Double Dates?

A/N   Okay, this was supposed to be called 'Sunset Surprise' but KittyCoder6 insisted we do that to throw all of you off. So this is a collab with her! I hope you guys like it! Read, have fun, enjoy, vote and comment!

Tam's POV

Tam was sitting at the usual lunch table when his girlfriend plopped next to him.

"Hey!" Biana greeted. Tam glanced at her and gave her a small smile.

"How was Metaphysics?" she asked, crunching on a piece of blue celery.

"It was okay, but hard. Why do we have to learn these things anyway?" he grumbled. She laughed. One by one the rest of their friends joined them. Sophie was the last one to join them.

"What took you so long?" Keefe asked as she sank into the seat next to him.

"Magnate Leto wanted me to tell you guys that we did amazing in our studies," she explained.

"I flunked Alchemy, what is he talking about?" Marella laughed and everyone

joined her. They had fun chatting and talking and were interrupted by the bell.

"Well, we better get to class or we'll all get in detention," Dex noted.

Keefe smirked. "This makes no difference for me. I'll be ditching if you need me," he said, waving goodbye as he stood and left. Tam rolled his eyes and noticed the others doing the same. They rushed to their classes while he strolled off. Probably to find his girlfriend.

Keefe's POV:

Keefe jogged up behind Sophie. "The Fitzster is in your class, right?" Keefe asked.

She nodded. "Why?" she asked, her eyebrows raised.

"No reason," he mumbled, falling into place beside her, keeping his eyes glued to his shoes. She stopped abruptly.

"Look at me." She demanded. And so he did. And he couldn't help but love her more. She looked so cute when she was worried, or even angry. She was adorable no matter how she was. But especially when she was flustered.

She snapped in his face. "Keefe!"

He blinked. "Sorry, what?"
"You're staring." Sophie pressed a hand to his forehead as if checking for a fever. "Are you feeling okay? Maybe you should see Elwin—"

"Foster, I'm fine!" he insisted, taking her hand off his head, partially just to hold it.

"Then?" she questioned. The girl can be really persistent.

"I just wanted to know if The Fitzster was in your class," he mumbled, still holding her hand.

Sophie chuckled and nodded. "Yes, but today's our last session together." Keefe's head shot up, eliciting a round of laughter from her.

"You dork," she chuckled. "I'm off to class, I'm going to be late." She pulled her hand back and started walking to her next class. He just stood there staring at her, smiling to himself.

"You should get to class, too, Keefe, for once," she told him, looking back and grinning at him over her shoulder. Keefe saluted and jogged to his Empathy lesson. Something he only ever did for her.


Keefe nodded to a smiling Edaline and slowly tip-toed into Sophie's room. She was working on some homework at her desk and didn't notice him. He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her. Shocked, she let out an adorable shriek. He burst out laughing and sunk onto the bed. She spun around in the chair and narrowed her eyes.

"You scared me!" she yelled.

"That was the point!" Keefe managed to get out between his laughter.







"Stup—wait- what did you call me?" Sophie stuttered.

Keefe laughed and stood up. He moved closer to her, an idea in mind.

Sophie blinked. With a hand on either armrest of her chair, Keefe leaned down until both their faces were only inches apart. Her breath hitched and her emotions spiked. Keefe suppressed a smile. Ah, the effect he had on her. He moved closer until their lips almost touched. He could sense that she wanted him to kiss her, so he decided to be nice. But not too nice.

"I called you... IDIOTIC!"

With that, Keefe bolted out the door.

"Wha—KEEFE! Get back here!" Sophie ran after him.

Sophie's POV:

Immediately, she bolted down the stairs and they both dashed out of the house. She wasn't letting him off the hook this time. She spotted him running towards Calla's tree and followed suit. He ran behind the tree and disappeared from sight. Confused, Sophie halted to a stop in front of it and slowly walked behind the tree, expecting a blonde elf but was met with nothing.

"Where did he go?" she asked herself quietly. She yelped as someone grabbed her from behind and lifted her. Keefe threw her over his shoulder. "Keefe! You. Big. Jerk. Let. Me. Go!" she ordered and pounded on his back.

Keefe laughed, unfazed, and spun around causing her to scream. "Shhh. You don't want me to drop you, do you Foster?" he teased—or so she hoped. She shut up either way. He started walking.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked.

"A surprise" was all he said in response.

She huffed. "You know, most people don't kidnap their girlfriends to show them a surprise."

