Chapter XLII

rambles; Hiii as always there's spoilers for S3 present in this chapter, though if you haven't seen it yet what are you doingg. Y'all know the drill drop me a vote and spam me with some comments as you read 🍪

song; ☹ Hopeless - Halsey ☹

Chapter XLII

Maeve took a deep breath, her body still coiled with tension after her argument with Imogen. She hadn't even had a minute to think about it or speak with Aimee before the PA had crackled to life, calling her to the office.

Knocking on Hopes door a couple times Maeve stepped into view, the woman looking up from the file she had her eyes trained to, standing poised in the corner of the room. "Ah Maeve. Please come in, sit down." Hope waved for the girl to take a seat as she moved to take her own behind her desk, dropping the file infront of her, hands clasped together.

"Have you calmed down now since your little outburst in SRE?" Hope chastised with a raised eyebrow as Maeve took a seat, forcing a smile. "Well, what was being taught is bollocks." Maeve answered honestly, crossing her legs over one another as Hope sighed.

"That spirited energy would be better channeled into into your education, especially if we're going to find the funding for that gifted and talented program." Hope announced before her eyes darted back down to the file infront of her and Maeve frowned slightly. "Funding?" Maeve questioned with both caution and surprise.

"Yes Maeve, funding. Despite your hardheaded attitude you are incredibly bright and it would be a shame if those who cannot always afford the opportunities they deserve missed out on them. I can't make any promises but I am trying to secure the funding which would mean you can go to America for this program." Hope gave Maeve a small smile who had to withhold one of her own, guess it was a good thing she got the application in on time.

"Sorry for saying bollocks." Maeve apologised quickly making Hope chuckle as she scribbled something down on the file infront of her. "I assume you wanted to see me about not paying for the school trip? I can't go." Maeve shook her head firmly with a shrug.

"Your fees have been paid." Hope replied casually, still not looking up from her desk.
"By who?"
"It was an anonymous payment."

"Oh, okay." Maeve frowned, and when Hope didn't say anything else she assumed their conversation was over and stood to her feet. "And I'm serious about the hair Maeve! Change it, immediately." Hope called after her as she glanced up, still seeing the streaks of purple and silver in the ends of Maeve's hair.

Maeve looked over her shoulder and nodded, Hope looking back down to her paperwork. "Imogen Milburn to the head teachers office please." Maeve glanced over to the receptionist as she called the words over the PA before she stepped out of the office, the door closing after her with a small bang.

Pulling her phone out of her pocket Maeve's thumb lingered over the keyboard, clicked into her and Imogens message thread. However her mind flitted back to their argument and she scoffed, body once more boiling with annoyance the girl locked her phone and slid it into her pocket, heading off to find Aimee and enjoy what was left of her break.


"You wanted to see me?" Imogen sighed, hovering in Hopes doorway as the woman waved her in, Imogen taking a seat infront of her. "I heard about your English test, congratulations, an improvement." Hope dropped her pen onto the paperwork infront of her, crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair.

"I've been studying." Imogen confirmed, having gotten a B+ and some constructive feedback on Miss Sands exam.

"For that subject. But I wanted to speak to you about the future Imogen, where do you see yourself in five years?" Hope asked, raising an eyebrow as Imogen hesitated, taking a moment to think.

"Alive and happy, hopefully." Imogen answered with a small smile, the lighthearted answer clearly not the one Hope was angling for as her face hardened.

"Art is your best subject, and your favourite from what I hear. Correct?" Hope questioned, Imogen nodding along. "Well you know there are several fine arts universities in England. Oxford and Newcastle both have quite decent arts programs-" Hope paused to open her drawer, dropping a few brochures onto her desk.

"-and University College London have the slade school of fine arts as well. You grew up in London, didn't you?" Hope dropped another brochure onto her desk, Imogen leaning forward and nodding as her eyes scanned the university pamphlets. "Then you'd know the area well, they even have an undergraduate program." Hope hummed, Imogen jumping as Hope suddenly snatched the brochures up.

"What are you-" Imogen started in confusion as Hope promptly dumped the brochures into the waste bin by her desk. "Except for the fact that the arts are a dead end career." Hope snipped, leaning forward on her desk with her hands tightly clasped.

"Did you know Imogen that if you google artists who committed suicide, over 75 names come up?" Hope questioned rhetorically, Imogen opening and closing her mouth unsure of how Hope really expected her to react to that morbid fact.

