Chapter Twenty-Eight

It was rather chilly on the set, but Elvis was sweating like a pig as he waited for Vernon, Charlotte, and Red to come back with MaryJane.

Or he hoped they would bring her back.

What was happening between her and her parents right now was beyond Elvis' reach. Normally, he could settle an argument or whatever between fans, but MaryJane's parents were no fans of his and now that they found out about the affair, he was certain they hated him with a passion.

He knew Kevin wouldn't like him any better if he found out. As much as Elvis disliked Kevin, he tried to see from his perspective. Sure, he's a woman beater, but he's losing his beautiful fiancé to another man and that had to hurt.

Even though Elvis felt a tinge of sympathy for him, he would never forgive Kevin for hurting MaryJane the way he did. He never understood why MaryJane forgave Kevin for beating her. She must have really loved him.

Elvis thought about their relationship all the time as if it was his business. Whether MaryJane and Kevin lost their virginities together or how they met.

Elvis planned to ask MaryJane about her past with Kevin. No matter her answers, it couldn't change how he felt about her.

A few hours after settling into his hotel room, Elvis heard a knock on the door before it opened. Gasping as he saw MaryJane, who was being propped up by Charlotte and Vernon, he picked up her limp body and carried her to the bed.

Her lip was busted and swollen, as well as her eye. Blood stained her upper lip from her nose.

Elvis clenched his jaw. "That fucker did this to her, didn't he?"

"I took care of him," Red said, cracking his knuckles, clearly proud of beating Kevin up.

MaryJane caught him glancing at her through her swollen, black eyes. She looked so hurt, and it hurt him to even look at her so much that he began to cry.

"Elvis," she croaked. "I'm fine."

He kneeled by her bed and grabbed her delicate hands. "You ain't gotta lie to me, baby. Have you been checked out?" He turned to Charlotte, Red, and Vernon. "Has she been checked out?"

They shook their heads.

"Call the doctor now," he stood up.

No one moved for the phone or to help MaryJane. Elvis became frustrated as he watched them just stand there.

"E, I think we need to give MaryJane some space," Vernon said, making his way to the balcony with Red behind him.

Before following them, Elvis bent down and kissed MaryJane's forehead tenderly. "You watch her good," he said to Charlotte.

She laughed. "You know I will."

Elvis trudged onto the balcony where Vernon and Red shared a shot of whiskey. He was becoming frustrated with how little attention and care they were giving to MaryJane who was hurting.

"MaryJane was beaten up and down and y'all are sitting here taking shots?" Elvis said in distress.

His legs shook with both nervousness and anger as he glanced from his drinking father and friend and to MaryJane laying on the bed through the glass door. Grabbing the railing for support, he watched as Vernon placed his shot glass down on the table.

"Cool it, E," Red said after tipping the glass back, pouring the strong liquor in his mouth. "She's fine."

"Fine?" Elvis repeated. "Does she look fine to you? Her fiancé smashed her face in!"

"Now, don't start exaggerating, son," Vernon said, taking a sip. "We talked on the way here and she made it very clear she doesn't need medical attention. Trust me, I tried to get her to go to the hospital. Stubborn little girl, she is."

Elvis shook his head. "Of course she said no! She's not the kind to admit she's hurt!"

Vernon shook his head and waved his hand. "E, she's fine. Sure, she's got a couple shiners here and there, but she's perfectly happy."

"She was just assaulted, how could she be happy-"

A loud, cute giggling erupted from inside the hotel room, belonging to MaryJane.

Vernon raised his eyebrows with vindication. "What did I tell you?"

He sighed and picked the bottle of whiskey and poured the remains in his mouth. It was bitter, causing him to hiss. But it made him forget his worries.


Red, Vernon and Charlotte had left a half an hour ago. MaryJane was so thankful she had friends like that. They saved her from Kevin, brought her back to Elvis, and made her feel so much better.

But yet, she still felt like shit.

She glared at herself in the mirror. Who was that weird looking girl? She could barely recognize herself. Refusing to believe it was her, she stormed out onto the balcony.

The wind blew her hair wildly, twisting it around. Taking a step closer to the edge, she held onto the railing and looked below her. She knew one jump and it would be the last of her. Would that be such a bad thing?

She gasped as she felt arms wrap around her waist. Relaxing, she felt Elvis' lips on her neck.

"How are you feeling, honey?" He murmured into her neck.

"I'm fine," she lied.

Sure, she was happy she made it back to Elvis and got away from Kevin. But she was depressed and felt ugly. Who wouldn't after being hit by their fiancé?

"Will you tell me what all happened?"

She nodded and lead him into the bedroom. She was terrified that someone was going to hear her out on the balcony.

They sat on the King size bed as MaryJane told him everything. She liked being able to trust some so much that she could tell them everything.

"Wow," Elvis said as she finished. "So he really called me Pelvis?"

MaryJane punched his shoulder and he pretended to be in pain.

"Ya know," she began. "Pelvis is a pretty good name for you."

She pushed him back onto the bed as he smiled lopsidedly. "Is that so?"

She slipped her hand under the covers. "I think so."

Elvis grinned from ear to ear and kissed her lips tenderly, careful not to hurt her. He wrapped his arms around her slender body and held her closely. She could hear the soft sound of his heartbeat in his chest.

"Bruised and busted and you're still beautiful," he said, kissing her cheek.

She smiled. "I love you."

"I love you more."


A/N: crappy chapter, sorry!

Okay, I have a plan for future chapters but I have no idea what to do for next chapter. So if you have any ideas message me, please?

