Chapter 27 - Awakening

Screaming slammed you into awareness. You were in darkness, unable to move and cold. You realised the scream was coming from you, but you had no control over your voice. It felt broken, as every part of you did. Pain consumed you, it was all the had ever been, and all that ever would be. Emptiness leaked from every pore. You felt the wetness of tears flood your eyes. You were drowning in a black sea, enveloping you at a painfully slow pace as you fought to move you body. It was no use. Your body refused to obey the commands of your mind. You were not even sure it was worth fighting for. You surrendered to the bleak, hopelessness of your pain. The tendrils of darkness snaked their way over your body, up your neck, and you heard a whisper, "Gaeariel."

You instinctively shot your head towards the sound. So, you can move. Firmly, "Gaeariel."

"Gaeariel, listen to me. I know you can hear me. The darkness brings forth many evils, but it is not your time to surrender. You must fight it."

There was a silky familiarity to the voice, but you could not place it. I cannot, I do not know what I am fighting for, there is only pain.

"Listen to me, it is Thranduil. I can do only so much, but you must fight. You are a warrior, are you not?"

I am nothing.

You gasped as you saw the voice take form in front of you. Thranduil, in his splendour, robes splayed out behind him, gracefully bent to your side. "You will listen to me, Gaeariel. You must fight this, you must awaken. You are a warrior; you were born to fight."

"I have bewitched her waking dreams, but she is lost." Thranduil sighed. "She remembers nothing but the darkness that tore her fëa and her powers. she is tethered neither here, nor in Valinor."

Galadriel paced the room, as Celeborn comforted her. "We cannot stand idly by, she will fade and then what?"

"I can do only what I am capable of, Galadriel this is old magick that I learned from my father. I do not wish her to succumb any more than you. Are you sure you cannot gain entry to her mind?"

"I am sure, Thranduil. Nenya grows weak." She said as she absent-mindedly rubbed her fingers over the ring.

"There will come a point........" Thranduil could not end his sentence, and it hung in the air, an unspoken death sentence.

Galadriel sat beside on you the bed, you lay unconscious in robes of white, your pallor matching. Your red rose bud lips were tinted blue, your breaths shallow.

"I will rest, and try once more." Thranduil left the room, his eyes lingering on your lifeless body. "We must summon Mithrandir."

You had managed to crawl out the slimy wet pool, and found yourself on a rock. You could smell rotten meat, sweat and dirt. Orcs? Orcs. You shook your head, knowing something and knowing nothing.

"Gaeariel, you are running out of time. You must listen to me."

You turned to see Thranduil once more.

"Orcs." You said simply, avoiding his gaze. You wrung your hands.

"Gaeariel, the darkness has fallen. You must remember, you are a warrior! In armour of gold, like the sun!"

He appeared in front of you, grasping you by the wrists, imploring you to remember, "I gave you armour, you fought valiantly in Helm's Deep."

Your eyes were empty and lifeless.

"Eru, you were a vision in your armour. Even if you did have ugly hair."

Ugly hair.

A tickle of memory past awoke within you. Thranduil saw recognition pass over your eyes.

"That's it, Gaeariel." He spoke to your forehead as his long arms enveloped you. You heard the low rumble of Thranduil's voice erupt as he hummed a song of the Teleri you taught him in your youth. His voice was as silken as the hair on his head. The words started to flow freely from your lips, and his words joined yours.

"Remember, mellon-nin, you always have friendship and forged kinship in me, in Mirkwood." Thranduil's voice gently reassured you.

Images flashed across your mind of when those words left Thranduil's lips before. You in golden armour, and present with a steed. "Helms' Deep." You whimpered, as a lifetime of memories hit you, a punch to the abdomen. You felt as though you were falling.

Thranduil was gone, and the wiry arms of Mithrandir caught you. He banged his staff off the cold wet ground and declared, "You must wake up, Gaeariel!" His voice seemed to echo as though in a network of caves. You heard drums beating, rain pouring down upon you, and you could smell earth and death.

You could hear Mithrandir's mutterings in a language you did not understand, and your nose opened to the smell of leather and spice.