"One of which cut his own ear off before he died. The average successful artist makes about $10,000 a year, which to you right now probably sounds like a lot of money. But in reality that doesn't even cover necessitates for a few months, let alone housing, bills, tuition, taxes-" Hope counted things off on her fingers, Imogen stunned into silence.

"The percentage of artists across the UK who received no payment at all for exhibiting or presenting their work last year, not even reimbursement for their own expenses was 69 percent. You add in production costs, material costs, gallery space hire, marketing, well there goes your $10,000 a year. But to even get that $10,000 you need to actually sell your work successfully, and the chances of that are about 0.03% overall." Hope rattled off, eyes darting down to the page infront of her every now and then.

"Basically Imogen, a career in the arts is high pressured, insecure, and solitary. It involves a keen work ethic, discipline, and an ability to self-motivate. Talent alone is not anywhere near enough to succeed. Here is a list of other potential career options which are more...achievable for you to work toward." Hope slid a small stack of papers toward Imogen, the girl taking them off the desk and frowning as her eyes scanned the options.

"I want to speak with you again next week after the school trip, being immersed in another countries culture and looking over those papers should help you formulate a proper answer to. where you see yourself in five years. You may go!" Hope nodded to the door, grabbing out a book from her desk and cutting the conversation off.

Imogen open and closed her mouth a few times, though no words could actually come out, she really was stunned silent. With a shake of her head Imogen grabbed the papers and her bag, making a point not to close Hopes door as the woman called out requesting that she do.

The first bin Imogen laid eyes on she dumped the papers into angrily, who the fuck did Hope think she was? Her surprise at the abrupt conversation quickly turned to anger, leaving a bitter taste in her mouth.


Imogen almost sighed in relief as the final bell rang, dismissing them for the day. The girl wasted no time shoving her belongings into her bag, slinging it over her shoulder and hurrying out of her History class.

Making a brief stop at her locker to swap out her textbooks, not needing a few of them until Friday, Imogen practically ran into Adam as she turned to leave. The boy having stopped beside her without her noticing, Imogen distracted both by her anger with Hope and her hurt and frustration with Maeve.

"Shit! Sorry, hi." Imogen recoiled from where she'd smacked into Adam, taking a step back and giving him a small smile as the two moved to walk side by side down the corridor, Imogen purposely walking on the wrong side of Hope's stupid yellow line.

"Studying?" Adam asked, Imogen nodding in confirmation, the two having made plans earlier to study at Adams house for their biology exam tomorrow.

"You should text Eric, I'm sure he misses you already." Imogen bumped her shoulder gently into Adam, pushing their way out of the double doors, sunlight flooding their faces as they stepped outside into the front courtyard.

"I told him I love him, he said it back." Adam admitted casually, Imogens eyes bugging out of her head at the confession. "Adam! That's huge. See you spoke to him about how you felt and you didn't need to be turned around or anything, proud of you." Imogen complimented as Adam sent her a smile and they continued to walk out of school together, a comfortable silence falling between them.

"You alright?" Adam asked, now noticing the slightly forlorn look on his friends face who shrugged. "Long day." Imogen replied curtly, Adam nodding and picking up on the fact Imogen probably didn't want to talk about whatever was bothering her just yet.

"Imogen, Adam!" Both turned at the sounds of their names called, Hope stopping her conversation with Viv to look at them. "You walk down the stairs to the right of the bannister, you walk up the stairs to the left of it." The woman chastised, both Adam and Imogen sharing a look as Hope raised an eyebrow, waiting for them to walk down the correct way.

With a roll of her eyes Imogen turned and walked back up the three stairs they'd already descended, moving to the right side of the handrail and continuing back down, Adam quick to follow as Hope resumed her conversation with Viv.

"Do you wanna go and smash some shit?" Adam offered sincerely as the two reached the bottom, Imogen glaring up angrily toward where she could see Hope, who had now shifted her focus onto Cal, clearly telling them off once again for their uniform.

Glancing behind Hope to the bare brick walls of the front of Moordale Secondary an idea flashed into Imogens mind, and before she had time to even rationalise it or think it through she was turning back to Adam, a small grin plastered on her face.

"Do you know where I can get spray paint?"


"None, dad was too cheap."
"Why hasn't anyone ever done this before?"
"I have, but my dad always recognised my pubes and made me scrub it off."

