Chapter Thirty-Six

Pregnant? MaryJane couldn't be. She was shocked and scared and didn't know what she was going to do. Part of her was extremely angry. She already was aware of the fact Elvis was the father. Of course, another obstacle when she tried to leave him. The last thing she wanted was to be stuck with him and be unhappy. She hated the Hollywood Life. She hated girls kissing him, and now he'd be leaving for the military and she couldn't handle having a baby on her own.

She sighed and placed her hand on her still flat stomach. The doctors had informed her she had been pregnant for three months. Stupid. How could I not have known this long? She nearly smacked herself in the face. How did she always get herself in these situations?

"MaryJane," the nurse poked her head through the door. "You have some visitors. They've been here since you've arrived but we didn't know you're real name and all-"

"Where's Kevin and Alan?" She interrupted the rambling nurse.

"They left after your surgery. They told me they'd be back later," she said. "Are you up for some other visitors though?"

MaryJane knew it was Elvis and she almost wanted to panic, but knew she couldn't show it. For now, she couldn't act like anything was wrong.

"Yes," MaryJane said. "Please only one at a time though."

The nurse nodded and slipped out the door. MaryJane could barely breathe. She couldn't explain any of this to Elvis or any of family. She didn't even know whether or not to believe Kevin and Alan. The story made sense but they've lied to her before.


A wave of relieve fell over her as she lifted her head and saw Charlotte's tear soaked faced. Her usually neat hair, was a complete mess. It made MaryJane feel so guilty.

"Oh my God," Charlotte whimpered, grasping her in a hug. "What the hell happened?"

"Good question," MaryJane chuckled, dryly.

Charlotte shook her head. "Look, I know you've been through a lot but we live in that house. We need answers."

She sighed. "I wish I knew more. All I know is that I was in my room and someone shot me. Kevin and Alan said they followed a man who was going to rob Graceland. The man saw me, shot me and ran off."

She could see the disbelief in her best friend's face. "You really believe what those alcoholics said? MaryJane, we need to get the police here and tell them Kevin shot you! You know he did!"

MaryJane waved her hand, as if to tell Charlotte to calm down. "Listen. I can't have Kevin in jail right now. We have bigger issues now."

"What is wrong with you, MaryJane? Bigger issues? What's bigger than being shot by your ex?" She grabbed her by the shoulders.

She sat quietly and waited for Charlotte to stop ranting. She always reacted horribly to situations like this and the fact that she hated Kevin wasn't helping.

"Charlotte, please listen to me," MaryJane pleaded with her calmly. "I really need you to help me. It's hard to tell what Kevin did but I need him here for now at least."

"Why the hell would you need him? You've been running away from him for months! He's left you, abused you, cheated on you, not to mention the fact that he's hit your best friend! How could you say you need him-"

"Charlotte, I'm pregnant."

She froze and eyed MaryJane up and down. Reaching for her, Charlotte began to cry with sympathy while hugging MaryJane. They sobbed together uncontrollably.

"The baby is his," Charlotte wiped her eyes. "That's why you need him?"

MaryJane shook her head. "Elvis is the father. We can't tell him though. I need to pretend that the baby belongs to Kevin. I can't stay with Elvis any longer."

"You have to tell Elvis," Charlotte began. "I know you're upset that he's leaving for the military but everything will be fine. All of us will help. It'll be difficult without him sometimes but you can't hide this from him. Do it for your baby and him. Your baby needs a father and he'll need to know he has a child out there. You'll have to live with the guilt if you hide this from him."

Knock, knock!

"There he is now, MaryJane," Charlotte continued, wiping a few tears from both her and MaryJane's eyes. "You can't lie to him. He loves you so much and you owe him this. He was so worried you wouldn't want to see him, that's why I was sent in here first."

MaryJane nodded without saying a word. They both knew she didn't want to see Elvis. She loved him and everyone knew that. That's why she couldn't stay or explain any of this to him. He's be too hurt and she'd have to live with it. He'd be better off not knowing any of it.


After hours of suspense and sitting in the waiting room, Elvis had finally been told he could see MaryJane. Charlotte had gone first, cautious that Elvis might upset her more. It had been all his fault. If he would have told her in calm, private setting about the draft, she wouldn't have gotten emotional and went to her room. So many things were so unclear about what happened.

Getting impatient, he finally found her room number and knocked on the door. He could slightly hear MaryJane's murmuring voice through the door and his heart thumped violently. He missed her tremendously and wanted to make her feel safe again. The thought of her being scared for her life killed him inside. 

