Shadows of Resolve

Hi guys! I wrote this while listening to some songs the one above being one of them. ( I love Sweater Weather ) This isn't usually my writing style but I write like this from time to time and I wrote this just now ( it's so late oh gosh) and decided to share it with ya'll. Hope you guys like it!!
I know 2 people asked me for 2 types of stories and I promise I'm working on it but it's hard and I got writers block so I'll get it to you soon! IM REALLY SORRY ABOUT DISAPPEARING FOR LIKE A MONTH I WENT OVERSEAS!!
Anyways. Love, read, vote, comment, enjoy!! ❤️

Clash. Of colors. Of swords. Of hearts. Of emotions. Icy blue met against devastated golden. Despite his hood and mask, Sophie recognized Keefe immediately—his eyes, once warm with mischief, now mirrored the flames engulfing the crumbling offices around them.

" What have you done?" Her voice quivered, hand trembling on her sword. She felt herself breaking.
      "Nothing more than what should be," Keefe replied evenly, his tone devoid of emotion, his eyes steely. Sophie's heart churned—a tumult of betrayal and love. She staggered back, unable to reconcile this Keefe with the one she knew. The Keefe who wouldn't say or do such things.
He tilted his chin up, closing the distance between them.
        "You're scared," he stated flatly.
"Yes," she admitted, her voice catching. "Anyone would be scared seeing their lover three months later, cold and burning down things." The word "lover" hung heavily between them, a painful reminder of what they once were.
      Sophie's grip tightened on her sword, her knuckles turning white. The acrid scent of smoke mixed with the sharp tang of magic hung heavy in the air around them.
      The Black Swan's hideout, once a place of refuge and camaraderie, now lay in ruins, consumed by flames sparked by the Neverseen's ruthless attack.
       Keefe took another step forward, his movements calculated and precise. "Sophie, you have to understand," he said, his voice softening slightly. "The Neverseen's methods are extreme, but they're the only way to achieve real change."
      Sophie shook her head, tears stinging her eyes. "Real change shouldn't come through destruction and fear," she pleaded, her voice trembling. "We fight for a better world too, but not like this, Keefe. Not like them."
     Keefe's mask slipped for a moment, revealing a flicker of doubt in his eyes. "You don't know everything, Sophie," he said quietly. "You don't see what I've seen, what's at stake."
       "I know you," Sophie insisted, her voice wavering. "Or at least, I thought I did.
     Keefe's gaze softened momentarily, a fleeting glimpse of the boy Sophie once knew. "Sophie, I wish you could see..." His voice trailed off, lost in the crackling of flames and the chaos surrounding them.
      Sophie swallowed hard, her resolve warring with the ache in her heart. "Keefe, this isn't you," she insisted, desperation creeping into her tone. "You used to believe in justice, in doing what's right. This—" She gestured helplessly at the destruction around them. "—isn't right."
      For a moment, Keefe hesitated. Sophie saw the conflict in his eyes, the struggle between loyalty to his cause and the bond they once shared. And for a split second it seemed like he was about to drop everything but then his expression hardened again, the mask of the Neverseen's soldier slipping back into place.
        "I'm doing what's necessary," Keefe replied sharply, his voice steelier than before. "The Black Swan is just as blind as the Council. They talk of change, but they're too afraid to act decisively. We're the ones who will make a difference."
Sophie shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks now. "There has to be another way, Keefe. We can't keep destroying everything in our path."
       Keefe's jaw tightened, his eyes flashing with frustration. "You're naive, Sophie," he said bitterly. "Sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good."
     "The greater good?" Sophie repeated incredulously, her voice breaking. "Is this what you've become? A pawn in a game of destruction?"
       Before Keefe could respond, a distant explosion rocked the building, sending debris flying and casting an ominous shadow over their confrontation. They both instinctively ducked, shields of magic flickering around them.
His eyes trailed the blood on the side of her neck.           

