Chapter 25 - The Ride

Haldir and his men were resting for the night. It was a long march to Helm's Deep and his soldiers were laden with heavy hearts, as well as their armour and supplies. The banner bearing warriors stuck their flags into the ground as they sat down to rest. Helmets were removed as the warriors let their hair air out in the night coolness. Haldir sat with his back to a tree as he kept first watch. removed his brown leather-bound sketchbook from his chest, where he kept your hair. He ached to the bone missing you. He inhaled the scent of your hair. It still smelled of you. He rested his head back on the tree and looked to the stars and prayed to Eru that you had found some way out of Elrond's grasp. There was a small flicker of fear that ignited within him, an ugly little voice which told him that Elrond would be a better match than you and he. He shook his head, and pushed the voice deep down, as he savoured the memory of your last kiss. He was determined to make it back to you.

Meanwhile, Elrond had long since found out it was not you who rode with his party to Imladris. He has felt nothing but rage since, had tried to communicate with Galadriel and Celeborn, but neither granted him access to their minds. He wanted to travel to Mirkwood, but the sense of caring for his people kicked in. He must be a leader, or there would be no Imladris to lead. Not before his anger rained down on poor Anna. She had been imprisoned in Imladris; however, some of the residents from Caras Gladhon took pity on her and made sure she had clean clothes and extra food. She sat looking to the same stars as Haldir, hoping that her sacrifice would reach the ears of Orophin.

You rode, without rest. You had to make to the Galadhrim before war started. You had to fight side by side with Haldir. You reasoned since they were marching, you should reach them just before they reach Helms Deep. If you missed them, it would be certain death amidst the fighting before you reached your beloved.

"Do you think it will hurt?" Ohtaro asked Haldir, as they were to swap places. Haldir grunted as his stiff body stood up.

"What?" he asked.

"Dying." Ohtaro's eyes were wide. Haldir had forgotten how young this ellon still was. Less than 600 years old.

"I think the injury leading to death hurts, yes. When our fëars go to Mandos, it does not. It is like waking warm from slumber." He reassuringly patted Ohtaro's shoulder. He had utterly lied to Ohtaro, but he could not bear to upset him so. Of course, he spoken about the experience with you. You had spoken how the halls of Mandos was not physically painful, but emotionally so. It was a time of reflection, piecing back together and accepting your death. It was also confusing. You also had to convince the Valar you should be reunited with your body and live the rest of your days in Valinor. Not every elf was successful. For those elves who chose to set sail, it was guaranteed access.

Ohtaro nodded thanks and took Haldir's spot. Once he was sure Haldir could not hear, he wept a little. Knees drawn as close to his chest as possible in armour, he attempted to hug himself as he wrapped his navy cloak around himself.

Your horse was exhausted and refused to move. You knew you must let him rest. He huffed as you dismounted, and you dried as much sweat from him as you could.

"Thank you, you have ridden exceedingly well. Just one more day and we should make it." You said as you stroked him and gave him an apple. He snorted in thanks. It was time for you to rest aswell, but your mind continued to calculate the path to Helm's deep.

Your horse nudged you awake at the crack of dawn. You gave him his feeding bag, as you rummaged around the saddlebags for some lembas. You paced as you ate, stretching your body. You had long forgotten how unforgiving it was to wear full armour. You turned to your steed, "It is time to go, my friend." As you removed his feeding bag you had a horrible flashback to the Easterlings. You shuddered, and felt you were being watched. Your stomach churned as you tried to garner whether this was an echo of the past or if someone was truly in the vicinity. You could hear nothing over the thrumming of your ears, and you found your vision shrinking into small tunnels. Sweat beading on your forehead despite the cold and you realised how alone you really were. You continued to look around and unsheathed your sword. You spun round as you thought you saw movement at the corner of your eye. It was a stag. Majestic, it reminded you of Thranduil. If the stag sees no danger, it must be the ghosts of past terror that rile me so, you thought.

You jumped on your horse and galloped off.

Helm's Deep was now in the sight of Haldir and his men. It would be nightfall as they reached the perimeter.

"Sir!" came a voice from the back of the soldiers. "SIR!"

Haldir motioned for the marching to stop.

"Something this way comes, lone warrior on horseback. I cannot see more."

Haldir walked to the back of the group followed by Orophin and Rumil, who raised their arrows.

