||Chapter 4|| The Girl With The Red Framed Glasses

Disclaimer: As always I don't own Transformers, only my OCs and plot twists.

NOTE: The above picture will be explained later on in the chapter.

"I could never forget you, you mean too much to me to be forgotten."
||Tanya's P.O.V||

"Please? For me?" I look up at the twins with my best set of puppy dog eyes I could muster, praying I wouldn't have to add in the lip quiver. I still had a reputation to keep up.

"I dunno Tai," Mudflap shakes his helm, glancing at his twin with uncertainty in his optics. "We gonna get in trouble if anyone finds out we smuggled you off base without them knowing."

"Yeah," Skids nodded, backing up his twin. "Boss Bot and the others are on edge enough as it, girl."

After I had calmed down from my little episode with Will and Optimus I started asking around to see if anyone was willing to drop me off at college- the place I should've been at instead of this imprisonment.

Though every time I asked they all immediately said no. Said something about "Sorry, we've got orders to not let you off base." and "Not until we've gotten permission." I'm only taking a wild guess here, but I'm just going to assume Will and Optimus were behind this.

Don't want me off base, huh? Well, I hate to break it to you two, but you're not going to keep me from living my life. Going to college is the only thing left that ties me to the normal world, everything else in my life is top government secret.

I want at least one normal thing in my life.

Is that so hard to ask for? Apparently so.

So what do I do when no one else is willing to help me because they have orders to follow?

I ask the two people I know who are terrible at following orders. No offense to them of course.

"Come on guys," I beg once again. "It's not like you're smuggling drugs or anything."

'No,' Sparky remarks. 'They're just smuggling a vulgar, teenage girl off an island.'

'You're not helping!'

"No...but we are smuggling you." Mudflap says, optic ridges furrowed. "And that's worse."

'Told you.'

I glare at the ground, and heave a sigh. Convincing these two is beginning to be harder than I thought it would be.

"Please," For a moment I let my reputation slip my mind, my voice holding as much emotion as I could muster. "Please...Just help me, guys. I want to live my life, and that means going to college with Sam." For a moment my face falls and my voice softens. "You guys want me to be happy right?"

So maybe I'm being a little unfair by guilt tripping them. But hey, when you're in my position you have to do whatever it takes to get what you want.

"Aw come on Tai! Don't do that...." I could tell by Mudflap's voice that he was slowly crumbling, and I couldn't help but internally smirk. "You know we can't resist it when you do that."

Which is exactly why I'm doing it my dear, dear Mudflap.

"Come on, bro." Skids shakes his helm. Now Skids...he was going to be a harder nut to crack. "Don't fall for her tricks, man."

"But bro, look at 'er face! How you can resist that face?" I look up Skids, giving him the look and make sure he can feel my feelings through the bond we shared.

"Please, Skids?" I gently tug on the bond. "For me?"

"You know you can't resist the face, bro." Mudflap remarks from his side. "No 'Bot can when it comes to her."

What Mudflap says is sort of true. It's true the 'Bots have a hard time saying no to me when I give them the look, but it doesn't always work. Sometimes it takes more than just a look to win them over.

And by that, I mean I have to be stubborn enough to win them over.

"Man, I dunno..." Skids vents, for once the two aren't being their normal trouble making selves, which sucks in my case. "Are you sure it'll be alright?"

I smile, nodding my head as I look up at him. "Of course, Skids. Once I'm off base you guys won't have to worry about me anymore."

If only they knew the truth behind my words.

"...Fine." Skids mumbles, finally caving in after twenty minutes of begging. "But we better not get in trouble for this, girl."

A grin spreads across my face, and I nod. "I promise, guys, you won't get in trouble....Even if you do I'll cover for you two." They simply shake their helms and transform, both opening their driver's side doors for me.

"Hop on in, girl." I blink, looking between the two as they said the same exact thing at the same time.

"She's riding with me, Skids."

"Nah bro, she's riding with me."

And now they're back to their normal selves, Primus help me.


There comes a time in your life when you begin regretting choices you've made, wishing you could take them back.

Like how I wish I could take back asking the twins for a ride.

Not only did the boat ride back to the mainland almost kill me because of the smell, but the long ass ride to college nearly did as well.

Not only do the Twins love causing trouble, they love arguing. Which left me stuck in the middle between all of their bickering.

And let me just say that trying to figure out which Twin to side with in an argument is far from being the easiest thing ever.