     "You need to go," Keefe said urgently, stepping closer to Sophie. "It's not safe here."
      Sophie hesitated, torn between fleeing with Keefe and standing her ground. The smoke stung her eyes, the heat of the flames licking at her skin. She was already bruised and battered from when she had escaped the crumbling buildings. A small stream of crimson liquid trailing down the side of her neck. She knew she couldn't convince Keefe to abandon the Neverseen now, not when he seemed so entrenched in their cause.
       "Keefe," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the chaos. "Please."
For a moment, Keefe wavered, a flicker of doubt crossing his face once more. But then he turned away, his shoulders tense with resolve.
      "I'm sorry, Sophie," he said quietly, his voice barely carrying above the roar of the fire. "But I have to do this."
     Sophie couldn't let him go like this. Not after everything they had been through together. As Keefe disappeared into the smoke-filled corridor, her heart pounded with determination. Ignoring the danger around her, she chased after him, her footsteps echoing in the chaos.
     She caught up with him just as he reached a junction, grabbing his hand with both of hers. Keefe turned in shock, his icy eyes wide as they met hers.
     "What are you doing?!" he demanded, his voice tinged with disbelief and a hint of hope. Or the hope might just be hers.
     Sophie held his gaze steadily, her voice soft yet resolute. "What I always do," she said, her breath catching in her throat.
     With a sudden tug, she pulled him closer, their bodies colliding. Keefe didn't resist, allowing her to draw him nearer. The heat between them intensified, their closeness suffused with a mixture of longing and uncertainty.
     Their bodies were drawn to each other, like a magnetic force.
      Keefe's breath hitched as he looked down at Sophie, their lips mere inches apart. Just as their lips were about to meet, a deafening explosion tore through the air, sending shockwaves through the crumbling building. The force of the blast knocked them both off their feet, hurling them backwards into the chaos.
        When Keefe regained his senses, he found himself sprawled on the floor, his head ringing from the impact. Through the haze of smoke and dust, he struggled to push himself upright. His gaze darted around frantically, searching for Sophie.

       "Sophie!" he called out hoarsely, his voice strained with panic. "Sophie, where are you?"
He crawled through the debris, his hands trembling. Then, he saw her—lying motionless on the ground, a trickle of blood running down her temple. Fear gripped Keefe's heart as he crawled to her side.
        "No, no, no," he whispered desperately, cradling her head gently in his hands. "Sophie, look at me. Please, open your eyes."
      He fell to his knees beside her, his hands shaking as he gently lifted her into his lap. The sight of her pale, still face tore at his soul. He cradled her head tenderly, brushing away the soot and dirt with his thumb. His heart pounded with a raw, aching agony.

        "Look at me, my love. Please," he murmured, his voice breaking. "I'll never forgive myself if I was the reason you never opened your eyes again. Please, my love, look at me."
Sophie's eyelids fluttered weakly, her breath shallow and labored. She struggled to focus on Keefe's face, her vision swimming. His voice broke as he whispered soothing words, his composure crumbling.
     The facade of loyal Neverseen member long forgotten, Keefe cradled Sophie in his arms amidst the wreckage, the chaos around them intensified. The sound of footsteps and shouts drew closer—a harbinger of the impending showdown with the remaining members of the Neverseen.
      Keefe lifted Sophie gently, trying to shield her as he scanned their surroundings for an escape route. The Black Swan reinforcements were arriving, their figures emerging through the smoke and debris, ready to confront the remnants of the Neverseen.

     "We can't stay here," Keefe muttered to himself, his eyes darting between Sophie's pale face and the approaching danger. With a surge of determination, he carried Sophie in his arms and began to move cautiously through the ruined corridors, seeking a way out.
      But before they could reach safety, a group of Neverseen members emerged from the shadows, blocking their path. Their faces twisted with hatred and determination, they raised their weapons and prepared to attack.
Keefe's heart pounded as he tightened his grip on Sophie. He glanced around desperately, searching for any sign of help from the Black Swan. Outnumbered and surrounded, he knew they had to fight their way out. Carefully, he set her down and grabbed the sword in his holster.

