I'm Back!!

Hey y'all. I know it's been a while, and for that I apologize. I have been really low on motivation and dealing with a lot IRL. However I have gotten some motivation back. And I'm excited to continue writing for you all. I have quite a few ideas that I want to get done, some being second parts to previous oneshots, and others being totally new ones. And obviously I have a couple requests that I have to get done as well. However I would like to announce that from this point forward all origins series from OoO S1 to OoO S3 will be up for requests. And yes that means OoO S1 is now included in this book. None of the members that left the origins crew have stated that they are uncomfortable with being in fan stuff, so I decided that it would be okay to start including them. However any members that were kicked out of the origins crew will not be making any appearances in my books. As for why I'm not doing SNO S3 or SAO, it's because neither of them have enough story line to base oneshots off of. SNO S3 was abandoned really early, and not enough people have been posting SAO content for me to be able to write about it. Once we finally get more in depth in SAO then I will add it, but for now it's gonna be left out. All in all I can't wait to start writing again, and please leave any requests that you might have.

Other than that, have an amazing day and remember to keep being yourself.

~ Gypsy