You gasped for breath, greedy breaths as though you had been underwater for too long. You shot forward and looked around you to see Mithrandir, Thranduil, Celeborn and Galadriel. You were in white cotton robes, that clung to your skin in cold fever, reclining back, the carved headboard supported you.

Leather and spice. You reached for your chest, instinctively. There was nothing there.

"We were not sure you were coming back to this plane." Smiled Mithrandir. The sun tingled your skin as it cut across the room.

"Sauron has been defeated." He reassured you.

"The halflings? Pippin and Merry?"

"Are fine." He reassured.

You looked around, stone and wood not discernible from one another. Carved into wonderful arches.

"I am in Mirkwood?"

"Well, now that I have saved your life, I think we can finally say we are even, Gaeariel." Thranduil swept out the room, and you heard him speak to a guard.

You could not bring yourself to ask about Haldir. The grief was too near.

"Funny thing, at Isengard. Merry and Pippin informed us of the water dousing the fires, saving Ents and destroying everything in its path. It took a life of its own, as if controlled by another." Mithrandir looked to you meaningfully, but you were at a loss.

"I am so grateful you found your way back to us." Galadriel wept as she mopped your brow. She perched herself down next to you on the bed. "I hope the light of our adoration shone in the darkness for you." She motioned towards the necklace she gave you.

"It shone I...." your voice faded. You looked her in the eyes and whispered a small thank you. Celeborn rested his hand upon your shoulder, and smiled silently. His eyes spoke words of love. He took Galadriel's hand and guided her to stand.

You jumped as the door to your room crashed open, bouncing back off the wall. There, stood perfection. White, blond hair, falling over broad shoulders moving erratically and full lips were parted in an attempt to satiate the need for oxygen. You heart stopped with time itself. It cannot be.

"Haldir?" your voice barely audible.

Quiver, bow and knives clattered to the ground as strong arms swooped round you. You inhaled the scent of leather and spice as your body shook, wracked with tears.

"I came as soon as I heard, my sunlight." His eyes locked on yours, as he cupped your face. He wiped your tears with his thumbs.

"It cannot be, Haldir. I watched you die!" you cried. Your hands made fists in his grey patrol robes, "I watched you die!"

Haldir sat back, and smiled gently while he eyes you quizzically "You do not remember?"

You shook your head. "I remember nothing after the brightness in the dark."

"You offered freely your life for mine. The Valar, Eru,- I know not – heard your call." Haldir softly explained. "I was in the Halls of Mandos, not since Luthien was there sympathy as this. I was sent back."

You noticed the room was now empty save you and Haldir.

"But you are here, as am I? I do not understand. I should then be dead!" You voice was hoarse.

Haldir pressed his forehead to yours, and you felt glorious peace. "I do not think it is your life force you gave, rather another force within you."

He stood and picked up a small elaborate mirror from the console table across the room. In Mirkwood, even the smallest of things were ridiculously opulent. "Look. You have been unrousable for months."

You looked in confusion, touching your hair. At your roots, your hair now grew raven. Your hair was no longer as short as you remembered, and the dark roots took hold until the points of your ears.

"The floods at Isengard. My last act?"

"I believe so, meleth-nin." Haldir said as he tucked your hair behind your ears.

Your hands traced your arm, where you remembered your last injury. There was the faintest of scars. You grabbed Haldir's arm, you remembered the knife impaling him, there was a deep scar, but it was as milky as his skin.

"Everything is as it should be. Worry not." You ran your hands through his hair, silken as ever. You ran your fingertips over his cheeks, then traced his jawline. Desire clenched your throat as you leaned forward to finally kiss him. The kiss was gentle, and comforting. Haldir's teeth grazed your bottom lip and you granted his tongue access. Slowly, his tongue soothed yours in a slow dance. A tear escaped your eye in utter completeness. He lay down next to you and held you, your face finding respite in the crook of his neck.

As the sun grew lower, there was a polite knock at the door. A unusually cheerful red-faced elleth came in. Her smile was infectious, and you and Haldir could not help but return her smile. "It is such a happy occasion to see you awake, my lady!" she spoke as she laid clothing down for you. "King Thranduil has ordered a feast for you all tonight to celebrate." She frowned slightly, "He also instructed me to tell you that his stance remains on Elrond?"