      "Stay behind me, Sophie," Keefe whispered, his voice tinged with resolve. "I won't let them hurt you."
    Sophie nodded weakly, summoning what little strength she had left. With a flicker of determination in her eyes, she steadied herself against Keefe's shoulder. She staggered to the side, cowering behind a rock wall as Keefe prepared himself to fight. She felt guilty, allowing Keefe to protect both of them while being of no help but she couldn't do anything. Her battle before seeing Keefe had been mentally and physically draining already.
      Their clash was swift and fierce. Swords clashed and shouts echoed through the wreckage as the battle raged around them. Keefe fought with everything he had, his mind focused solely on protecting Sophie and finding a way to escape the onslaught.
But just as it seemed they might be overwhelmed, a surge of Black Swan operatives poured into the corridor, turning the tide of the battle. The Neverseen members, caught off guard by the sudden reinforcements, faltered in their attack.
With the advantage now theirs, Keefe seized the opportunity. He fought his way through the chaos, his determination fueled by a desperate need to get Sophie to safety. With each step, he felt the weight of their world crashing down around them.
     Black Swan members clashed fiercely with the disoriented members of the Neverseen, creating a distraction that Keefe used to his advantage.
"Stay close, Sophie," Keefe urged, his voice urgent as they navigated through the wreckage, their hands entwined. He kept his gaze forward, scanning their surroundings for any sign of a clear path out of the collapsing building.
       They darted through corridors littered with debris and dodged falling rubble, the air thick with the scent of smoke and the sounds of battle. Keefe's heart pounded with each step, a mixture of fear for Sophie's safety and determination to protect her propelling him forward.
        As they neared a staircase leading to what appeared to be a less damaged section of the building, a sudden crash echoed behind them. Keefe glanced back to see Alvar and a few determined Neverseen members in pursuit, their faces twisted with determination and rage.

       "We're almost there," Keefe muttered under his breath, urging Sophie to move faster despite her weakened state. He could feel the adrenaline coursing through him, heightening his senses and sharpening his focus on the escape route ahead.
They reached the staircase just as another explosion rocked the building, sending shockwaves through the structure. Keefe shielded Sophie instinctively, his arms wrapped protectively around her as debris rained down around them.
        "Hold on tight," Keefe said firmly, determination etched on his face as he led them up the stairs. His mind raced with thoughts of escape routes and safe havens outside the collapsing building. Bringing her out safely was the least he could do after betraying her so badly.
At the top of the staircase, they emerged into a hallway bathed in flickering emergency lights. Keefe's eyes darted around, searching for a way out as the sounds of pursuit grew closer behind them.
     "Keefe," Sophie gasped, her voice barely audible over the chaos. "I can't..."
"We're almost there, my love. I just need you to hold on a little bit more. For me." Keefe pleaded, his voice steady despite the raw anxiety in it. He spotted a shattered window at the end of the hallway, a glimmer of moonlight offering a glimpse of freedom beyond.
      With renewed determination, Keefe guided Sophie towards the window. They reached it just as Alvar and the Neverseen members burst into the hallway behind them, their shouts echoing off the walls.
"Jump," Keefe urged Sophie, his voice urgent. Her eyes widened as her eyes darted from his to the open window in disbelief. He glanced back at their pursuers, his jaw clenched with resolve. "Trust me."
    Without hesitation, Keefe helped Sophie through the window, lowering her carefully to the ground below. She landed with a soft thud, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she turned to look up at Keefe.
"Go," Keefe urged her, his eyes locked on hers with fierce determination. "I'll be right behind you."
    Sophie faltered, not wanting to leave Keefe but understanding the gravity of the situation she nodded, her trust in Keefe unwavering even in the face of danger. With one last glance, she turned and fled into the night, disappearing into the shadows.
   " Keefe!"
Keefe turned back to face Alvar and the advancing Neverseen members, his fists clenched at his sides. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the confrontation ahead.
  One of them stepped forward and threw their hood back, revealing matching blonde hair and piercing cold blue eyes that swam with disappointment.
   " You've lost sight of the cause you fight for, Keefe. I'm your mother. I know what's wrong and what's right. You were born for a purpose, you have a legacy that you need to uphold. Don't throw it all away for a pathetic lab experiment," Lady Gisela sneered. Keefe's jaw clenched and his eyes glinted maliciously. No one talks like that about his girl. No one.
   " Don't you dare talk about her like that! I betrayed her and broke her trust in me because of the threat you made. Because of the poison you injected into my head and made me believe a whole bunch of crap. You may have manipulated me before, but it won't work again." He spat, disgusted with her. Lady Gisela tipped her head to the side as Brant held back his snickers.
   He's dying right after Gisela.
" My poor, poor son. She's guilt-tripped you hasn't she? The moonlark? She spoke of your past puppy love and emotionally manipulated you into believing her cause. This is why, I always warned you to keep your face blank and your emotions cold. There's a reason why they say mother's know best, Keefe!" Keefe faltered. And then he shook his head. They're messing with his head, trying to get him to lose sight of the truth.
     " Bring her to us. And we'll take her, Keefe. We'll eliminate the hugest hurdle in our path to success." Gisela urged. And that was more than enough to get his senses rushing back to him, along with rage.

