Scavenger Hunt (OoO S1)

Hey guys! And welcome to the first OoO S1 one-shot. For those of you who didn't see the announcement, this season has been added. And I will also now be including characters played by people that have left the origins crew in stories. For more info, go to the previous chapter.

Before we get into this! I wanted to make a a few notes. This is an AU, and a lot of stuff has changed. First of all, this takes place about two years after season 1, but we're just gonna pretend that season 2 and 3 don't happen. Secondly, Micheal is still alive, and Xylo never went to the underworld. Third, everyone forgave Bryan for the Seductive Rose situation. Fourth, Austin was never banished to the underworld and Bri's memories were never erased. And finally, the Titans were never released. I'm doing this because I want to include characters and relationships in this AU, and I wouldn't be able to if all this stuff still happened. So let's just use our imaginations. I know it's a lot, and I'm sorry. Now onto the story!

Third Person POV:

Bri was in her cabin working on a potion when all of a sudden she heard a knock on her door. Sighing, she put down what she was working on and went to open the door.

To her surprise, she opened the door to find Ritchie.

Ritchie: delivery!

As he said this he held a letter out to Bri.

Bri: I thought you didn't do personal deliveries?

Bri was a bit confused but none the less, she took the letter, although hesitantly.

Ritchie: this is a special case.

With that final word, Ritchie gave her a wink and then flew off. A bit confused, Bri closed the door and then sat down at her table.

Looking at the envelope she finds the words "Clue 1" on the front. She tore the envelope open and unfolded the letter inside. She looked at the paper and found a poem.

Welcome to the scavenger hunt, I made it just for you.
The place we first met, is where you'll find clue number 2.
But be careful, and don't
get confused.
It's not the place I remember, but rather the one you do.

Bri smiled, already having an idea of who the letter was from. In her head she went over the poem, figuring out where she had to go next.

'the place we first met. He thinks it's Walmart, but he said the place that I remember. So the crossroad.'

Quickly Bri folded up the letter and exited her cabin. She flew off immediately to where she figured the next clue was, extremely curious as to what this "scavenger hunt" was about.

after only a few minutes she reached the crossroad and looked around. She quickly spotted another envelope on the ground, being held down by a small stone. Picking it up the saw "Clue 2" written on the front.

Once again she tore open the envelope and then unfolded the letter.

Congratulations! You found clue number 2.
Now head to the place we first said

'I Love You'.

She again smiled, already knowing exactly where this was. Folding up the letter she flew off in the direction of Apollo's temple.

As she landed she looked around and quickly saw another envelope taped to the side of the fountain. The words 'Clue 3'  written on the front. She quickly tore open the envelope and unfolded the letter.

Wonderful job, you're one step
closer to the end.
Now go to the place we first became
boyfriend, girlfriend.

Bri had smiled a lot in the last little while, but she couldn't help it. This was genuinely adorable. She thought back to the morning on the docks when they first became an official couple and couldn't stop the smile from forming on her face. And so quickly, she flew off to the docks.

As she landed she immediately saw the letter sitting on top of a support beam. She wasted no time, tearing it open and reading the next poem.

An argument we had was whether
I was the father.
Go to the place where we first
got our daughter.

This one confused Bri a little bit until she figure out that he was most likely talking about Shimmer. And so she folded up the letter and set off for the beach.

She landed and looked around a bit before she spotted another envelope. It was sitting in the small nest Bri made when she first hatched Shimmer. Bri grabbed the envelope and tore it open reading the next poem.

Go to the place where no one
had the best day.
But me and you ended up dancing
the night away.


ri thought of the bittersweet memory. The first Aphrodite's ball hadn't been the best, but it did end on a nice note. At least for her. The next day not so much, but everyone's past that now. Quickly she flew off towards the dining hall.

As she landed she looked through the windows and spotted most of the other campers inside.

'it is about dinner time, so that makes sense. But do I really want to stop and eat, or do I want to finish this?' Bri thought about it for a moment. 'nah, I'm to curious at this point. I'll eat later.'

As she had this short monologue in her head she entered the dining hall and walked up to everyone. Most of them greeted her, various "hellos" resounding through the hall.