"You know I do remember seeing your penis's and tit's around the school when I first started here, Maeve and I used to text them to one another." Imogen chuckled before it dawned on her that Maeve and her weren't even on speaking terms and a frown soon etched its way into her features.

"You two having problems?" Adam asked noticing the shift of mood on Imogens face at the mention of her girlfriend. "Something like that. What's the time?" Imogen dismissed the question, the argument with Maeve the last thing she wanted to focus on right now.

"11." Adam confirmed checking his watch with a squint. "You sure you're okay with doing this?" Imogen asked as they stopped at the bottom of the stairs, looking over to Adam.

"Yeah, I really don't like that new lady."


"Almost done?" Adam asked, hands wrapped securely around Imogens calves as he held the girl on his shoulders, their combined height now allowing Imogen to add the final details to their masterpiece on the wall. "Yeah nearly, what's the time now?" Imogen questioned, Adam glancing to his watch.


"Shit I thought it was like one. Okay, done!" Imogen announced, Adam squatting and helping her down off his shoulders, the two of them taking several steps back to admire their work.

"Well, it gets the point across." Imogen crossed her arms over her chest with a nod. "Horns and tail were a nice touch." Adam commented, mirroring Imogens posture as the two stood in silence, smiles growing on their faces. "I wish you'd let me give her like some massive tits or a minge or something." Adam commented as Imogen glanced at the boy.

"We need to have a talk about feminism Adam." Imogen sighed, patting the boy kindly on the back who shrugged, unbothered.

Together the two had spray painted a figure with enough likeness to Hope it would pass, fully clothed much to Adams many suggestions otherwise. But add in the fact they'd had added a text bubble reading "march single file on the right side of the line!", and the addition of burning sex ed books and a devils horns and tail, really pulled it all together.

The two satisfied with their work packed up their stuff, and a quick scan confirmed there were no spray paint cans laying around as they began their bikes ride home together. Stopping outside the Milburn residence first both came to a stop, Imogen stashing her bike in the bushes knowing bringing it down the stairs would make too much noise.

"Is that...a treehouse?" Adam frowned glancing down to the front yard where Jakobs half assembled treehouse loomed. "Yeah my mums boyfriend is building it for his kid, well their kid. I think they're naming it Thor." Imogen shrugged, Adam nodding his approval.

"Hey Adam?" Imogen stopped the boy as they exchanged goodbyes and he moved to mount his bike again.
"Yeah?" The boy tensed a little as Imogen hugged him tightly, caught a little off guard.

"Thanks, you're a really good guy. I'm glad we're friends." Imogen mumbled before pulling away, Adam quite overcome with emotions the boy looked away with a shrug. "Yeah you're alright yourself Milburn, I'll see you tomorrow." And with that, off he rode.


"Did you text Eric?" Imogen questioned as her and Adam jumped off their bikes, having ridden to school together, Imogen declining Aimees offer of a lift this morning, still not having spoken with Maeve after yesterday.

"Yeah but he's probably too busy with wedding stuff to reply." Adam shrugged, Imogen assuring him that was the case, holding back the information that Eric had texted her back this morning.

"Did you text Imogen?" Aimee questioned as she locked her car, Steve running off to the library to print something as the two girls walked together out of the car park and toward the school. "No, and I'm not going to." Maeve replied stubbornly as Aimee sighed, already having given Maeve a whole speech on why the two needed to work things out which had fallen on deaf ears.

"What's everyone gathered around for now?" Aimee frowned changing the subject, once again a small crowd flocking to the front of the school. "Probably all just looking for their five minutes of fame with the news crew again, cretins." Maeve rolled her eyes, looking to Aimee as the girl elicited a small gasp looking at her phone.

"Or not?" Aimee showed Maeve the screen, the brunettes eyes widening at the sight. Both girls now hurried to see if it was true, Maeve elbowing her way to the front of the pack ignoring the grunts of protest which followed.

"Who do you think did it?"
"Don't know, whoever did is a hero."
"Or a moron."
"I heard Hope had a heart attack when she saw it."
"I heard she had a breakdown and started yelling at the wall."
"The police were here this morning too apparently."
"I heard Hope knows who it was."
"They're so getting expelled."
"Expelled? Please they're getting arrested."

Their peers gossip filling her ears and having now seen the grafitti for herself Maeve linked arms with Aimee, pushing their way out of the throng of students. "I can't believe someone did that!" Aimee shook her head wide eyed with both awe and shock, however Maeve's own eyes were a little preoccupied.

