The Performance

Walking across the main square of Caras Galadhon, you were met with sunlight, and petals falling from the sky. Rumil and Orophin had you all laughing as you walked, telling stories of adventures the brothers had as children, which inevitably lead to Haldir taking the blame for most trouble. You began to ascend the carved stairs, as Rumil and Orophin walked before you. You turned, the sun in your face, the wind through your hair and laughing, reaching for Haldir's hand as he quickly reminded the brothers that they still owe him from their childhood.

There on the square, stood Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn. The lady smiling serenely, as she now saw her first vision come to pass. What was not apparent in her earlier vision, is that her Marchwarden was the one to make you laugh so.

"I must speak with them." You told the brothers three, and they said they would await you.

You ran over to them and greeted them with a slight bow, hand on heart. They returned the gesture, true smiles all round.

"My Palantiriel, I never thought I would see you both until we were reunited in Valinor." You grasped the Lady's hand.

"As did we, Sellig (daughter). Now come, you must promise to sing for us all tonight. For those of us that remember, gift us and forge new wonder with those who don't."

You could not refuse this offer, and graciously accepted, albeit with reservation.

You heard Galadriel enter your mind as you left to get the three brothers, "I know not why you have returned to us, Gaeariel, but know that you are welcome here until we find out. I know you have felt the darkness since your arrival, but we can only watch and wait until all is clear."

You nodded and made your way back to Haldir. He commented he had no idea you were so close to the Lord and Lady, whereas Rumil and Orophin laughed, saying now they knew someone close to the Lords and Lady, they were bound to have better seats at the feast.

Your hand searched for Haldir's as you walked to the huge expanse of open garden where the celebration would take place. Everything was as how you remembered, but the nerves were getting the better of you. You came to the gate of the garden, and your entrance was announced by a snooty looking ellon.

"Here enters Marchwarden Haldir with the Lady of the Sea, Gaeariel."

Thousands of elves turned round and looked, in shocked silence. You stood looking at Haldir, imploring for an escape or explanation, until one by one the elves stood up and cheered.

"They are happy at your return, my lady." Haldir smiled. You looked around the garden. There were many elves here. Not just form Lorien, you knew the look of elves from Mirkwood and recognised the colours from the house of Imladris.

Rumil and Orophin were correct, you, Haldir and them were seated at the top table, reserved for the Lord and Lady of Lorien, Thranduil of Mirkwood, Lord Elrond and other esteemed guests.

"Of course, the first time you actually attend the feast of love you get the good seats, brother!" Rumil teased Haldir.

You were seated next to a noble elf who's bloodline you reconised as Noldor, but whose identity you did not. He made a wide sweeping gesture as he declared, "I am told you will be singing for us tonight, Lady Gaeariel. A gift we shall be most thankful for" and raised his glass to the air as other elves did the same.

"Yes, although a gift I am not sure. It has been a long time." You said diplomatically.

"Performing with Lord Elrond, no less. A truly once in a lifetime opportunity the Valar have blessed us with!"

You froze as you felt someone's eyes bore into your soul. You looked up and your eyes met with storm grey orbs. You froze, begging it not to be.

A cocked eyebrow, and gentle face surrounded by raven hair examined you. Finally, Elrond spoke.

"It will be the pleasure of all those present from Imladris to hear, my Lady. Your voice is often spoken of in legend." his smile not quite reaching his eyes.

"Yes, I am sure your performance will be to die for" a smirk was belaying the Elvenking's youthful face, as he raised his glass to you.

"Oh Thandruil, I would gladly grace the halls of Mandos all over again, if it meant we did not have to endure such boorish remarks. Although perhaps nothing better should be expected of the so-called King of wild elves?" You raised your glass back as everyone on the table poorly hid their laughs and titters.

Thranduil seethed into his glass of wine pushing his long blonde hair behind him, as food was brought to the tables.

As you spoke and broke bread with Haldir, you felt the churlish glances of Thranduil bite into the side of your head, as you laughed to yourself. It was truly a gift to be back. You felt content and let the wine and happiness wash over you. The continued to pour long after the food was gone, and finally the stars came out. All elves love the stars. And for a few moments, there was silence, until again the sky was the backdrop to Mithrandir's gift of fireworks. You held Haldir's hand under the table, as gasps of awe and cheers escaped the normally resolute lips of elves.

Not caring for custom, you turned to Haldir and placed your hand on his cheek, "I am so glad I am here to see this with you." You locked eyes and could see the reflection of the stars in his eyes. He placed his hand atop yours and said "As am I."

The Lord of Imladris coughed and quietly interrupted, "Come my lady, it is time to perform soon." And extended his hand to you. Out of sight of the table he grabbed your wrist and pulled you to the darkness behand the stone stage. He pulled you close and hissed, "all those years ago you denied me, and now, here you are exchanging soupy looks with a Marchwarden? For all to see, no less!"

The same crushing pain of rejection glossed his eyes as did in his youth. "I am sorry meleth-nin I just.....I thought......" His face and stature straightened. "It matters not. I am glad you are back." Your heart hammering in your chest, What the fuck?!

Suddenly you understood the swift change in demeanour. Dandreal, speaking with Mithrandir had arrived. You ran over to them, what a sight for sore eyes! You pulled them both into a warm embrace. "I am so happy to see you both! Tell me, how have things been?"

Dandreal, was an uncharacteristically round-faced elf. With old eyes and a young face, his hair fell in dark blonde waves to his collarbone. "Never the same without you, old friend." He put his hand on your shoulder. "I must go warm up the audience. With how many barrels that have flowed, I do not consider it necessary!" he laughed. "I will come and see you after."

Mithrandir's face became serious. "I am ever so glad to see you, it has been too long. However, you know as I, tidings cannot be good for the Valar to see this fit. Darkness rises. I believe you saw, nearly to your peril." It was a statement rather than a question.

"You are correct dear Mithrandir. It has not been divulged to me why I am back, but I mean to enjoy it as much as I can, while I can." You smiled. "Let us speak of this after the celebrations are done."

"Of course," He simply agreed. "I am looking most forward to this performance. It is long since we have had the gift of the voice of the Teleri."

It was your time to step on stage and shine. Lord Elrond took your hand and you both stepped on stage, where there was a stool for you to sit, and a harp for Elrond to play. You and he held your hand to your hearts and bowed gently.

Elrond guided you to you seat and as was customary at the feast, you began the elven hymn for Elbereth Gilthoniel. Your voice combined with Elrond's harmony and his plucking of the harp. Everyone stood in silence, even the Elvenking was rapt. The starlight shone on you, making you appear diaphanous as the music swept over everyone. Even the animals stood still to hear your tones.

Haldir did not take his eyes off you for a second. You felt like you were singing to him alone, as your eyes met. When the song was finished, there was stunned silence, as all elves in attendance stood and bowed. You made to step down, longing to touch your Marchwarden, until you felt hands grip yours. You were pulled to meet the face of Elrond. He was not going to let you go so quickly.

He stood forward and announced you were both going to sing the the song of Lothlorien.

Mann ammen toltha

I dann hen morn

Si dannatha nauva

He pulled you face to face to sing, and around you both a blue hue waved and danced. It was fëa dancing with fëa. Many saw it as beautiful, but you saw it as prison. In high emotion, this was the effect Lord Elrond's ring Vilya, had on you. It was impossible to resist, but you knew your true feelings lay elsewhere. This was one of the many reasons you turned him down that fateful night.

Whatyou were unable to see, was Haldir marching out, tears pricking his eyes. 