Your heart was in your mouth as you saw the battalion come to a stop. You could make out no features, but from the red cape, you knew it was Haldir. You could also make out the bows and arrows either side of him. Shit. You realised they did not know who you were, you were not in their dark blue colours, nor were the horses of Lothlorien black. You removed your hood, and hoped they would know it was you.

Haldir continued to squint as the small figure seemed to move. His brothers aimed their bows, but he lifted his arm to stop any flying. The soft wintry sun caught the rider, and he finally saw, a flash of blue. It seemed a blue halo buzzed around your head, as though an aura of protection.

"It cannot be?" Haldir said to himself.

"It is, it is Gaeariel, brother!" Rumil exclaimed as he lowered his bow.

Haldir began to walk forward, still unsure, not trusting that his wish had come true. As your body lulled up and down in time with the horse and grew closer, he knew his eyes did not betray him!

As you finally reached him, you jumped from your horse, and ran into your Marchwarden's arms.

"How?" he asked between kisses. "Why was my wish granted?" He rested his cheek to yours, "My sunlight in armour, the most beloved sight."

You explained how Thranduil had your armour forged and sent you forthwith.

"If I must die, let it be by your side, Haldir." You stroked his hair, and you noticed the pin holding his red cape in place was the gifted from Galadriel and Celeborn at your union.

You looked for Orophin. He had directed the others to fall back to give you and Haldir some privacy. You looked to Haldir, "I must speak with Orophin."

He and Haldir stood as you explained Anna's actions, saving you from Elrond and her wishes that her sacrifice would reach Orophin's ears. "I know not what her fate now is, Orophin. I suspect nothing good."

You were surprised to see tears fall from Orophin's face. "I told her, if she ever wanted a proposal of union, she must take selfless action. I did not envision her actions would be this."

"If we," you stopped yourself, "When we survive this, we leave for Imladris and liberate her."

He nodded and appreciated your comfort.

All elves were now in formation, awaiting Haldir's orders. He led you to the front, with him, and as you walked past each row of elves, they turned to acknowledge your presence. When at the front, one elf stood forward.

"We are privileged to fight alongside Lady Gaeariel, of the Teleri. May your song reach the Valar and protect us." With the he stepped back into formation, and everyone faced forwards ready to march. Haldir silently motioned to march onwards.

Darkness was quickly falling as you reached the perimeter of Helm's deep. As you descended, the sounds of marching ricocheted of the stone walls, and the elven war horns began to sound. With this you started to sing your war song. Your voice echoed and reverberated off the stone, the wind carrying unsung music, as other elves in the march gave deep harmonies.

Behind the great walls of the defences, in the armoury stood Aragorn, with Gimli and Legolas. The elf tilted his head, as he heard the song of elves and the horn.

"That is a song of elves!" he declared. They run to the battlements, as the men looked down in wonder. They had never heard such a thing, many elves had never even heard such a thing. The sea of gold armour was like a beacon of hope. Aragorn told the soldiers to open the gate and get the king, as he, Gimli and Legolas made their way to the gates.

All eyes were on you, Haldir and your group. You finished your song, and you took your place slightly behind Haldir as you all marched up the causeway. You and he stopped at the feet of Theoden.

His old face wrinkled in confusion, "How can this be?"

Haldir spoke, "I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell." You noticed him tense his jaw on the utterance of his name. "An alliance once existed between Elves and men. Long ago, we fought and died together." He became distracted at the sight of Aragorn smiling broadly, and you stepped in. "We come to honour that allegiance."

Theoden knelt and took your hand in his, as Aragorn stepped forward to welcome Haldir. "Mae govannen." As they bowed slightly to each other. Aragorn felt this was not enough to declare his gratitude and welcome to Haldir, and he crashed into him and embraced him. You smiled to yourself as you saw Haldir's hesitation, but he eventually awkwardly hugged him back. Legolas stepped forward, "Thank you for your song, Gaeariel. I think it has soothed many a soldier tonight." He bowed his head and lifted his hand to his heart, as you returned the gesture. Aragorn grasped your and Haldir's shoulder, "We are eternally grateful for your appearance. You are most welcome!"

Legolas and Haldir greet each other, as the soldiers turn to him as they did to you, in acknowledgement of status.

Haldir now looked to you, as you spoke to Theoden. "We are proud to fight alongside men once more." This was not the first time you fought with men, but it could very well be the last, you thought to yourself.

As you and Haldir walked round the armoury, you muttered to him in Sindarin, "These are no warriors, my love."