They fell onto Imogen who was lingering in the doors of the school alongside Adam, staring at the grafitti over her peers head, and Maeve knew her well enough to recognise exactly what sort of smile was locked on the younger girls face.


"I'll find you in assembly Aimes." Maeve abruptly cut her friend off mid sentence as Imogen disappeared inside the school with Adam, Maeve hurrying after her as Aimee nodded in confusion watching her go.

Ascending the stairs two at a time Maeve burst into the building, eyes scanning around for her girlfriend but coming up bare. Ignoring the yells after her as she barrelled through people Maeve made a beeline for Imogens locker, spotting the girl swapping her books out for her morning classes.

"Come here." Maeve basically growled, grabbing the girls wrist and pulling her away, Imogen just having time to slam her locker shut with her other hand before Maeve dragged her into an empty classroom, dropping her hand and closing the door after them.

"What do you-" Imogen started before Maeve grabbed her hands, turning them over and staring at them through narrowed eyes, scanning for spray paint. "Okay, what the fuck?" Imogen ripped her hands away and took a step back, frowning at the brunette in front of her.

"Was it you? Did you do it?" Maeve accused, crossing her arms over her chest as Imogen shrugged, pulling herself to sit on top of a desk. "Do what exactly?" Imogen asked innocently, only angering Maeve further. "Don't play cute with me, that picture of 'Devil Hope'. Was that you?" Maeve glared unimpressed, Imogen shrugging again.

"So what if it was."
"So what? So what?" Maeve spluttered, shaking her head back and forth in anger.

"So what if Hope calls the police? Or someone saw you? Or someone rats you out? Did Adam make you do this because I swear to-" Maeve began to rant, Imogen rolling her eyes at her girlfriends reaction. "She won't!" Imogen groaned out over the top of Maeve, interrupting her ramble.

"And it was my idea, not Adams, he just helped. Even if Hope does call the police there's no proof, no cameras, no security, so no evidence. Beside me and Adam, the only other person who knows we did it, is you. So unless you go marching off to Hopes office and snitch, it's fine!" Imogen rolled her eyes, grabbing her bag and standing to leave.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Maeve hissed, blocking the girls path to leave as Imogen dropped her bag on the floor, sitting down on the desk again.

"Oh I'm sorry do your rebellious beliefs only exist outside vandalism Maeve? I'll make sure to stick to carving grammar into bathroom doors, yelling at my peers for existing and moaning at teachers when their lessons bore me." Imogen pouted with a roll of her eyes.

"I thought you wanted to get out of the bottom set? You've been in there for a few days and now you're thinking and acting exactly like a deadshit dickhead like the rest of those idiots. You're better than vandalism Imogen what the fuck were you thinking?" Maeve growled angrily as Imogen scoffed.

"Maybe I was thinking Hope is a terrible person and a horrible influence, and everyone needs to wake up and realise she basically is the devil. She's gonna spread her policies and her lines and her completely outdated teachings through the school and make people think her twisted beliefs are normal! Or did you forget that SRE lesson from the 1940's that we sat through yesterday?" Imogen huffed in annoyance, flaring her nostrils and clenching her fists.

"Hope's not that bad Imogen, her beliefs are a little outdated sure. But she's trying to get funding for me to do the gifted and talented program, and I think she might have even paid for my school trip, would a devil do that?" Maeve sighed, raising an eyebrow.

"Seriously? I can't believe you're defending her!" Imogen shook her head in utter disbelief. "I'm not defending her, I'm trying to make you realise you've changed! My girlfriend was never one to go around defacing school property and breaking the law without a care. Think of your future!" Maeve put firmly, staring the younger girl down.

"Oh your girlfriend isn't is she? Well my girlfriend isn't one to take handouts from people, especially not teachers. My girlfriend assumes everyone who tries helping her is just looking down on her in pity, so she lashes out and denies any assistance because she's stubborn and her stupid pride gets in the way of just accepting a good natured helping hand every now and then!" Imogen spat, voice dripping with sarcasm.

"That's because my girlfriend doesn't understand earning money because she was born with a silver spoon in her fucking mouth and shipped off to private school to work out her abandonment issues!" Maeve growled back, neither girl backing down in the venomous looks they were giving each other.

"I'm not doing this with you again." Imogen shook her head, grabbing her bag and moving for the door, Maeve this time not trying to stop her leaving.

