Chapter XXXVII

rambles; 🚨SPOILER ALERT 🚨this chapter does contain some spoilers to the first episode one of season three, be warned! Y'all know the drill drop me a vote and comment as you read if you pleasee, and thank you so much for 10K votes! 🥺

song; ❃ Do You Wanna Touch - Joan Jett and The Runaways ❃

Chapter XXXVII

"So let me hear you! Let's get Moordale..." Hope trailed off, looking expectantly to the sea of students gathered infront of her. "Back on track!" The wave of students screamed in response, making both Imogen and Maeve wince a little at the wave of volume suddenly crashing upon them.

"I love her." Aimee gushed, gripping Imogens arm and shaking the girl excitedly who shared a look with her girlfriend beside her. "To a great start and a great week!" Hope clapped as everyone arose from their seats, a buzz of chatter hanging over everyone as they exited the hall, heading for class.

"Oh! And can Otis Milburn, Imogen Milburn and Maeve Wiley come to my office please." Hope called out, smiling politely before exiting the stage, heels clacking as she did.

"Oh my god, you get to meet her in the flesh!"


Otis knocked softly on the doorframe as the three arrived, Hope busied in discussion with Jackson. "Hi guys. You can go straight in!" Hope smiled, nodding in the direction of her office. "Jackson can I get you to come back a bit later? It was lovely to meet you."

"Are we in trouble or something?" Imogen murmured to Maeve who shrugged cluelessly, the two girls taking a seat beside one another as Otis occupied the chair beside Imogen, leaving her in the middle.

"I've heard a lot about the three of you." Hope began as she took a seat at her desk with a wide smile. "Don't worry, you're not in any trouble." The older woman assured them, the tension present in Imogen's shoulders dissipating a little at Hope's words.

"An on-campus sex clinic for teenagers is actually rather entrepreneurial in my opinion." Hope started calmly, leaning back in her chair a little as the three shared a glance of confusion as to where this was going, and how Hope had actually found out.

"Shows a lot of business savvy. Is it something you're wanting to pursue?" Hope questioned, flicking through a file before placing it back down on her desk, staring expectantly at the three in front of her, awaiting an answer.

Having the least involvement in the clinic Imogen opted to stay quiet, glancing at both Otis and Maeve who also seemed to struggle to find the right words. "N-no." Otis finally answered, Maeve rubbing her neck awkwardly but humming in agreement. "No, we don't run the clinic anymore."

"We've realised it wasn't very ethical and we...we brought it to a close." Otis stammered nervously, glancing to the girls beside him who nodded their agreement, Hope seemingly pondering their answer.

"Oh. That's a shame. Anyway, I just wanted to say that Moordale is here to encourage your passions. So, it would be great if you could keep me in the loop of any further business endeavours you come up with in the future!" Hope crossed her legs over one another, resting her hands in her lap as her chair swivelled from left to right.

"That's it." Hope smiled, still moving side to side in her chair. "Thank you." Otis blurted out as the three of them came to their feet, exchanging awkward smiles with the new head teacher before heading for the door.

"Oh Otis! Tell your mum I'm really looking forward to reading her new book." Hope smiled in an almost challenging matter, Otis nodding before making a hasty exit. "Oh sorry Hope. Can I talk to you about something quickly?" Imogen remembered, turning back to look at the woman who nodded, gesturing for her to sit down again.

"I'll meet you after." Imogen smiled to Maeve who gave her a curious look but nodded none the less, stepping out of the small room and closing the door after her. "It's regarding my emergency contact I gave on my enrolment papers." Imogen started, taking a seat again infront of Hope who nodded, urging her to continue.

"It'll have my mothers details down, and my old address in London. I've actually moved in with my Aunt now and she's my primary caregiver, so I was wondering if those details could be changed to her name, number and address? There won't be any point contacting my mother." Imogen gave a tight lipped smile, twisting her grandfathers ring around on her thumb nervously.

"Your Aunt is Jean Milburn correct? Otis's mother." Hope asked, Imogen confirming that to be correct.

"Fascinating. Well I don't see why that can't be changed. I'm still getting my bearings here and figuring the system out but I will add that to my to do list." Hope agreed happily as Imogen sighed a little in relief.

"Now you better be heading off to class, don't want to miss a single educational opportunity do we?" Hope winked as Imogen smiled, standing to her feet.