Haldir looked grave. "Many of these are no more than children!"

"What have we been sent into? This is certain death!" you raged. You turned to see Legolas, who spoke "I had this same discussion with Aragorn. It appears fate has led us all here, and trust in the Valar, we must."

"You are right, we must not despair." You said, as you saw human children no older than 12 wield swords bigger than themselves. You rubbed your forehead. This felt wrong.

"What word do we have of the halflings, Legolas?" you asked.

"Sam and Frodo travel to Mordor alone. As for Merry and Pippin, we know not. We were not able to locate them."

"So, the destruction of the ring hangs by a thread, we have half an army, and we will be fighting the Uruk-hai, to which my powers are useless against?" you began to raise your voice. The humans began to stare, not understanding the words but understanding there was tension.

"It is a shame your father is not here Legolas, to watch me die in the folly of battle again." You shook your head. "These humans are going to die. And what of the women and children? They will meet certain death." you waved your hands in the direction of the refugees.

"They are more at danger outwith Helm's Deep." Aragorn stepped in. "We may all die, but let us die fighting the same darkness, the same evil. It is really the only choice we have!"

Haldir finally spoke, "Forgive the anger, Elrond did not send us in complete kindness." He explained everything to Aragorn, as you gathered your thoughts. You felt a shoulder nudge you, it was Legolas. Good natured as ever, he smiled gently to you.

"I am sorry Legolas. That was unfair of me."

"There is nothing to apologise for, it is nothing I did not think of earlier. Let us find Gimli."

You found him further down the armoury, near the kiln, as he was trying to find chainmail that fit.

"It is a little snug across the chest!" he said proudly.

You and Legolas laughed as the chain pooled round him, like a gown. "You would think they would have these in varying sizes" he muttered to himself. "Not everyone must touch the trees like the elves!" he tutted.

"I was in Mirkwood before here." You told Legolas. "Your father is well."

"I am glad to hear it." He said plainly.

"He sent me here, gave me a horse and had armour made for me."

That raised Legolas' brow. "That is surprising. He is very fond of you."

"Well, I did die to save him, so I suppose fondness is the least I can expect." You smirked. Legolas was happy to see you back to yourself again.

Gimli now free of the web of chainmail, his eyes drawn to your hand. He grabbed it and examined your ring, "Are congratulations in order, my Lady?"

You smiled and was about to answer as Haldir and Aragorn interrupted. Gimli stood, with your hand still in his.

Aragorn laughed, "I hope we are not interrupting anything?" his eyes darted to your ring and he looked to Haldir, who nodded and could not help but coyly smile.

Gimli dropped your hand like a hot coal, "No no, nothing like that. Eh, congratulations, laddie." He stuttered, as he awkwardly went to shake Haldir's hand, who stiffly muttered a thank you.

"Before we fight, let us have a drink to toast." Aragorn brought forth a sack of wine, and found 5 goblets. Into each, he poured some wine. "Almien!" and you all knocked back the bitter wine.

You and Haldir drifted away from the group, as he took you into a darkened corner, away from peering eyes. He took your hands in his and gently kissed your knuckles. "Thank you for coming to me, my sunlight. You invigorate me with strength to fight this battle, unburdened by fear. Let my love do the same for you. Remember my oath to you, when we first met. I took you to you Caras Galadhon, I promised to protect you with my last breath, I will lay my life down for yours." He cornered you, his hand made its way to your face, as your arms snaked round his neck. Your lips pressed into a deep, needful kiss as your tongues danced and your breaths became heavy. When the kiss was broken, you both stood, eyes closed, foreheads rested on each other for a long while.

Your meditation of love was broken by orcs horns sounding in the distance. You, Haldir and the Elves made their way up to the battlements, following Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli. Theoden led his men behind you. Haldir lifted his arm to take your hand shoulder level as you ascended the stairs, your capes waving in unison with each step you took together.

Once everyone was arranged on the battlements, the thrumming of the Uruk-hai marching was deafening. They were in great numbers, and you suspected there were more unseen. At the front, stood you, Haldir, Legolas, then Gimli. Slightly further down was Aragorn.

You heard Gimli muttering about not being able to see, and he wished you all luck, "Whatever luck you all live by, may it last the night!"

Thunderrumbled, as heavy rain drenched all. Lightning clapped and illuminated theskies as the Uruk-hai advanced closer. You brought the rain down silentlyrepeating your mantra, hoping it would make battle more difficult for the orcs. 