"You guys can just drop me off in the parking lot." As they try to weave past other students in the parking lot I take a moment to look out Mudflap's window, my confidence in going to Princeton slowly dwindling when I take in it's size.

Not to mention the look of the place. I understand how I was able to afford going here, with Will and all. But Sam? With how cheap Ron is I'm surprised he even got into college at all.

Let alone this one.

"Big place," Mudflap comments, finally finding a parking spot. "Fancy too."

I smile slightly. "Yeah...That's Princeton University for you I suppose." Silence fills the cab after I say that, and I frown. "Mudflap..."

"Now you listen here girl," I blink, staring at his radio in surprise. "You be careful while you're here, you and that Spazz Face." A grin makes its way onto my face at his words; and the emotions hidden within them.

"Mudflap you don't have to worry, I'll be fine. But..I promise I'll be careful..or..as careful as I can be." It warms me to know he's worried about Sam and I.

And it's just not him that's worried. It's all of them.

Even though I understand why'd they be concerned, they have nothing to worry about. I chose Princeton University for a reason.

It's far away from them, and far away from my home. It puts space between the ones I love.

Which is exactly what I want.

"As long as you promise..." I hug the steering wheel in front of me, sending love through our bond.

"I promise." I say quietly, taking this moment to take in the warmth.

Because I know it's something I won't feel for a long time.

"You two love birds done yet?" Skids' voice makes me snort as I pull away, sending his alt. mode a slightly sour look.

"You're just jealous, bro." I shake my head and open Mudflap's door; I know a fight when I see one and I'd rather not have them have it here in a parking lot.

"Thanks guys, I owe you one." I send the two a smile, the two responding by flashing their headlights.

'Bye, girl.'

'Don't do anythin' stupid.'

I could change my mind, and say I'd rather stay with them then go to college. I could go back to base and apologize to Will and Optimus for what I did.

It's that easy.

All that's stopping me from doing that...is me.

'Right,' Time seems to slow as I raise my hand to wave goodbye; my window of opportunity closing faster with each second. '...Bye guys.'

With one last tug on our bond and a final wave from me, the two pull out of the parking lot.

I watch them as they leave; I watch as my window of opportunity slams close as they disappear from my sight.

That was my last chance of turning back, there was no turning back now.

Heaving a sigh I looked around the parking lot, the sudden realization of being alone now was nerve racking.

'Calm yourself, Tanya.' Sparky could sense my nervousness, and remembering she was still here with me made me calm down somewhat.

I wasn't fully alone this time. I had Sparky, and I would have Sam if I could find him.

"Tai Dye!?" The mentioning of my nickname made me swivel around, my eyes widening when they found the source of the voice.

"Judes? Ron?" Instant relief fills me as I make my way towards them. Thank Primus they were still here, they could lead me to Sam.

"Tanya are you alright? You look pale." Ron asks. I send him a smile, but can't help but wonder why he's carrying a thing of golf clubs. He is here to help Sam right?

"I'm fine Ron, just...getting used to the whole college thing. You know?" So maybe my reply wasn't..fully true. But it did hold some truth; I was still getting used to going to college.

"Oh don't worry Tai Dye, Sam will help you get used to it." Judes remarks, sending me a smile.

The Spazz Face? He's probably acting like a spazz as we speak, he won't be much help. But at least I know he's here.

"Speaking of which, do you guys know where his room is?" I ask. Judes and Ron flash me a wide grin, forcing me to blink. "..Is that a yes?" I hesitantly ask.

"Of course we know where his room is!" Judes exclaims, causing me to jump at the sudden outburst.

"Oh thank-It's right across from yours sweetie!"



Let's get a few things straight, shall we?

Not only did I have to have an angering chat with Will and Optimus, the two people I will ever call dad, but now...

I'm stuck in a coed dorm.

My room being right across from Sam's.

Is it just me or is the world out to end me? Because it sure as hell seems like it.

During our little walk to Sam's room I didn't speak, I was too shocked-more like horrified- to speak. If anyone took a long enough look at me it would've looked like I was little kid being dragged around by their parents through a store on the busiest day of the year.

While Ron and Judy made it their apparent duty to shove their way through the crowd to reach Sam, I made it my duty to lag a few feet behind them; taking a moment to take in my new surroundings. If I was going to be stuck here for four years I might as well figure out where everything is before I end up getting lost.

'So this is what college is like.' Sparky murmurs, having a look herself.

'Yeah, isn't it wonderful? Allowing young adults to live somewhat on their own.' I hope she could hear the sarcasm in my voice.