Keefe stopped and spun her around. "I'm not most people. I'm one of a kind," he said smugly. Sophie rolled her eyes. They came to a stop at Calla's Tree again.

"Seriously? You walked in a circle and brought me back here?"

"Yep!" Keefe smiled.

He plopped onto the grass and patted the spot next to him. She sat down and rested her head on his shoulder.

"I'm not doubting you, Keefe, but how is this a surprise?"

Keefe looked at her and smirked. "Wait two more minutes and then when you see my surprise, you'll definitely call me the Surprise Master. Oh, and close your eyes," he said simply. She shut her eyes debating whether she should peek. She decided against it. She felt Keefe gently help her up and squeezed her eyes tighter. He kept one of his arms around her shoulder and guided her somewhere. She felt him press his lips to her temple and smiled.

"Open your eyes... now," Keefe told her.

"Oh, wow," she breathed. He had guided her to the empty pastures behind Calla's Tree and before them was a magnificent sight.

"Go ahead," Keefe said, "call me the Surprise Master."

"Fine. You're the Surprise Master," she relented.

Keefe smirked and pumped his fists in the air, cheering and whooping.

Sophie shook her head at his antics and smiled. The sight was beautiful. The sky was a dreamy mix of blue, pink, and orange and there was a flock of birds flying past. The sun was beginning to set and it cast a beautiful hue on the ocean that reflected the sight. Waves gently lapping the shore from the shimmering ocean below them. A gentle breeze swept her hair behind her. Keefe rejoined her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer.

"Thank you, Keefe. It's beautiful," she whispered.

"I know, I know—just like me."

She moved away and smacked his arm. "You ruined the moment!" she joked.

"Oh really? Me?" he asked just as Verdi roared and pointed to the noisy enclosures. She rolled her eyes and sighed.

"I suppose that's fair."

Keefe grinned and wrapped his arm back around her waist, pulling her close again. He leaned his forehead against hers and gazed into her eyes., locking her in his mesmerizing trance. They moved closer and closer, her hands finding their place on his chest while his arms wrapped around her neck and waist. His breath caused goosebumps to prickle on her skin. The touch of his cold hands made her shiver.

A strong gust of wind blew, sending them both shivering and aching for the warmth of the other. Desperately needing the other but neither willing to make the move. He pulled her closer until their lips almost met. Keefe decided that he didn't want to put her in more agony and crashed his lips against hers, fitting them together like puzzle pieces. Electricity fizzled through Sophie as fireworks erupted in her stomach. They noticed nothing and acknowledged only the other. Keefe pulled her closer, his hand in her hair while hers clutched his shirt tightly and her other tangled in his hair. She felt his soft and smooth hair and fiddled with it. Her heart swelled with a warmth only Keefe caused, filling her inside out. They didn't notice the time passing, barely noticed anything.

They finally broke apart gasping for air.

"I love you," Sophie whispered. The words she knew Keefe loved to hear. His sweet smile would have caused her to melt into a puddle if he wasn't holding her up.

"I love you too. More than you could know."

She smiled and pressed a quick smile into his cheek. His eyes glistened, reflecting the luminous glow of moonlight.


She whipped her head around and was shocked to find that it was dark. She opened her mouth to say something but he cut her off.

"It doesn't matter, we still have time," Keefe assured her, knowing what she was about to say. She smiled at how well he knew her.

They both sat down on the soft grass and gazed at the stars, admiring them. Actually—only Sophie was admiring the stars. Keefe was admiring her. He rested his head in her lap while Sophie played with his hair. A comfortable silence settled between them.

Sophie's the one who finally broke it. "It's getting late. You should head home."

Keefe pouted. "Do I have to?"

Sophie nodded. "Edaline might be looking for me," she realized. They both got up off the grass as Sophie thanked him for the surprise. "I loved it. Thank you. Will I be seeing you tomorrow?" she asked.

Keefe nodded and stole one last kiss before whispering "Good night, Soph. I love you" and let the light whisk him away.

She stood there for a while before smiling to herself and heading back inside. "I was—" she started.

Edaline interrupted her. "I know, sweetie. I saw."

Sophie blushed and headed up to her room, not wanting to ask how much or if Grady had been watching as well. She couldn't bring herself to care.

The sunset surprise Keefe had given her was still replaying in her mind.

She smiled to herself and thought about how she couldn't be luckier. 
