
For Nicole, because she was really excited about me updating lol. (The song is really good btw listen to it while reading)

Wrote this as an entry for English...

Vote, comment, read, enjoy!

Lyrics are in italics.

Fitz's POV

Telling myself I won't go there

Fitz was seated in the pristine white chairs while he watched his best friend, Keefe, fidget at the altar. He shook his head, amused. He could tell, without even needing to read his emotions, that Keefe was nervous. The tiny beads of sweat on his forehead gave it away. Unable to watch Keefe wreck his look, Fitz sprang from his seat and rushed to his side.

Oh, but I know that I won't care

     " If you keep fidgeting like this and ruin all the beautiful work I've done, I'll ruin your hair. I won't care it's your wedding," he warned. Keefe glared and dropped his hands that were fidgeting with his sleeves.

Tryna wash away all the blood I've spilled

He handed him a napkin, which Keefe gratefully took, and returned to his seat. He watched as Keefe daintily dabbed at the beads of perspiration. 

This lust is a burden that we both share

Only minutes later, wedding music started to play, something Sophie had insisted they have( apparently it's how they have it with humans), Sophie walked down the aisle, Biana by her side. Fitz watched, proud of his best friends for FINALLY confessing and getting married.

Two sinners can't atone from a lone prayer

As they exchanged heartfelt vows, Fitz found himself getting slightly teary. After everything they had gone through, they deserved to be happy. They all did.

Souls tied, intertwined by our pride and guilt

       Maybe life would finally quieten down. Be more peaceful. With Keefe and Sophie maybe still chaotic but...maybe they would finally be at peace.  

There's darkness in the distance

         That was when the sound of a gunshot pierced through the air, erupting screams throughout the guests. ( pretend they have guns okay? Please? I'm tired.)

From the way that I've been living

Fitz sprang from his seat and looked around frantically, Keefe was still with Sophie, trying to keep her close while shouting orders at people. Sophie froze, suddenly.

But I know I can't resist it

     And then everything happened quickly.

Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time

A bullet pierced through Sophie's chest, splattering blood everywhere. A strangled sound escaped Keefe's lips, as the sound of her blood-curdling scream rose above all noises.

You and I drink the poison from the same vine

Her legs crumpled and she would have fallen to the floor if Keefe hadn't caught her. He picked her up bridal style and as Fitz was running to their side he could see the shiny tears running down Keefe's cheeks as he begged Sophie to stay with him.

Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time

Fitz grabbed Biana, who was in danger of getting shot, and pulled her, Keefe, and Sophie to a corner. " Did you see who the elf was?" Keefe asked, his voice surprisingly calm and steady but with a certain edge. Fitz shook his head, his eyes trained on Sophie's unsteadily rising chest. Biana was sobbing.

Hidin' all of our sins from the daylight

" We need weapons. And we need to get Sophie somewhere safe. Bia-" his sentence was cut off by Biana.

From the daylight, runnin' from the daylight

         " I got it."

From the daylight, runnin' from the daylight

She ran to the somewhere into the back. Probably into Havenfield's house and when she reappeared she clutched 4 daggers, a sword, and quite a few goblin-throwing stars.

Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time

Fitz gaped at her but Keefe was all ready. He dug out a crystal and said, " I'm getting Foster to the Healing Centre. And then, I'm getting revenge." His icy eyes were colder than ever.

Tellin' myself it's the last time

     " That's too dangerous!" Fitz tried to protest and that's when Keefe decided that Fitz would take Sophie to the healing Centre while he stayed here to fight. " That's even more dangerous!" He argued.

Can you spare any mercy that you might find?

   But Keefe wasn't listening. He gently placed Sophie in Fitz's arms and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. She twitched and a groan slipped out.

If I'm down on my knees again?

    That got Fitz moving.

Deep down, way down, Lord, I try

Keefe's POV

Try to follow your light, but it's night time

Keefe took off back into the pastures as soon as Fitz stepped into the light. He wasn't going to hold back. They had hurt his wife at their wedding.

Please, don't leave me in the end

They didn't deserve to live.  She was so happy. They were finally at peace and they had to ruin it again.

There's darkness in the distance

   And he knew exactly who it was.