"Oh don't you need my aunts details?" Imogen questioned as she opened the door to Hopes office, turning back around curiously. "That's alright I should be able to get it all off Otis's file I'd imagine." Hope explained, Imogen thanking her and stepping out of the office, closing the door behind her.

"I thought we were screwed for a minute there." Maeve chuckled as Imogen rejoined her in the corridor, both girls heading for the exit, their faces warming up as they stepped outside, bathed in todays unnaturally warm weather.

"Thank god for that, wonder how she even knew." Imogen shook her head as they ascended the stairs into the courtyard. "What did you want to speak to her about?" Maeve questioned as they reached the top, leaning against the handrail with a curious look.

"Changing my emergency contact details from my mums to my aunts." Imogen answered honestly, Maeve nodding in understanding before changing the subject.

"What the hell is Otis growing on his face?" The older girl questioned with a grimace making Imogen grin. "A moustache apparently, I already told him to shave it off." The blonde rolled her eyes.

"I also don't think I've ever seen him without that jacket." Maeve shook her head with a frown, referring to the boys classic red, blue and white striped jacket, Imogen sending her a pointed look.

"What?" Maeve frowned in confusion to her response. "Like you're one to talk little miss tassel." Imogen teased, referring to the purple tasseled Jacket that rarely wasn't on Maeve's body or in her possession.

"I don't think I've ever seen you without that, or this, ever." Imogen took a step forward, closing the gap between them and tugging on the large leather jacket currently adorning Maeve's top half.

"Like I rarely see you without those gapingly ripped blue jeans you wear to death and back." Maeve scoffed defensively, though a quick glance down only disproved her point as they were not what Imogen had chosen to wear today.

"You were saying?" Imogen smirked with a raised eyebrow. "I do like these though, like I said." Maeve was quick to recover, the same cream coloured corduroy pants Imogen had worn to her house when she'd returned from her trip just the other day.

"They make your bum look good." Maeve was now the one to smirk, snaking her arms around her girlfriends body to slide her hands into her back pockets, flushing their bodies closer together.

"I think I prefer them on my bedroom floor though." Maeve whispered in Imogens ear, pressing a gentle kiss to her neck as she felt the younger girls body vibrate quietly with laughter.

"I have chemistry, you have history!" Imogen was quick to break out of Maeve's hold, removing her hands from her pockets with a smile, knowing what her girlfriend was hinting at here.

"Or we could have chemistry?" Maeve tried, a smile ghosting her lips as Imogen simply shook her head and took a step back. "That was bad huh?" Maeve winced at her own words, Imogen nodding along, scrunching her nose in amusement.

"Bye Maeve!" Imogen sung out teasingly, turning on her heel and beginning to walk off in the direction of the science labs, hearing the older girl let out a huff behind her.

"Are you going to actually go to history, or just stand there?" Imogen turned walking backwards now as Maeve hadn't moved an inch, still leaning against the rails.

"I think I'll watch you and your bum walk away from me in those pants and then I'll go to history." Maeve called back honestly, Imogen turning back around with a shake of her head, hiding her smile as she held up her middle fingers in the air, jogging up the stairs before disappearing into the E Block building.


"Please Immy man I'm over here begging!" Eric pouted, gripping Imogens arm as the two sat beside one another in the seniors common room, supposed to be using their free period to study.

"What's wrong with the way I dress now?" Imogen sighed, giving in to the conversation and dropping her pencil atop her notebook, turning to face Eric as she rested her chin on her hand.

"Nothing! It's not that kind of a makeover." Eric assured her quickly, though he would be lying if there wasn't a few outfits in his own closet he'd love to see his best friend rock.

"You're an artist right? Well let's just say this is a blank canvas, and I'd very much so like to paint it." Eric continued, Imogen smacking his hands away as he squeezed her cheeks. "You've done my makeup before." Imogen sighed with a shake of her head turning back to her notebook, Eric whining.

"Look as cute as you look everyday with your little smudged eyeliner/mascara combo and your nude lipstick and these little baby flyaway hairs always hanging in your face-" Eric started, Imogen again smacking his hands away as he tugged on the loose strands of hair framing her face.

"-I just want to try something different! Something a little more bold. Have you ever not liked anything I've done to you? Pretty sure I did a fucking good job on your arcade date fit, judging by those hickies you're always covering up!" Imogen was quick to smack a hand over her neck, making a mental note to strangle her girlfriend later.

"Okay fine! You may come over this afternoon and give me a makeover." Imogen finally gave in with a sigh, Eric clapping happily before pulling her into a bone crushing hug. The two pulled apart as Otis suddenly appeared, sitting down beside Eric as he caught his breath, staring at the two of them like he had something really important to say.

