
Meanwhile, Hugo was practicing on the hurdle hedges. He almost managed to jump over the last hedge when Sofia came.

"Hey, Hugo," Sofia said. "How are you doing on the obstacle...?" But then she let out a sneeze.

"Bless you, Sofia," Hugo said.

"Thanks," Sofia sniffled. "Wait, is that smell still there?"

Hugo sniffed his shoulder and realized that the perfume smell didn't come off. "You're right," he gasped. "It didn't come off."

"Well, maybe you can try and get it off again at bath time tonight?" Sofia offered. "You probably don't want to take too many baths in one day like the last time this happened." Then she let out a sneeze.

"Bless you," Hugo said. "No, it's okay, Sofia. I don't mind—I wouldn't want you to sneeze yourself to death."

Sofia wasn't too sure if it was a good idea for Hugo to take so many baths in one day—and for the same reason.

"Okay, but as long as you don't have to get covered in tomato juice again," Sofia sniffled.

"Good point," Hugo said.

"Maybe we can ask Violet what to do," Sofia sniffled.

"Alright," said Hugo.

Sofia and Hugo asked Violet if there was another way to remove the perfume smell.

"Well, perhaps this would be a good excuse to try this new industrial strength soap," Violet said. "It's guaranteed to remove skunk smell."

"I hope it's better than tomato juice," said Hugo.

"Oh, it will be," said Violet. "It's tough on dirt and mud, but it's very gentle on your skin—it feels very good, and it's hypoallergenic."

"Okay," said Hugo.

"Well, I'll see you later, Hugo," Sofia sniffled. Then she let out a sneeze.

"Bless you," said Violet and Hugo.

"Thanks," Sofia sniffled.

Pretty soon, Sofia met up with Ruby and Jade. "Hey, guys, sorry that took me so long," she said. "Something weird has been going on."

Ruby and Jade were happy to have Sofia back—and they knew the weird thing was Hugo making her sneeze.

"Well, what do you say we draw some flowers?" suggested Ruby.

"Okay," said Jade.

Each girl took out a drawing pad and started drawing any flower they could think of. Ruby and Jade were really happy that they had Sofia all to themselves, but they were unaware of what was really happening with Hugo.

Meanwhile, Hugo was enjoying his second bath, and the new soap felt so much better than tomato juice.

"How does that feel, young prince?" Violet asked.

"Better than tomato juice," giggled Hugo.

"Well, I'm glad you think so," Violet said. "It really needs to be in stores, so nobody can use tomato juice when sprayed by skunk."

Violet carefully scrubbed Hugo's toes, and the bristles of the brush tickled his foot so much that he just had to laugh.

"That tickles," giggled Hugo.

"Sorry," Violet chuckled.