A chuckle escaped your chest, and you nodded, "Thank you."

The maid started the fire in the room and explained the bath was adjacent to your room. "Do you need assistance my lady?" she questioned.

"I will take her, I need one myself. Thank you."

The maid stood waiting, looking at Haldir. Finally his mind clicked, "Dismissed." He looked to you, "Things are slightly different here. Dismissing someone every time is something I cannot make myself accustomed to."

Like old times you and Haldir bathed together. Your bodies slicked together by the oils in the bath. He kissed your neck as he washed your hair. He felt you tense under his touch, "Meleth-nin, you are still beautiful to me. If not more so. This shows what has changed within you, what you sacrificed for our love." Haldir could make you feel beautiful like nothing else.

You and he both wore black. He robes made his hair appear even brighter, made his skin appear to glow. The moonlight to your sunshine. Your gown was black, gathered at the shoulders and fell freely from them. A belt of gold cinched your waist. Haldir arranged your hair in a simple braid that framed your face and let the rest fall free. He kissed your hand and guided you downstairs to the feast.

"May I present the Lady Gaeariel and Machwarden Haldir!" Dandreal's voice reached all the corners of the great hall, which was filled with those from Caras Galadhon and familiar faces from Mirkwood. The hall erupted in cheers. Mithrandir even shot some fireworks into the air, being mindful you were all inside.

You were seated at the top table with Thranduil, The Lord and Lady of light, what remained of the fellowship, and Haldir's brothers.

You throat grew dry as you saw next to Aragorn, sat Arwen. Thranduil stood to pull out a chair for you to sit next to him, and whispered, "Remember my stance." You gave him a soft nod of thanks. You smiled politely at Arwen, who nodded and smiled widely back.

"There is much you must catch up on." Haldir said, "Aragorn and Arwen are now married, with Arwen renouncing her immortality, and life in Imladris to be with him."

"I see." You said into your wine. Dorwinion and delicious.

"It is a great relief to see you recovered, Gaeariel." Aragorn spoke, looking genuinely happy, with a crown atop his head.

"Gondor is blessed to have you as their king and queen." You raised your glasses to them, as the halflings shouted "Cheers to that!"

You and Haldir laughed as you heard Merry shout, "Do you think they do this wine in pints here, Pippin?" which brought his eyes to you.

"Gaeariel, we saw you! But we got told it could not be, but we did! Do you remember?" he asked, as Merry elbowed him in the ribs. "Pip!".

You smiled gently, "I do not remember, I am afraid."

"You saved us, you brought the water, and broke the floodgates. The Ents saw you, too!"

You raised your eyebrows, as Pippin continued, "What happened to your hair?"

Thranduil rolled his eyes, "As someone who has already died more than any of us, you risk killing Gaeariel again with boredom, halfling."

To your surprise, Frodo laughed. He was aged from the weight of the ring, but carried an eternal youth in his eyes. "You saved us all, Frodo. The fate of us all thanks you."

Galadriel spoke, "The Valar thank him, he will join us when we set sail." She smiled serenely as Frodo's eyes widened. "Do not worry, Bilbo will accompany you, Frodo. As will Sam, Merry and Pippin, when their time comes."

"And what of you, Gimli and Legolas, what is on the horizon?" you asked.

"Legolas is going to show me the real hospitality of elves, and their beauty. Although it cannot compare with the skills of dwarves, of course!" Gimli proudly boasted.

"Wait until you see the glittering caves, my friend!" Legolas tilted his head backwards as he laughed and patted him on the back.

"Wait until I have shown you the meaning of drinking, lad!" as Gimli downed his ale.

"Dorwinion against ale is hardly a fair competition." You smirked.

"Alas, my lady you are right! For I shall drink 2 ales to every wine that all you pointy ears drink!" laughter erupted around Gimli.

Haldir smiled and you and took your hand. He was so happy to see you radiate life once more.

