Chapter 8: To The Island

Raven slowly and carefully stood, taking each step gently, she crept lightly down the stairs, feeling her heart pound, as she continued down the stairs, her steps slightly faster. When she reached the bottom, she turned to the right reaching a large door under the stairs, opening it to reveal a wide staircase, leading to another door, she locked the first door behind her, before proceeding to the next, opening and locking it behind her. "Pythor?" She looked over to the large plush pet bed in the middle of the room. In the middle lay Pythor on his back, small scratches on his left shoulder, and a bite mark on his neck. "Voxen used his venom?" "Yep, hurts like crazy." She walked closer, before licking him on the cheek. "Maybe I can help." Pythor knew what to do and raised his head up, feeling as their foreheads touched, and the healing magic that they shared starting to work, their wounds glowing with a pure white light, as they closed and healed, disappearing completely. "Better?" Pythor rolled over, stood, and licked her cheek, before nuzzling her. "Much. I still can't believe I did what I did. All I can really remember is you saying something, then I woke up in here, in extreme pain." Pythor suddenly froze, his tail racing to his stomach. "Pythor what's wrong? Are you going to get sick again?" "No. I think I just felt it move, here give me your paw." She did as told, feeling the baby move against her, eyes becoming wide, and out of joy nuzzled into his neck, causing him to purr. "Raven. Now that our wounds have healed. Could we possibly get ready to go? The tug is getting stronger." She nodded. "Let's go and get packed. Even if we flew top speed non-stop, it's a ten hour flight. If we leave now we should arrive by sun rise." She licked his cheek again, before walking off to pack a few things, Pythor right behind her. (one hour of packing later) They couple stood outside the house, keys in Pythor's saddle bag, supplies for when it came time in Raven's, and a note on the table if anyone came by. Raven stretched her long feathery wings, flapping them in a false take off, removing the stiffness after not having flown in over a month. Pythor merely just unfolded them, and shook like he was shaking water off. "Ready?" Raven crouched down wings out in a pretake off position, getting eager to fly once more. "As I'll ever be. Now let's go, we've got a long trip ahead of us." She answered, before leaping up in the air, hovering as she waited for Pythor. He joined her soon after, following her lead ash he headed for the island. (Time skip because of writers block) They landed on the pier, hearing it creak under their weight. "Be careful. This place hasn't been used in almost a year. And watch out for booby traps, we didn't find them all." She walked forward watching her step carefully, with Pythor following behind. He stopped for a moment as a sharp pain crossed his stomach, thinking nothing of it, other than the baby kicking. (Another writer's block timeskip.) "My room should be this way. Chen had each room custom built for each master. The floor is strong enough to hold the weight of my largest form, so we don't need to worry about falling through." She walked past many doors until she found the right one, the scorch mark still there from the first event. Opening it she was met with an extremely large bed, big enough to fit them both. "Go ahead an lay down. I'm gonna explore, and see what I can find. If you need me just call." She left just as another pain shot through Pythor. "Not now. Please just wait a little longer." He begged, unhappy with the fact that the baby was coming.