I'm beggin' for forgiveness (ooh)

No one else might have noticed but Keefe knew those eyes all too well. The same eyes that hurt him, looked at him, stared at him, glared at him, and...looked at him caringly.

But I know I might resist it, oh

But now?

Icy. Like his. Steely. He didn't care that her blood ran through this. He didn't care about the saying 'Blood runs thicker than water'. Because right then.

The water would be way thicker than the blood would ever be.

Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time

Her blonde hair and face were covered by her hood and mask but her eyes were enough.

You and I drink the poison from the same vine

Keefe ran faster. Dodging fallen chairs. The pastures were empty except for the animals. The guests had fled. Good. A flash of movement behind a bunch of trees caught his attention. He channeled his energy and ran.

Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time

"Run, run, run away."


He pushed that thought, that voice, away. The same voice that caused him to run away more than three times. He won't. Not anymore. He'd run towards it. Face it. Destroy it.

His heart burned with a strange energy he never knew but he embraced it. Letting it fuel him.

Hidin' all of our sins from the daylight

He halted to a stop.

There she stood. Her back was turned to him, giving him a clear shot. He gripped the dagger tighter. But something held him back.

"Does the water run thicker than the blood, Keefe?"

From the daylight, runnin' from the daylight

The voice. It was back, taunting him. He grits his teeth. Sophie's face, her laugh, her eyes. They all flashed. He was about to bury the dagger into her back but she turned.

" Son."

Keefe gritted his teeth harder. "I'm not your son!" He spat, rushing in but Gisela pulled out a sword of her own and intercepted it.

Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time

" You are my son, Keefe. My blood runs through your veins. And eventually, if you have any, your kids too." She stated a matter-of-factly.

"How. Dare. You." He snarled, grabbing his sword, and made a vain attempt to slash her front. Gisela lifted an eyebrow. " Play nice, son. I'm still your mother after all. Is this how you treat your mother?" She tutted. Then, her eyes soften and she grabs his hands and grips them tight.

You and I drink the poison from the same vine

" I do care about you, Keefe. Believe it or not, I do want you to be happy. I do want you to live. I...I do love you," She whispered.

Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time

Just like that.

The glass wall that Keefe built inside of himself, cracked. The shards of broken glass sliced him. The slice stinging him, the dull flame inside of him reigniting and brighter. Hotter.

Hidin' all of our sins from the daylight

His dagger slipped from his grasp and fell to the grass. The thud echoed in his mind.

A flurry of memories of his mother. Of Gisela, laughing, smiling, caring.

From the daylight, runnin' from the daylight

A strangled sob escaped his lips as tears escaped his eyes. The delicate glass wall he had built to keep in all those memories was broken. Broken. Overwhelming him. And then...

Blonde hair.

Blue eyes.

Calculating smile.

Then brown.




His rage came rushing back, along with his common sense. Weak, fool, idiot.

From the daylight, runnin' from the daylight

His thoughts of his mom didn't only make him emotional. They made him vulnerable. They left his scars ready to be cut open again. Mental scars. Physical scars.


Shoot- Gisela could have him dead right then. He scrambled to get his act together.

Too late.

Too late.

A sword made its home in his back. Buried deep. It was taken out, leaving him whimpering. He grunted and groaned as it plunged back into another spot again. He could feel a sticky warm liquid soak his shirt. Blood. His blood. His eyes fluttered. He fought hard. So hard. To stay awake. For Sophie. For himself. For his friends.

  " You left me no choice, son."

Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time

His consciousness slipped away.

Thank you guys for waiting so long for this1 I got a little confused when I was adding the lyrics at the end and it made my head spin. Especially since I got home from school at 8.30pm and finished work until 9 before getting my parents to leave so I could finish up. Phew.

Well.....that was depressing. They didn't even kiss....shoot. Oops? How do you guys feel? Anyway, luv you all! Thanks for all the support, reads, votes, and comments! I appreciate them so much! Bye!

(*realizes I didn't finish my math and science homework. Well, looks like I ain't sleeping tonight either)


I'm going on camp the day after tomorrow and I'll resume my work next Monday so you guys will have to wait a bit longer for my next update...sorryyy.)

Your happy but extremely tired author,

Iris <333