'Tanya I don't see what the problem is. I think it is a wonderful learning experience.'

'Well, yeah, because you're not the one who has to worry about being sexually harassed by some bastard because you have to live in a coed dorm for the next four fucking years!'

'At least it will mean guys find you sexually appealing.' Sparky's comment makes me choke on air.

'How can you say that so calmly!?' That's the one bad thing about Sparky- she says things bluntly and without worrying about how her words could affect the person she's talking to.

Which is why we get along so well seeing as I do the same thing.

'I suppose being around you so long has made it easy for me to say such things bluntly and without thinking.' See what I mean?

Before I could reply Judy's voice snaps me back to reality and stops me from running into Ron as they stop.

"It's just like Hogwarts." Hogwarts? Okay Judes, let's not give this place too much credit.

We all know Hogwarts is better.

Shaking my head I walk around Ron, internally groaning when I saw Sam. So it's true, we live right across from each other...Wonderful.

"Hi!" Judy's over excited voice makes me groan, remembering the pot brownies she has-and is currently eating.

"Is this a coed dorm? This a coed dorm." Ron mumbles. I roll my eyes and finally walk over to Sam, who is currently holding a box and looking less than pleased.

"Hey, Sammy. What's with the frowny face?" I ask, head tilted. Once he finally noticed me his frown turned into a small smile.

"Tai I'm so glad you're here." He uses on arm to side hug me as Ron and Judy greet him.

"Why? Miss me already?" I ask with small smirk.

"Yeah, something like that. You guys want to meet my roommates?" Something like that? Well what the hell does that mean? Are you happy to see me or not Spazz Face.

"Yeah." I step back as a high as hell Judy shoves her way through, a miserable Ron following after her.

"So, you know we live right across from each other, right?" I ask Sam as I take the box he held in his hands. Might as well help the poor guy out somehow.

"Really?" He asks in surprise, his tone hopeful.

I snort. "Come on Sammy, let's meet these roommates of yours." I snicker as I enter his room, his audible groan making me smirk. I can already tell his roommates aren't the best.

Immediately as I walk into his room I can tell the dudes he lives with are of the strange kind. Posters of women with little clothes is the first thing I take notice of, that and the many...many kitten calendars.

Do these guys have some type of kitten calendar fetish or something?

"And who is this beautiful lady?" I blink, turning to my right as a dude with curly black hair approached us. I tilt my head, staring the dude down in curiosity. So this is Sam's roommate?

"This," Sam says as he stands behind me; putting a protective hand on my shoulder to which I roll my eyes at. "Is Tanya..my sister."

"Your sister?" The dude asks with raised brows, as if he didn't believe him. "This hot chica is your sister?"

"Excuse me," I finally speak up, sending the dude a smile. "What's your name?"

The guy smirks as he steps forward, taking one of my hands and gently kissing it. "My name is Leo Spitz, I'm your brother's roommate." So Leo is this guy's name? Nice to know.

"Nice to meet you," I smile at him, playing the innocent girl . "As Sam told you, I'm his sister." I tilt my head at him after a moment. "Leo you're a male correct?" I ask innocently. Sensing I had everything under control Sam snorts, gently taking the box out of my hands as he walked over to Judes and Ron.

"That's right, why?" Leo asks, watching Sam leave with a confused frown.

"Oh...no reason." Before Leo could blink I take step forward, and get into his face; a glare being what his eyes saw. "If you want to remain a male for the rest of your life, I suggest you watch how you talk to me. Otherwise you'll end being a girl in the middle of your sleep. Understand?" His eyes widen and he gulps.

"Why should I be afraid of you?" He asks bravely, staring back into my eyes. I cock an eyebrow at him.

"Because, I'm not afraid to cut your dick off in your sleep." I say simply as I back away, arms crossed over my chest.

"She's not lying," Sam comments as he looks over. "She will do it if you piss her off enough." Leo's eyes once again widen slightly and I flash him an innocent smile.

"I always have a pair of scissors ready." Smiling I walked over to Sam who was trying to get Judy's pot brownies away from her. "Well it looks like you have everything under control here..I'm gonna go scout out my room. See ya later Sammy." I wink at him as I turn back around and prepare to leave.

"Tai come on! You can't leave me to deal with this!" His whine causes me to glance back at him, a smirk spreading across my face.

"Tough luck, Spazz Face." With a bow I began making me way to my room, sending Leo one last smirk before I left the room.