Bri: hey guys. Anyone happen to see an envelope around here?

Xylo, Micheal, Ritchie, and Bryan all smirked a bit and looked at each other but none of them said anything. Kayla on the other hand did interject.

Kayla: I'm pretty sure I saw one in the kitchen.

Bri: okay, thanks! Enjoy your food.

Bri quickly said bye to everyone headed into the kitchen. She easily found the envelope with the words 'Clue 6' written on the front, as it was sitting right on the counter.

She tore it open and saw that this poem was a bit longer than the others.

An amazing day was our
first date.
But we both agreed that we
needed a break.
And so we found, a lone mushroom house isle.
We sat there together, just me, you, and the stars for a while.

Bri already knew exactly where this was, it also happened to be the same place that they had their first kiss. Over the last two years the two of them have spruced the place up. And they now use it as basically an enchantment area. Bri is the one who uses it the most, working on her potions and magical jewelry. But he uses the place sometimes to.

Quickly she grabbed an apple and started on her way to the mushroom house. It was a bit more of a journey, so she figured she should take a small snack for the fly.

About ten minutes later Bri reached her destination. Landing Infront of the mushroom house, she found her boyfriend standing outside waiting for her.

Austin: hi love.

Bri: hi. As fun as this was, mind explaining what this whole thing was for?

As she said this, Bri held up the poems which she had been collecting throughout they day. Austin smiled a bit at this.

Austin: can't I just do something fun for my girlfriend?

Bri: I mean yeah, you would probably do something like this everyday if you though it would make me happy. But something tells me that there's a bit more going on here.

Bri could have easily read his mind at this point, but she decided to wait and be surprised.

Austin: yeah, you caught me. But if thats what you want then I will gladly start setting up scavenger hunts for you.

Bri giggled a bit at this and looked at her boyfriend with love in her eyes.

Bri: how about we save that for days when we're bored. But we're getting off track. Can you please explain all this now? I am beyond curious at this point.

Austin grinned widely and walked closer to his girlfriend, taking her hands in his, he started talking.

Austin: Bri, we have been together for sixteen years now...

Bri: just over two actually, but sure.

Austin: and they have been the best years of my life! But, I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore. I want to be more than that.

Austin let go of Bri's hand and reached into his pocket.

Austin: Bri, you are my entire world, and I don't want to go a single day without you in my life. You have always been there for me when I really needed it, and you helped me work through a lot. I don't think I would be here today if it wasn't for you.

Austin knelt down on one knee.

Austin: Bri, being with you, I'm already the happiest man in the world. But would you make me the happiest man in the universe, and do me the honor of marrying me?

Austin opened the box to reveal a twisted rose gold ring, with a beautiful gem in the center, three smaller gems leading up to it on each side.

Bri was speechless, she had her hand over her mouth and tears of joy in her eyes. She didn't know what to say, all she could do was nod.

Austin saw the nod but was still unsure of her answer.

Austin: yes?

Bri smiled and tackled him into a hug.

Bri: of course it's a yes you big idiot.

Austin grinned and hugged her back, as she pulled away he slipped the ring into her finger.

Austin: perfect fit.

Bri laughed gleefully, admiring the ring.

Bri: it's beautiful Austin. How did you get this?

Austin: Bryan helped me pick out the design for it. Ritchie and Micheal helped me find the gems. And Xylo helped me make it.

Bri: I'll have to thank them when we get back.

Bri laughed a bit and smiled. She then pulled Austin in for a kiss. Eagerly, he returned it.

For the next hour or two the newly engaged couple sat there, just enjoying each others company. And later on they went back to camp to share the news.

I hope you all annoyed this! It was so fun being able to write Ari stuff! I missed them. For those of you who don't know, Bri and Austin are no longer a couple IRL, so This obviously has nothing to do with them as real people. All of the oneshots are purely based on characters. But yeah, I had literally so much fun writing this, they were probably my favorite ship in every series before they left the origins crew. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and please leave any requests you may have in the comments.

As always have an amazing day and remember to keep being yourself.

~ Gypsy 