"What is it Otis?" Imogen asked impatiently, the boy hesitating before answering. "Someone else is giving out sex advice on campus." He rambled out all in one breath, both Eric and Imogens eyes widening at the confession.

"I can't say."
"What do you mean you can't say? We tell each other everything!"
"Yeah you know it just stays between the three of us."
"Okay okay fine. It's Kyle!"

"Like weird orange juice feels like a carpet and collects 'amateur erotica' Kyle?" Imogen gasped in disbelief, Eric's eyes just as wide as her own with shock as Otis frantically nodded.

"He's charging people for advice and calling himself the 'Sex King'!" Otis glared out at nothing in particular, huffing at his discovery.  "Christ Otis well we have to tell someone!" Imogen gestured to Kyle in the hallway, who'd drawn tits on his shirt in sharpie and for some reason lit his pants on fire.

"We can't!"
"Why not?"
"Because if I do he's going to tell people that I'm hooking up with Ruby."
"Sorry what?"

"Look I haven't told either of you because we haven't seen each other all that much but we've been having casual sex all summer!" Otis covered his mouth, eyes wide as Eric stared at him in disbelief for a moment before starting to laugh.

"That's still going on? Otis!" Imogen gasped, punching her cousin in the arm with wide eyes as Eric looked back and forth between the two. "Wait. You're not joking?" Eric questioned Otis before turning to Imogen. "And you knew? What the hell!" He accused the girl who held her hands up in defence, not wishing to reveal the details of exactly how she'd found out.

"Oh my god Oatcake! I am so proud of you."


"Hi! This is Erin. Leave a message." Maeve sighed as the familiar dial tone clicked through to her mums voicemail, same thing as always. "Hi mum, it's Maeve. Listen I know you're not speaking to me, but I really think we should talk. Call me back? I miss you." Maeve sighed, hanging up her phone as Aimee's car pulled up, the blonde frantically waving at her through the window.

Slipping her phone into her pocket Maeve jumped to her feet, stepping back inside to grab her jacket and bag. "You alright?" Imogen asked softly, having gotten out of the car as she lingered in the doorway, noticing the solemn look on her girlfriends face as they'd pulled up.

"Mum still isn't answering me. She hates me." Maeve sighed, stuffing her biology textbook into her bag and slinging it over her shoulder, grabbing her jacket off the back of the couch. "She doesn't hate you. You did the right thing, and you were looking out for Elsie. You can't forget that." Imogen smiled sadly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind Maeve's ear.

"I know. But it feels shit." Maeve admitted quietly, fiddling with the zipper on her jacket. "I know." Imogen smiled in understanding, leaning in to sweetly connect their lips. "Different makeup today." Maeve noticed, gently gripping the younger girls chin, tilting her head left and right to admire the unusually colourful eyeshadow.

"Eric gave me a makeover yesterday and told me if I didn't attempt to copy one of his looks from last night and wear it to school today he'd burn your hoodie." Imogen replied bluntly, the seriousness of Eric's threat enough to stop her from disobeying his instruction. "Speaking of-" Imogen paused to toss Maeve's large grey Moordale hoodie onto the couch behind her.

"Are we swapping wardrobes back then? Because I think you might be just a little light on what you've stolen." Maeve smiled in amusement, Imogen laughing sarcastically at the comment. "No it doesn't smell like you anymore, I'll take it back once it does." Imogen admitted honestly, Maeve's cheeks flushing a little red at the gesture.

"Snowflake." Maeve smiled softly, running a thumb fondly over Imogens jawline before nodding for her to step back, closing the caravan door after them as they made their way to Aimee's car. "Back's clear." Imogen reported, glancing over her shoulder to check no one was behind them. "Front too, and she's in reverse this time." Maeve agreed, checking the gear.

"Right, off we go then lads."


"So is it true that Otis and Ruby are like a thing now?" Aimee questioned Imogen in a hushed tone of voice as they sat together in biology, Mr Hendricks explaining the importance of fatty acids in the body's system.

"Where did you hear that?" Imogen frowned, so far the only person she'd told had been Maeve who'd she made swear not to tell anyone, not that Maeve would, mostly because she didn't care. "From Steve!" Aimee answered before her attention was drawn away, goat bleating angrily at her feet.

