Green-Eyed Girls

Sofia and Hugo changed into their sports clothes and went out to the obstacle course. Before they could get started, they had to stretch and warm up. Before they knew it, Sofia's big sister, Amber, showed up. "Hey, Sofia, Hugo," she said. "What are you up to?"

"We're going to train on the obstacle course," said Hugo.

"That sounds like fun," said Amber.

Suddenly, Sofia let out a sneeze.

"Bless you," Amber and Hugo said together.

"Thanks," Sofia sniffled. Then she let out another sneeze.

"Are you okay?" Amber asked.

"I think so," Sofia sniffled.

Hugo took a sniff and asked, "What's that smell?"

"Oh, that's probably my new Le Amour perfume," said Amber.

"It smells good," Hugo said.

"I know," Amber said. "Would you like a squirt, Sofia?" she asked her little sister.

Sofia sneezed and said, "No thanks, Amber. Besides, you know I'm allergic to perfume."

"Oh, yeah, sorry," Amber said sheepishly. "I'd best get away from you."

Amber ran off, so Sofia wouldn't sneeze so much.

"Are you okay, Sofia?" Hugo asked.

Sofia took a little sniff and sighed happily, "I'm fine, thank you. Alright, let's get started."

Just as Sofia and Hugo were getting ready to start, they heard somebody call, "Sofia!" They turned around, and they saw Violet with Sofia's old friends, Ruby and Jade.

"Ruby! Jade!" Sofia called. She happily hugged her friends.

"Who's your friend, Sofia?" Jade asked.

"This is Prince Hugo from my school," Sofia said. "He's sleeping over for two weeks."

Ruby and Jade curtseyed before Hugo.

"Nice to meet you," Hugo said.

"Nice to meet you," Ruby and Jade said together.

"Was I expecting you guys?" Sofia asked.

"No, we just dropped in to see you," said Ruby. "So you want to paint pictures of butterflies in the garden?"

"Oh, I'd love to," Sofia declared. "But I promised Hugo I'd help him on the obstacle course."

"Oh," said Ruby and Jade sadly.

"If you want, you can join us in the fun," Hugo offered.

Jade and Ruby weren't so sure about Hugo joining them in the fun, and they both thought about it.

"No thanks," declared Ruby.

"We're not even dressed appropriately," added Jade.

"Alright," Sofia said. "Maybe we can play later?"

"Alright," said Jade.

Sofia and Hugo went to get started, and Ruby and Jade sighed sadly as the prince and princess took their places at the start of the moat—the two girls were starting to become a little jealous of Hugo since he was getting a lot of attention from Sofia.

"Okay, Hugo, you need to get a good running start to swing across the moat," Sofia instructed. She and Hugo ran forward and each made a perfect jump and swing across the moat.

"Well, that was easy," Sofia giggled. "I guess you have the swing down already. Let's move onto the climbing wall."

"Alright," said Hugo.

Ruby and Jade pouted jealously and marched away, crossing paths with Sofia's big brother, James.

"Prince James, have you noticed that Sofia has been spending all her time with that prince?" Ruby asked.

"Oh, you mean Prince Hugo?" James asked. "No, that's not true, girls. She spends a lot of time with me and Amber too."

"Well, we're going to get her start spending more time with us," Jade declared jealously.

Sofia and Hugo were at the climbing wall, and Hugo's foot nearly slipped, but he got the hang of it.

"Good climb, Hugo," said Sofia. "Do you want to try it again though?"

"Alright," said Hugo.

Jade and Ruby weren't too happy that Sofia was training Hugo more than they expected her to.

Sofia and Hugo had moved onto the hedges, and Hugo snagged his foot on the last hedge.

"Nice job, Hugo," Sofia said. "You know, that happened to me the first time too. You just need to practice those jumps until you get the hang of it."

Ruby and Jade watched jealously. Sofia demonstrated the hedge jump when she suddenly sneezed, snagging her foot on the last hedge and falling down.

"Are you okay?" Hugo asked.

"I'm okay," Sofia sniffled. She let out a sneeze.

"Bless you," Hugo said.

"What happened, Sofia?" Ruby asked.

Before Sofia could answer, Jade asked, "Is that perfume I smell?" Sofia and Hugo took a little sniff and realized that it was perfume they were smelling, which was why Sofia sneezed when she jumped.

"Where's it coming from?" Ruby asked.

Amber showed up and asked, "Hey, what's going on?"

Before anybody could answer, Sofia let out a sneeze.

"Bless you," Hugo and the girls said.

"Well, that answers my question," Amber said sheepishly. "I should probably go and change clothes before you sneeze yourself to death, Sofia."

Amber ran off to change clothes, and Sofia was feeling better. "Maybe we should take a little break," she said.

"Good idea," Hugo agreed. "It's a little hot out here, and I'm feeling a little sweaty already."

Ruby and Jade watched jealously as Sofia and Hugo walked away to get some rest.

"Great," said Jade jealously. "She spends enough time with Prince Hugo to wear herself out."

"I wish Sofia would spend time with us," said Ruby.

Jade thought for a second and said, "Maybe we can get her to spend more time with us. We can pick blackberries and ask the chef to make a blackberry pie for her while Prince Hugo is training by himself."

"Great idea, Jade," said Ruby.