"We never used to argue, you say I'm changing? Well I don't recognise you either Maeve. Enjoy the school trip, and don't speak to me until you're ready to have an actual conversation." Imogen mumbled the last bit, her anger deflating out of her like a ballon as she left Maeve behind in the classroom.

"Imogen Milburn, Kyle Jones, Cal Bowman and Jackson Marchetti to the head teachers office please."


"Thank you Kyle, Imogen you're next." Hope nodded into her office as Kyle slunk off towards assembly, Cal and Jackson still murmuring to one another their suspicions for being called to the office. With a sigh Imogen stood to her feet, adjusting her bag on her shoulder and following Hope into her office.

"I'm sure you know why you're here." Hope started taking a seat behind her desk as Imogen gingerly sat down infront, folding her legs over one another. "I really don't unless you have another riveting lecture on the failure of the arts industry prepared." Imogen sighed, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning back further into her chair.

"You are here because I suspect you either know who did or helped whoever defaced school property. Now before I get the police involved, I'm giving all potential witnesses and suspects the chance to confess. If you do so there will be no legal action enacted, you will simply be expected to clean up your mess off the front of my school." Hope quipped, her top lip quivering as Imogen stared blankly back, unfazed.

"And your only four suspects are me, Cal, Jackson and Kyle?" Imogen chuckled slightly at the roster. "No, you are the first four I will be speaking to. Believe me Imogen until someone comes forward I have a long day of speaking with students, but know I will get to the bottom of this. And the perpetrator will see justice, one way or another." Hope promised solemnly, reaching down to grab something out of her desk drawer.

"And why exactly am I a suspect then? Because I do well in art?" Imogen questioned with a raise of her eyebrow. "Because if thats the case I think you really need at least the other...fifteen or so students who do as well as me." Imogen continued, poker face not giving anything away.

"I believe, that this is yours." Hope placed what was previously clasped in her hand onto the table and for a moment Imogens heart sunk into her stomach, though just as quickly she knew she couldn't show anything.

In front of her was the tiny sun ring that Maeve had gotten with their tickets when they went to the arcade, and Imogens eyes almost burned as she resisted the temptation to look down at her hand, just to make sure.

"It was found this morning, right in front of my ah...mural, if you will." Hope pushed the ring closer toward Imogen. "Nope, not mine." Imogen shook her head, desperate for her face to not show a shred of recognition. "Really? Because I could have sworn you had it on yesterday." Hope tutted, leaning forward a little as Imogen shrugged.

"Bit weird you've been staring at my hands, Hope." The girl bit back, Hopes face hardening at her words. "So you know nothing about the vandalism then?" Hope cleared her throat, Imogen once again shaking her head as the bell for first period rang, and Imogen couldn't help but wonder what the point of assembly was if Hope didn't even attend.

"Fine, dismissed. Send Cal in please." Hope sighed, leaning back in her chair as Imogen stood to her feet. "Oh Imogen?" The girl turned, hand on the doorknob with a raised eyebrow. "If this isn't yours then you won't care if I..." Hope trailed off as she squished the ring between her thumb and forefinger effortlessly, leaving it warped on her desk as Imogens stomach lurched.

"Nope, not mine." Imogen repeated, tugging open the door and telling Cal they were next before she strode out of Hopes office, trying to ignore the wave of emotions which so desperately wanted to crash down upon her.

Imogen knew it was easer to just push everything down, and just try to forget about them.


"Have you given any thought to what you're gonna do after school?" Delilah asked curiously, frowning when Imogen groaned at the question. "Why does everyone keep asking me that!" Imogen threw her hands in the air, collapsing into her bed and moving the phone to her pillow beside her head.

"Okay first of all; woah. Second of all; what happened today to cause that reaction?" Delilah chuckled on the other end of the call, Imogen letting out a deep sigh. "Our new head teacher is a manipulative emotionless she-devil." Imogen answered calmly, a beat of silence passing before her sisters laugh echoed through the phone.

"Now this I need to hear about."

"It's a long story but to paint you a picture yesterday she separated us for SRE and had the girls class learn about abstinence and how sex ruins your life, and the boys class basically learnt that only gay men die from STD's." Imogen summarised as Delilah whistled.

"So she's an old, homophobic bigot. How fabulous!" Delilah gasped sarcastically as Imogen hummed. "I was only asking about after school because I was hoping you'd come visit again, maybe even want to take a trip maybe?" Delilah changed the subject, asking almost hesitantly.