The next four years were going to be very interesting.


'Are you sure that's all that needs to be unpacked?' Sparky questions as I look over my half of the room. In the past hour I've been able to unpack most of the essential items I need for the next couple of days, the rest I can unpack later.

What can I say? I hate unpacking.

'Yeah, for now at least. I can unpack the rest later.' I let out a huff as I plop down in the purple bean bag I packed, letting my head hang back with my eyes closed as I took a moment to relax.

'Is that another way to say you're lazy?' Sparky asks, and I'm sure if she were a person her eyebrows would be raised in a questioning manner.

'I'm not being lazy...I'm just...tired. Yeah, I'm just tired.' There was some truth behind my words, though most of it was just bullshit so I could get out of unpacking.

'Why not be like your roommate? She seems to have everything unpacked and organized.' Right, my roommate.

The moment I walked into my room I immediately knew my roommate was some type of genius person, or at least liked to stay organized. Everything was neatly stacked, and everything had a place.

I was beginning to wonder if my roommate had OCD, or was just extremely good at organizing with how neat everything was.

'Am I her? No.' I state simply, letting my arms fall to my sides as I relax further into the bean bag. 'She might be good at unpacking and putting things in their place, but I'm not.'

'Clearly.' I just shake my head, sighing. So far I haven't seen head or toe of my roommate and with each minute that passes my curiosity as to who she is grows.

Would she be some super genius who lived life by a book?

Or some type of secret stripper that brought a new guy home every night and would make me sleep in the hallway while they got down and dirty?

Hell, maybe I'm worrying too much. She can't be that bad right?

A sudden gasp alerted me that someone was in the room and I jerked upward to see who the intruder was.

Medium length brown hair and red glasses are what I first notice, that, and the shocked look on the girl's face.

At least she wasn't some whore...I think.

"Uh, hi." I say awkwardly as I sit up the rest of the way, moving the hair out of my face. "I'm sorry if I scared you..." The way she looked at me made it seem like she saw a ghost or something.

"Oh..uh," The girl stuttered as she spoke. "You didn't scare me at all..just..surprised me is all." Ah, so I surprised her, that explains the look on her face.

"Well sorry about the surprise," I awkwardly remark, offering the girl a smile as I stood. "I'm guessing you're my roommate..?" Please say yes, Primus please say yes.

"Oh!" The girl finally sends me a smile, the smile seeming to be too big for this randomly awkward occasion. "I'm Willow, your uh..roommate."

Yes! No whore for a roommate!..Or at least I hope.

"That's a relief." I mutter, shaking my head. "And it's nice to meet you Willow..and..you can come in you know. It's your room too." She awkwardly laughs, finally entering the room after standing there for who knows how long.

"Nice to meet you too." She offered me her hand to shake, and I gladly took it as I shook her hand.

I flash her a smile. "I have a feeling the next couple of years are going to be alright." I comment, and actually mean it this time.

"Me too.." She pauses, and looks down at the ground for a moment.

I tilt my head at her, my eyebrows furrowing. "Is everything alright Willow?" I hope I didn't say anything to upset her. I don't think I did at least.

"You don't remember me...do you?" She asks quietly, her eyes still locked on the ground by her feet.

"Uh..." I stare at her in utter confusion. "No? I don't even remember meeting you before now.." There's a long pause, a pause that causes the air to fill with unwanted tension.

"Oh..." She finally speaks, but her voice is laced with disappointment.

"Look I'm sorry if-" I get cut off as she suddenly snaps her head up, staring me dead in the eyes as she speaks.

"You might have forgotten me," She says; her voice no longer laced with disappointment, rather it's laced with determination. "But I remember you..."

I could only stare at her in confusion, my mouth slightly ajar as I try to figure out what to say, but only end up with nothing to say. Who the hell is this person!?

"I remember you very clearly...Tanya Fey Wess."


So how about that update, huh? Dat plot twist though~ xP

Any ideas on who this mysterious Willow is? And how does she know Tanya?

No? Then you'll have to wait until the next chapter for an explanation ouo

Next chapter will be up tomorrow most likely because I'm super hyped for the upcoming chapters, so you guys can expect frequent updates hopefully within the next couple of days before I go back to school.

#SuperHyped :3

Dedication: CopperStorm the person who helped inspire the upcoming events ^~^

Hope you enjoyed ze chapter, and I look forward to seeing ya'll in the next~

~Ze Majestic Llama~
