Chapter 1: A Little Accident

"You ready?" The dragoness called. "I was about to ask the same thing." Pythor replied. (Backstory: It had been like any other day. Now that Serpentine and humans lived together in peace. Raven, Pythor, and the other generals had been out on their annual trip. It was just generals. A time to get away from their tribes and families for a few weeks. As they were walking to their usual spot, when Raven and Pythor had gotten into a discussing about who was stronger. It eventually became heated an they decided to settle it with a makeshift slither pit. Both agreed that they would fight in their dragon forms. And that's where our story begins.) Cue pokemon battle style
Raven begins to circle Pythor
Raven uses lunge
The attack missed
Pythor used scratch
It's not very effective
Raven used roar
The foe's Pythor is unfazed
Foe's Pythor used taunt
Raven fell for the taunt
Raven used flamethrower
It's not very effective
Foe's Pythor used taunt
Raven fell for the taunt
Raven became infuriated
Raven used Age-spell
Pythor dodged
It hit a bystander
Both sides loose
Battle ends
"Uh, Raven what did you do?" Pythor asked transforming into his human form, and carefully creeping towards the crater that had been created. "Well, from the looks of it I let my anger get the best of me. So I have no clue what I did. I'll take a look." She answered also transforming into her human form, and creeping towards the crater. Looking over the edge, both could see Acidius phazed but unharmed. "Acidius, are you ok?" Raven called sliding in and rushing over to the Venomari general. "Ung. R-Raven is that you?" Came Acidious's dazed reply. "Yes, it is. But where are the others?" A small noise was heard from under Acidius's tail, causing him to draw it closer to his body to discover the source of the sound. What was revealed was something she'd never thought she'd see. Three hatchlings lay there squirming and crying out as the warm tail was removed. "SKALES!!" Pythor cried out. He was able to see from the edge of the crater what was happening. He slid down rushing to his childhood friend. He gently picked him up, and Skales wrapped his tail around Pythor's arm. Pythor then held him close to his chest, where Skales didn't hesitate to huddle close "Let's gather them up and get back to Raven's place." Pythor commanded. Raven picked up Skalidor taking note that he too wrapped his tail around her arm, and wrapped her cloak around him and her to help keep him warm. Acidious also became human and took Fangtom with his tail also becoming wrapped around his arm. A sudden roll of thunder was heard, causing all to cry out and huddle closer to the one that was holding them. "And let's hurry! I don't want them out in the rain. They then quickly rushed the two mile trek to Raven's home. When they were just a mile away it began to pour. Pythor and Acidius followed Raven's earlier example and wrapped their cloaks around the hatchling they carried. When they finally arrived all three were soaking wet, but their precious cargo remained dry. Raven quickly used a spell to dry them off. "Is everyone ok?" Raven asked, pulling off her cloak to reveal that Skalidor had fallen asleep. The sight was too much for them all, and a chorus of Awws was heard throughout the room. A quick snap was heard as Raven took a picture. "Pythor would you be willing to watch Skalidor while I go gather a few things?" "Of course. It would be my pleasure." "Could you also watch Fangtom? I think I'm gonna help Raven." Before Pythor knew it he had his arms full of hatchlings, and something deep within him told him to coil and let the others lay on that. He quickly transformed and coiled his tail, gently setting the others on that.