The door had begun to crack open, revealing the worrisome face of Charlotte. Patting his arm, she slid through the door and shuffled down the hallway. He knew that if Charlotte wasn't being her normal, bubbly self, making every situation positive, then something was absolutely terrible. For that reason, he had waited outside MaryJane's door longer and longer. He just wasn't ready to see her hurt.

Finally, he took a deep breath and reluctantly opened the door again. As he met the MaryJane's tearful eyes, he couldn't help but cry himself. Her figure looked more fragile than usual. Her leg was bandaged thickly. Why had this happened to her? What had even happened to her?

"Baby, what happened to you?" He cried, rushing to her bedside.

As he reached for her hand, she pulled away. "Elvis, I'm fine."

"You are not fine, MaryJane! How could you say you're fine? Look at you! You won't even look me in the eyes!" he nearly exploded in tears and grabbed her face so she would look at him. "Do you enjoy seeing me in pain? Because it sure as hell kills me to see you like this."

It was silent for a few moments before MaryJane burst into sobs an took Elvis into her arms. He felt her hot tears soak into his clothing, but he didn't care. She was in his arms again and was safe.

"Please tell me what happened," he murmured to her. "I know you don't want to think about it, but you need to tell me so I can keep you safe." 

Before she could even speak, the door had burst open. Both of their heads turned to see Kevin standing in the doorway. Elvis' heart stopped and he couldn't hold in his anger.

"What the hell is he doing here?" He abruptly stood, his face red as a tomato.

Kevin smirked. "The better question is 'Why are you here?'"

Elvis stepped towards Kevin, fists clenched as he tried to contain his madness. "I'll get him out of here, MaryJane-"

"You didn't tell him, babe?" Kevin smiled at MaryJane. "Well, since you were of no help to her, I had to save her life. Alan and I followed a man who threatened to rob your house as I was worried my fiance would get hurt. We showed up and saw him shoot her. Luckily, she is fine and so is our little baby."

Elvis' eyes followed Kevin's hand as it made it's way to MaryJane's stomach. He watched MaryJane look away as if to hide her tears. How could this happen? Elvis could barely stand. His head felt dizzy and his heart thumped into his throat. Kevin continued to chuckled in Elvis' direction. 

"Y-you're pregnant with him?" Elvis could barely squeak the words out.

He could barely think as he waited for her answer. Please don't be, he pleaded. He prayed silently while staring at her. 

"I'm so sorry, Elvis," she cried.

How could this have happened? He could't control it anymore. He saw red. Before he could stop himself, he stood and pinned Kevin to the wall, and punched him until he saw blood dripping from his nose and mouth. He ignored the screams from MaryJane and continued until Kevin fell to the ground. 

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Elvis started for the door. "I hope you both are fucking happy."

He slammed the door behind him, leaving MaryJane petrified and Kevin badly beaten. He stomped angrily and fast to the waiting room where all of his family and friends stood. He ignored all the "How is she?" questions he heard and walked out of the doors. He knew they had noticed the blood on his hands, he didn't care. 

"Elvis, stop!" Charlotte's high heels clacked against the sidewalk as she ran after him. "What happened?"

He continued to walk off his anger as he answered, "She is pregnant."

"Aren't you happy about that?" She frowned, panting as she tried to catch up with his long strides.

"Why the fuck do you think I am happy? She cheated on me with Kevin and now she is having his fucking kid!" He exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air.

"Elvis, please stop," she grabbed him by the shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "Please listen to me. That baby is not Kevin's. She's been with you this whole time! How could she have cheated on you? Elvis, she is so in love with you and you know this! We also know that Kevin was the real one that shot her and she's terrified of him hurting her. She is worried for you going into the military."

"What are you trying to say?" He shook his head.

"Elvis, you are the father of that baby! She told me!"

He slowly sunk to the ground in disbelief. Too much has happened over the course of two days and he had no idea what to believe. He knew Charlotte would never lie but could this be true? He began crying again. How could MaryJane hide this from him and allow Kevin to take care of his child? 

"I'm going to be a dad," he sobbed as he laid on the sidewalk.

"We need to get her back now!"

They both ran into the hospital to find her. As their hearts pounded, they ran into her room to try to talk to her, but it was empty. All that was left was a puddle of blood where Kevin had laid. The family had asked all the staff, but no one had saw or heard anything . The had no idea where to go or look. Would they ever see MaryJane and this baby again?
