Chapter 2: A Male Carrier?

When Raven left the room, Acidius pulled her into a room and closed the door. "Acidius, what's going on? I need to grab some things for the others." Raven was growing impatient. "I have my reasons. I think Pythor may be a carrier." "A what?" Raven did not like the sound of that. "A carrier. Which is a serpentine that is able to bear eggs, and I also believe that he might be with egg." Raven lost it a that. "Are you saying that Pythor is a woman? Because if you are, then you're sleeping in the shed." "That's not what I'm saying at all. If you would just listen to me then you would understand." "You've got ten minutes." "Ok. You know how Pythor instantly rushed over to the others?" "He rushed over to Skales. Not the others." "Fine. But, think about it. He was perfectly fine when he wrapped his tail around his arm. It was really uncomfortable for me. He was perfectly fine. For any regular male it's always a strange thing even if it's happened before. For a female or what serpentine refer to a male carrier it feels perfectly natural. And hasn't he ever gone into heat before?" "Yes, but I thought it was normal for all serpentine. I have a heat cycle too." "It's not normal for a male to have a heat cycle. He shouldn't have one." "I'll look into this matter later, but now I need to gather supplies." "Before you go. If my suspicion is right, it won't be long before he gets a need to to build a nest. He'll want things that are relatively soft." Raven was fuming. He was basically saying that Pythor was a hermathidite, and a pregnant one at that. But what if he was right, she best grab some large blankets just incase. Raven entered her room and grabbed, six large comforters, a few small blankets, a couple towels, a few books on serpentine history, and some more books on serpentine reproductive biology, and suspended them using her magic, then left with supplies in hand. Apoun entering the main room, she saw the sweetest sight ever. Pythor asleep, with the hatchlings laying on his tail also asleep. It was too much. Raven set the blankets and towels on the floor next to Pythor. Then took her books to the nearby couch and set them beside it, she lit the wood in the fire place with a small fire ball. She pulled out her phone and took a few pictures of the whole scene before her, then got a few close ups of each of the generals to text to their families and explain what's going on. She got a chewing out from Skalidor's wife Onix. Fangtom's wife Ruby, wanted Raven to keep her updated. Skales' wife Rose, freaked out. After getting that problem handled, Raven sat down and began to read one of her biology books. She only got through a few chapters before she fell asleep.