"You cannot comprehend the fullness you fashion in my heart, meleth-nin. This is a sight I worried would never grace my eyes once more." He spoke. You bit your lip as you smiled. It was a gift to be present.

"The age of elves may be over, but may we find peace and enjoyment in the age of men." Thranduil lifted his glass, and everyone followed suit. It was positively sentimental coming from the elvenking.

Celeborn spoke, "Let us drink to our union of realms. May Mirkwood be restored to its green glory."

You would definitely drink to that.

"I swear my allegiance to Eryn Lasgalen and will lay my life as I would have for Lothlorien." Haldir stood as he spoke. To which you arose and repeated his sentiment. You saw Rumil and Oropher and many other familiar faces from Caras Galadhon stand. The pride was infectious. Soon the singing of songs of old started as tongues loosened with wine.

"Rumil, now there is no need for embarrassment when your screams are heard in Mirkwood when Gaeariel bests you in training again, since you are already here!" Orophin quipped.

You may get a few weeks in before I rebuild my strength and best you, Rumil." You simpered.

"If I can bear to sleep on the matts this realm provides, the pain of falling will not feel so severe." He laughed as Thranduil drew him a look of disgust.

"It is perhaps the continuous falling out of trees, Rumil that makes your mattress hurt so." Thranduil retorted. "Is that three times in the past week?" his face pure innocent as he raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Now, now Thranduil. Play nicely." You laughed, "I am sure given time I will beat you, too! You and Rumil may commiserate each other!"

As everyone broke into their conversations at the table, you noticed Anna was by the side of Orophin.

"How did Anna escape Elrond?" you discreetly asked Haldir.

"After we arrived in Mirkwood, I told Orophin of her sacrifice. Taking your place. He and the elves remaining who were free from injury, rode forth and liberated her."

"And what of Elrond?" you asked.

"No physical harm came to him. His healers attempted to heal the brokenness within him, but after many unsuccessful attempts, I hear he chose to set sail, citing the age of men was upon us. A few elder elves followed him."

You truly hoped he may heal in Valinor. How could you be truly happy now if you did not free your heart from fear and bitterness? Had nearly losing Haldir, yourself and losing your powers not shown you the importance of love? You liberated yourself and Elrond with loved and forgiveness.

"We will stay here as long as you wish, Gaeariel. Once you have tired of all the things you did not get to experience in your first life. Peace, love security. We will set sail whenever you feel ready." Haldir whispered into your ear.

"And how can I ever tire of that?" as you looked into each other's eyes, the room around you disappeared. You could feel his heart beat in tandem with yours, you could feel the warmth of him warm your bones.

"Shall we retire, my love?"

You nodded in response, and took Haldir's hand while you said your farewells for the night. He led you slowly upstairs to your chambers. You marvelled at the intricacies of Mirkwood. It would be a beautiful home. One you would be proud to defend.

As you entered your chambers, the fire was still burning. Haldir opened the luxuries draped curtains to reveal a balcony. There was a gold and red couch, with many throws of fur and down.

You and he bundled under the covers as you both watched the stars.

"I cannot believe Frodo managed such a task." You thought out loud.

"It was the perfect linking of events. If you look at the sky, it is our night sky because the stars shine down. Should even one be missing, or out of place, the perfection would be lost." Haldir answered.

You answered him with a kiss. Quickly your kisses became long, wet, and needful. You climbed on his lap, and he pulled you close. The bonds of love were warming you both from inside out. Your arms snaked round his neck and your hands brushed the scar that should have killed him. You broke the kiss with a gasp.

"May I see it?" you asked.

He obliged. It was a large scar, with ragged edges and still red. Your fingers ran over it. You could feel a pain, deep in your guts when you touched it.

"I am so sorry, this was all my fault." You wept. "If I had not distracted you, if....if..." your words trailed off as you succumbed to your guilt.

Haldir held his finger over your mouth to shush you. He pulled you into a tight embrace, as his hair brushed your face. You inhaled the safe smell of him. He kissed your neck gently, and moved your hair to whisper in your ear, "I swore to protect you until my last breath meleth-nin. I would do it all over again for you."  