"I think that means she needs a wee. Sir!" Aimee's hand shot up, Mr Hendricks looking happily in her direction as he called on her for the answer. "Ah, Aimee Gibbs!"

"Sir, I need to take goat out for a wee." Aimee winced apologetically, Mr Hendricks previous excitement deflating as he waved for her to leave. "Imogen why do you need to go with them?" Mr Hendricks sighed as Imogen stood to accompany them.

"Goat is my niece sir, I'm just being a supportive Aunt." Imogen shrugged, Mr Hendricks pinching his forehead with a deep sigh before dismissing her as well. "See this is exactly why you shouldn't be bringing livestock into school." Mr Hendricks called after them, Aimee assuring him her mum would be looking after goat tomorrow as they made their way downstairs and outside.

"Come on! Be a good girl, do a wee for mummy." Aimee encouraged the small animal gently, gently jiggling the lead. "Come on your aunt Immys here too, you can do it!" Aimee continued supportively, Imogen glancing around enjoying the sunshine until someone came bursting out of the bush beside them.

"What the fu-" Though neither Imogen or Aimee had time to finish the sentence as Dex screamed rather loudly, attempting to cover himself with her hands as Imogen ripped her eyes away. It seemed his scream had done him no favours, alerting the rest of their biology class to his predicament as they rushed to the large windows of the science lab, yelling and jeering down at him.

"Look away! I don't want you to see my dick!" Dex screamed up at his classmates, looking around furiously for an easy escape as the teasing and yelling only became louder. "What is happening? Tell me now! Why are you naked?" Aimee yelled at the boy who tripped over and was rolling around naked on the grass as their peers above them began to chant Penis over and over.

"Dex? Dex no!" Imogens eyes widened as she saw the boys gaze land on goat, something seemingly clicking as he jumped to his feet. "I need to borrow this." The boy announced reaching for the poor animal. "Not my goat! Dex no, not my goat." Aimee shook her head furiously, tightening her hold on goats leash.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'll bring her back as soon as I can!" Dex promised as he scooped goat up, using her to cover his private area as Aimee watched on in horror. "Don't take her!" Aimee screamed after the boy, but had no choice but to drop the leash as Dex sprinted off into the distance.

Grabbing her friends shoulders Imogen attempted to calm the poor girl who was beside herself as Dex continued to run away in the opposite direction, their classmates above now switching their chant to goat.

"Don't worry we'll get her back Aimes! I promise we'll get her back, I promise."


"Hi." Imogen hugged Maeve from behind as the girl typed away furiously on one of the library computers. "Aptitude?" Imogen guessed as her eyes quickly scanned the essay on the screen, which contained an awful lot of words she did not understand. "No." Maeve looked up in worry as the computer made a sudden beep.

"Oh um, history?" Imogen guessed again, looking around only half paying attention as Maeve's screen suddenly turned blue. "No no no no!" Maeve panicked, furiously punching away at the keyboard as the screen remained blue, her essay seemingly lost. "Hey hey hey easy! That won't help anything." Imogen grabbed Maeve's hands in her own as the girl smashed them down on the keyboard.

"Hold on." Imogen urged Maeve to stand, taking her place in front of the computer as Maeve watched on over her shoulder, anxiously chewing on her thumb nail. "I think it's properly dead." Imogen winced, biting her bottom lip after a few minutes of trying, the screen remaining unwaveringly blue.

"Fuck!" Maeve swore, swiping her bag off the desk and hurrying downstairs towards the librarians counter, Imogen continuing to try and get the screen to come back on. Having no luck she sighed in frustration, standing to her feet and following where Maeve had gone.

"I think I just lost all my work." Maeve announced nervously, the librarian pausing her own typing to look up at her, emotionless. "Yeah, the computers are terrible. Maybe get a laptop." The woman shrugged before returning her eyes to her own screen, seemingly not caring about Maeve's problem.

"Hey no, come on." Imogen was quick to tug on Maeve's sleeve, nodding towards the exit as her girlfriend scowled and opened her mouth to give the librarian a piece of her mind. "It's not worth it." Imogen reminded Maeve calmly as she gently pulled the very angry girl away from the desk and towards the library doors.

"You'll come back home with me after school and you can use my laptop to do your work. If you need to just borrow it and take it back to yours, I'll just use Otis's if I need to for a few days." Imogen reasoned with Maeve who huffed and ran a hand through her hair, but nodded none the less.

