"Well," To not bite my tongue it is. "What you guys did was fucking stupid." I look at Will, my eyes challenging him. "Saying I'm a problem when you know I'm in the room."

Your turn Dad, ain't no backing out of this now. You people started this bullshit, and I expect you to end it.

Because I'm not backing down...not this time.

The two stare at me for a moment, and I can't help but notice their eyebrows furrow and their frowns deepen. "What?" I scoff, leaning back in my chair. "Have nothing to say? I thought as much."

They can't even come up with an excuse for what they said.

They call me a problem  and they can't come up with one single fucking excuse.

"What about you?" I frown at Will. "What's your excuse for saying what you did?" 

Perhaps it's because everyone was calling me a problem while I was in the damn room! Or how about: because I have a right to stand up for myself.

Especially when my family won't.

"Because Dad," I say slowly. "No one seemed to care that you were all calling me a problem...While I was in the room!" I avert my gaze to Optimus, sending him the same frown I sent Will. "And what about you, Oppi?" I ask quietly. "What's your excuse?"

Out of everyone, Optimus was the last person I'd expect to say something like that.

For a minute he was quiet and only stared into my eyes, and I stared back.

And with each second that passed the reality of actually being only a problem to them became more realistic.

"I said what I said for a reason, Tanya." When Optimus finally spoke he no longer looked at me, instead he looked at the wall. As if he were afraid to look me in the eyes as he spoke. "For everyone's safety. And for-" 

I didn't let him finish.

"I get it," I slowly stand; my eyes downcast. "It's for everyone's safety that my secret remains...secret." Will smiled at me, and reached out to clasp a hand on my shoulder.

Before he could touch me I flinched back out of his reach. "Because if they did know I'd just be a problem." I add in a depressed mumble.

"Tanya-" My eyes lock onto Optimus, his face holding an odd expression; one I can't pinpoint. 

"Just stop," I mumble as I walk towards the door, avoiding Will once again. "I get it. No matter what happens, no matter what I do to prevent it, I'll always be nothing but a problem." I attempt to walk past Optimus, but his hand catches my arm before I can get through the doorway.

"Tanya, stop. Let me explain." He turns me around, gently cupping my face as he tilted it up so my eyes met his. "Please."

I swallow hard, and force my eyes to look away from his electric blue ones. For I know if I stared too long I would give into that tugging sensation in my chest and would fall to temptation.

If I fell to temptation I would be met with warmth and love from the one I consider a second father.

But that's not what I want....

Even though deep down inside I know it is what I want.

Too bad I'm too afraid.

Grunting quietly, I push myself away from Optimus, and turn to walk away. "Thanks for allowing me one last visit before I head off." I mumble, pushing open the door. "Too bad I wasn't exactly wanted this time."

Before Dad or Optimus could stop me I sprint through the open door, not bothering to look back.

And, as I sprint through the halls of a base looking for a ride, I can't help but mentally curse at myself.

It could've been easy to fall to temptation. I could be sitting happily on Optimus' shoulder, talking with the others about recent Decepticon activity.

Instead my insecurities got the best of me, and my fear of being hurt by yet another man with the all too famous father lable fucked me over.

"Thanks a lot, Bill." I spit out his name like rotten food as I come to a stop in the hallway; leaning against the wall with my eyes closed. "You're not even here and yet you're ruining my life."


So....it's been awhile hasn't it?

Haha..yeh...I blame it on my laziness..and extreme writer's block.

But no more! I have finally gotten back on track and plan to update at least 3 times a week :>

If I can of course~ But I surely will try ^-^

And damn this chapter was filled with...interesting things :>

Ze plot with Barricade thickens..doesn't it? *Wiggles eyebrows* 

And ze whole Optimus and Tanya thing~ Yes, Tanya calls Optimoo Oppi.

Is he her dad?

...Metaphorically, yes.

Realistically, no.

Tanya considers him a second father, and has decided to call him Oppi, while Optimus from time to time (which will happen later on) calls her his little sparkling.

There, now ya know so ya don't  have to ask if he's her 'father'.

The answer is metaphorically yes.

And I would also like to thank all of you for over 100 votes already~! It's only the 3rd chapter and we're already this far, so thank you guys~ ^-^

...And one last thing x3 For those who ship Barrianya-IT IS OTP- I published a book awhile ago titled 'Will You Take My Hand My Love?'. It's a Barrianya AU, which is of course centered around Barrianya -3- It only has one chapter as of right now but I plan to update that very soon. So if you ship Barrianya and are looking for more, cuz..ya know-

The ship is gonna get bombed during this book OvO

-Then give that book a look if you would like~

Cuz ya know...It's Barrianya ;3

Dedication: All my amazing readers who continue to stick with me on this journey...even if it does take a wee bit to update <3

~Ze Majestic Llama Who Looks Forward To Updating Soon~