   "You're not taking her," Keefe declared, his voice ringing with defiance. He braced himself as the Neverseen closed in, ready to fight with everything he had to protect Sophie and ensure their escape. He guessed it was pretty clear that if he wasn't by their side, he was in their way too and that meant he needed to be gone as well.
    Swords clashed and fists flew as Keefe engaged in a desperate struggle against the relentless attackers. His movements were swift and calculated, fueled by adrenaline and the fierce determination to keep Sophie safe.
But the odds were against him. The Neverseen members fought with ruthless precision, overwhelming Keefe with their numbers and ferocity. Blow after blow rained down on him, each one taking its toll as he fought to stay on his feet.
     Just as Keefe began to falter under the onslaught, a shadowy figure appeared from the shadows—a Black Swan operative known only as Mr. Forkle. With speed and skill that matched the best of them, Mr. Forkle swiftly intervened, engaging the Neverseen members in a flurry of precise strikes.
   "Go, Keefe!" Mr. Forkle's voice cut through the chaos, urging Keefe to retreat. "Get out of here and keep Sophie safe!"
Keefe hesitated for only a moment, his gaze locked on Sophie's fading figure in the distance. With a final surge of determination, he broke free from the skirmish and sprinted down the corridor, his heart pounding with a mixture of relief and urgency.
Behind him, he heard the clash of swords and the shouts of battle as Mr. Forkle held off their pursuers. Keefe's legs pumped with renewed energy as he raced towards the shattered window where Sophie had escaped moments before.
As he leaped through the window and landed hard on the ground below, Keefe glanced back one last time. The sounds of battle echoed through the night air, a reminder of the peril they had narrowly escaped.
"Sophie!" Keefe called out, his voice raw with emotion. He scanned the shadows, praying for a sign that she was safe.
And then he saw her—a faint silhouette emerging from the darkness, limping slightly but alive. Relief flooded through Keefe as he rushed to her side, gathering her into his arms.
"We made it," Keefe whispered, holding Sophie close. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, his heart swelling with gratitude that they had survived the harrowing ordeal.
Sophie nodded weakly, her fingers curling around Keefe's hand. "We made it," she echoed, her voice barely above a whisper.
  Though Keefe knew their journey was far from over, he celebrated the fact that Sophie didn't seem to be mad at him for the time being and accepted his affection.
   Sophie wasn't sure if Keefe had fully switched sides or whether he was loyal to either but she was glad that he hadn't given up on them. Or himself. He seemed nervous but when she leaned into his hug, he melted in.
  They found refuge in a cave, leaning against the rocks as Sophie rested her head on Keefe's chest. Exhausted, they sat in silence, Keefe's arms wrapped tightly around her. He knew he couldn't let her go again—not after everything. As the echoes of their ordeal lingered, uncertainty hung in the air, hinting at the battles yet to come.
    He'll fight it. If winning and facing more battles is what it takes to keep Sophie, he'll do it. His shadows of resolve aren't fading anytime soon. And neither are hers.

She'll fight too. Side by side with Keefe, if that's what it takes to end this senseless war. She needs Keefe by her side, and she'll do whatever it takes to keep him close. Her shadows of resolve are as steadfast as his.

   Together, they stand, shadows of resolve intertwined, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

     Word count including A/N : 3338
Yeesh it's soooo late rn I shld be sleeping haha but yayyy I finished this!! I'll probably be up writing more for the next part tho haha. 😜 Wohoo this one is super long which I hope makes up for not updating in such a long while. I'm really sorry about that. I've been stuck for so long. There is a part 2 which will be updated as soon as I finish it ( I swear I'll get this next one out soon) and is there any particular thing you want to see next? I was planning on showing Keefe's protective ( extra extra extra protective) side next haha. I hope you guys liked this !! I always love hearing your thoughts so do leave a comment and if you enjoyed it drop a vote too ❤️ thank you all for your support.
    Love you guys 💖

Your sleep-deprived author,