"Goat?" Imogen frowned, spotting the familiar animal running down the hallway away from them over Maeve's shoulder. "I should never have listened to the fucking Sex King!" Both girls shared a look of confusion as they neared goat, hearing a voice yelling down the end of the corridor.

"Dex? Are you okay?" Maeve asked worriedly as they rounded the corner, spotting the boy crying to himself, and still very much so naked. "I should never have listened to the fucking Sex King!" Dex repeated, rocking back and forth with his hands on his knees.

"Whose the sex king?" Maeve turned to Imogen with a confused frown, who was busy glaring at someone over Maeve's shoulder.



"So Dex, how did we get here?" Imogen sighed, crossing her legs beneath her as she sat atop a desk, Maeve standing behind her as Kyle sat on another desk in the corner. Otis now having joined them after a few persistent phone calls and barrage of texts from his cousin.

"I was measuring my penis." Dex admitted quietly, staring down at the floor.

His clothes nowhere to be seen the boy had Maeve's infamous tasseled jacket covering his top half, and Kyles jumper tied around his waist, covering his bottom half. "Mm I told him to do that! What're your stats then?" Kyle asked excitedly, missing the hard glares sent his way from both girls.

"I was interrupted. And I don't wanna know! What if I do have a small penis and I can never pleasure a woman?" Dex stressed, looking around wide eyed with stress at his three peers before him. "Maybe you can look at it for me and tell me if it's small." Dex jumped to his feet, fiddling with the knot of Kyles jumper tied around his waist.

"Yeah sure!" Kyle agreed eagerly, also jumping to his feet and leaning in towards Dex. "No! No. No." Maeve finally spoke up, covering Imogens eyes as Imogen reached up to attempt to cover Maeves.

"Nobody's inspecting anything. Kyle, sit down!" Maeve ordered sternly, pointing back to the desk where Kyle had been sitting as the boy sat back down like a scolded puppy.

"Penis size isn't important." Otis spoke up with a sigh, crossing his arms over his chest as Dex sat back down. "Only guys with small dicks say that!" Kyle snickered, though a pointed look from Maeve and he was quiet again.

"Dex, you shouldn't compare the size of your dick to anyone else's." Otis pulled up a chair, moving to sit right across from Dex. "It's irrelevant and unhelpful. You'd also be surprised by how many guys have insecurities about the size of their penis." Otis continued, Dex staring back at him with a slight frown.

"It's true, I wish mine was straighter. It sort of, bends to the side a little bit. It's wonky!" Kyle demonstrated with his hands, trying to help. "It's not wonky, it's unique." Otis started, Kyle sighing and thanking him with a dazed smile and a nod, once again missing the hardened looks thrown his way from both Imogen and Maeve.

"Well that's very touching. Dex, why did you say you'll never please a woman?" Maeve spoke up, stepping out from behind Imogen, arms crossed over her chest as she quirked an eyebrow in Dex's direction. "He can't make his girlfriend come during sex!" Kyle grinned mockingly, Dex looking down in shame.

"Kyle. I am going to punch you in the face if you are not absolutely silent for the next five minutes." Imogen threatened calmly and seriously, the boys eyes widening as he nodded quickly, Maeve glancing over toward Imogen proudly before turning her gaze back on Dex.

"What kind of sex?"
"You know...just normal fucking."

"Okay. Well, most women struggle to orgasm from penetration alone." Maeve started, walking up to stand beside Otis. "Really?" Kyle scoffed, Maeve shooting him a dirty look.

"Kyle." Imogen warned, holding up a closed fist as the boys face paled and he fell silent again. "Have you heard of the clitoris?" Maeve asked seriously, Dex nodding as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Well it might be time to get more acquainted with it. Ask your girlfriend what she likes. And remember that orgasm doesn't have to be the main goal of sex." Maeve reminded firmly.
"You can also have fun, and be creative." She gave the boy a smile who looked up at her seemingly confused.

"Could you clarify?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow as Imogen hid a smile behind her hand, resting her chin on her fist.

"You have ten fingers and a tongue Dex, use your imagination."


"You might want to wash several times." Imogen winced glancing down at Maeve's jacket that Dex had given back to her before wandering over to lose property. "I think it's time for a change." Maeve grimaced, stopping to drop her jacket into a bin, Imogens eyes widening.

"Can't say I blame you for that." Imogen smiled apologetically as the two continued on their way, Maeve humming in agreement. "How long do we have left till lunch?" Imogen suddenly questioned, stopping suddenly in her tracks as Maeve checked the time on her phone.

"About fifteen minutes give or take. Why?"