"A trip?"
"Yeah you know, some sister bonding time. Maybe greece or croatia or italy, we have awhile to save and if you had no plans to rush off to university then we have plenty of time to plan." Delilah explained as Imogen nodded along.

"That sounds really nice Lilah." Imogen smiled, though they talked on the phone Imogen admittedly did miss actually hanging out with the older girl in person after so much time spent getting to know one another over her school break.

"Maeve can come too, of course." Delilah was quick to add on, wiping away the small smile which had gathered onto Imogens face. "Imogen I have noticed you are being incredibly quiet." Delilah started after a few beats of silence passed, voice slowly shifting into one of concern.

"I think Maeve and I are having our first proper fight, and it feels like shit." Imogen admitted quietly, exhaling a puff of air out of her nose. "Mmm out of the honeymoon phase then. Well, lay it on me kid. What happened?" Delilah hummed, Imogen hesitating before launching into a recap of the last two days.

"I mean they do say that your first fight is often the hardest, I'm sorry Immy." Delilah sighed once her sister finished speaking. "I don't like that now anytime we argue the first thing Maeve throws at me is that I grew up with money. I didn't ask to be born into that family!" Imogen huffed in annoyance.

"And I don't like that she took Hopes side over mine! Hopes side!" Imogen practically shouted, throwing her hands up with a grunt. "I understand. But speaking as someone who has had more failed relationships than you've probably had math tests, communication is key here. Even if sometimes it's angry and hurtful and mean and abrupt, talking is the best way out of anything." Delilah started gently.

"That's just the problem, there's no talking with us, it's only yelling lately, and I hate it." Imogen sighed, rolling over onto her stomach and resting her chin on her fist. "We used to disagree on things, I think that's part of the reason we get along so well. Its easy to debate things with Maeve and look at things from one anothers perspective, you know it keeps conversation interesting sometimes." Imogen started honestly, Delilah humming as she listened.

"But these arguments...they just get nasty and mean and personal. I don't think I need to be the one to apologise first, but I know she won't either. I'm still really angry with her, but I don't like fighting. But I'm not speaking to her until she's willing to talk and not yell, but then sometimes I want to yell. So what the hell do I do!" Imogen whined in annoyance with a groan.

"Do you want my honest advice?"
"No but I know I need some advice."
"Gee thanks."

"The two of you spend a lot of time together, right?" Delilah asked, Imogen confirming with a hum. "Well, sometimes when two people spend a lot of time together it can cause...ridges. You guys can't basically move in together and not expect to clash heads. You're teenage girls, you have hormones and emotions and we all need time to ourselves." Delilah started, pausing to call something inaudible out to her mum before apologising and continuing.

"You spend all day together at school, then you come home and spend time together, then you sleepover, then you wake up and go to school again. It's been really good you haven't argued until now, but also you wouldn't be a healthy couple if you didn't fight, sad as that seems." Delilah continued seriously, her voice softening.

"So I think some space with the two of you isn't the worst thing ever. You said your school trip is tomorrow right? Well thats a great distraction then, focus on France and all its wonderful little tidbits of culture. Take a few days to get over the anger and really think about what the two of you are actually upset with one another about, and I'm sure Maeve will do the same. Then once you've had that time apart to think, it might make coming together to talk a little easier." Delilah finished gently, cautious with her delivery.

"I guess that makes sense, thanks Lilah." Imogen smiled sincerely, tapping her phone as her eyes widened seeing the time. "Shit I need to be at school in like five and a half hours." Imogen moaned at the thought of the early start they were required for the trip.

"And I need to be at work in about...six. Goodnight Im." Delilah laughed, Imogen echoing her words and promising to keep her sister updated before hanging up.

Pulling herself to her feet with a small grunt Imogen padded over to her desk, plugging her phone in to charge and flicking off her lamp before stumbling back to bed as darkness quickly encompassed the small room.

Though the moment Imogen slid under the covers and her head hit the pillow, her mind seemed to explode into a cascade of doubt, anger and frustation at the last couple of days. Not to mention Imogen was almost certain she'd failed both her biology and geography quiz's today, the geography one a complete surprise, which she guessed was the point of a pop quiz.

Brain ticking with overthinking the minutes dragged by painfully slow, and by the time Imogen finally fell asleep it was fast nearing 3am, her dreams plagued by the anxieties which had kept her awake in the first place, her 5am alarm dangerously close.

One thing was for certain, the school trip would be anything but boring.

rambles; welcome to angst city y'all, population: Imomaeve.