"I think I want to use my imagination." Imogen smiled suggestively, Maeve giving her a look of confusion before catching on, a smirk tugging at her lips. Grabbing one anothers hand they raced down the hall, bursting outside and heading straight for the asbestos ridden toilet block.

A quick check of each cubicle proved they were properly alone as they followed one another into the only cubicle they knew that had a working door and lock.

The lock clicking shut quietly Maeve wasted no time pushing Imogen up against the cubicle wall, the cement brick cool against her back as her tank top rode up, Maeve's ring clad tattooed hands gripping her hips.

☠️ slight smut warning I guess? you all kept messaging me about top Imogen dwdwejoj ☠️

Their lips crashing together the only sound heard was an occasional breathy moan as Maeve bit down on Imogens bottom lip, sliding her tongue dominantly into the younger girls mouth.

With a quick shake of her head Imogen pulled away, yanking Maeve's hands off her hips, shoving her to sit down on the closed toilet lid.

"Is this sanitary?" Maeve breathed out shakily, Imogen shaking her head no before smashing her lips back to Maeve's, moving to straddle her thighs. "Do you care?" Imogen pulled away again to ask, Maeve now shaking her head no, lifting her head and connecting their lips once more, Imogens hands falling to rest either side of Maeve's face.

Slowly Imogen began to rock her hips against Maeve's, grinding slowly against her, pulling a low moan from the girl beneath her. Her hands dropping from Maeve's face Imogen was quick to move them down to Maeve's skirt, fingers fumbling to undo the button which held the black denim together.

"Fuck Imogen!" Maeve breathed out shakily as the button finally came undone and her girlfriend slipped a hand inside, fingers pressing teasingly against Maeve's clothed centre. "Mmm?" Imogen hummed against the girls neck, moving to press a gentle kiss to Maeve's ear as she moved her hand to slide inside the girls fishnets and into her underwear.

"Fuck." Maeve moaned quietly as Imogen slipped two fingers inside her, moving them round in agonisingly slow circles. Maeve's hands gripped tightly onto her girlfriends hips, so hard Imogen was sure small bruises would probably litter there come tomorrow, but she didn't care.

"Faster." Maeve breathed out shakily, burying her face in Imogens neck as the girl only seemed to now move her fingers even slower, teeth tugging teasingly at Maeve's earlobe.

"What was it you said? Doesn't matter if you orgasm, right?" Imogen whispered with a sly smile into Maeve's ear, just quickening her pace, wincing slightly as Maeve bit down on her shoulder.

"Should I just stop then?" Imogen teased, slowing down again right as she felt Maeve's walls clench around her fingers. "No, please!" Maeve almost begged, throwing her head back and attempting to buck her hips up against Imogens fingers.

"Imogen." Maeve warned, though it came out as more of a breathy moan as her girlfriend simply smiled, leaning in and connecting their lips together, biting down on Maeve's bottom lip and quickening her pace again. It didn't take long before she felt Maeve's walls clench around her fingers again, Maeve's own fingers digging into Imogens back and hips.

Slipping a third finger in it didn't take long before she sent Maeve over the edge, the girl coming with a loud moan as Imogen pressed her lips to Maeve's again, gently helping her ride out the orgasm.

Biting down on her girlfriends lip Imogen pulled away teasingly slow, Maeve's bottom lip snapping back with a small pop as the girl caught her breath, Imogen pulling her hand out of Maeve's pants.

Maeve watched through jaded eyes as Imogen stuck her fingers into her mouth, the sight making Maeve's stomach burn again and the younger girl smiled knowingly.

Imogen barely had time to catch her own breath before she felt her body being lifted and she let out a small squeal, Maeve wasting no time in pressing her girlfriend against the cold cement wall again, quickly doing the button of her skirt up

Though right as Maeve's hand wrapped lightly around Imogen's neck, and her knee pressed against Imogens own centre did the bell ring above them, both girls looking up at the intrusive noise. "We promised Aimee we'd meet her for lunch." Imogen bit her bottom lip, knowing they couldn't leave the girl on her own after her traumatic incident with Dex earlier today.

"Well, guess you'll have to wait till after school then." Maeve's lips ghosted against Imogens, her breath hot against the girls already flushed red skin, smirk tugging at her lips before she pushed herself off and away from Imogen.

"Maybe orgasms are a little more important than I let on."

rambles; sort of double update since I updated my other Maeve book too? it is the weekend y'all! enjoyyy
