Her Other Family? (FTO S5)

Blake decides that she wants to visit her parents and village. The rest of Divinus Magia decide to tag along. Ritchie is alive in this AU. It takes place after the finale.

Blake's POV:

Recently I have been feeling kinda homesick. I really miss my parents and village. It's not like I don't like Atlantide. I love the city and everyone that I have met here. But sometimes I really miss home. I miss being able to run through fields of grass. Or being able to ride Caspian, my horse, through the forest trails. Not to mention my dogs, Indara, Dakota, and Raven, I really miss them. Plus, my parents said in their letters that work has been a bit more difficult with only the two of them on the farm. I wish I could go see them, and help out for a bit.

Third Person POV:

Lucas - Blake, are you okay? I've noticed that you have been a bit down recently.

Blake - huh? Oh yeah I'm fine.

Lucas - you don't seem like it. Seriously Blake, what's wrong.

Blake - its stupid.

Lucas - If it's making you this upset then I doubt that's true.

Blake - I just- I miss my parents, I guess.

Lucas - oh?

Blake - yeah. I haven't seen them in months. I have sent letters but that's not the same as actually seeing them. Plus, there's Caspian, Dakota, Indara, and Raven.

Lucas - who?

Blake - I grew up on a farm. We had animals. Caspian is one of the horses, specifically, my horse. Dakota, Indara, and Raven are my dogs.

Lucas - oh. Well I mean if you really miss them that much then ask Ritchie and Brandon if you can take a couple weeks off. Go visit them.

Blake - you really think they'd let me!?

Lucas - I'm sure they would.

Blake - then let's go!

Blake quickly ran out her door and went straight to Ritchie and Brandons office.

Brandon - hello Blake, what can we help you with.

Blake - well, I was hoping to take a couple weeks away from the guild.

Ritchie - and why's that?

Blake - I wanted to visit my parents. I haven't seen them in months. And from what their letters have said, they could use a bit of help right now.

Ritchie - how long would you be gone for?

Blake - I'm not sure. Probably around 2 - 3 weeks.

Brandon - I need to talk to my brother about something before we allow this. But we'll come find you when we're done.

Blake - okay! Thanks!

As Blake walked out she mumbled to herself "it wasn't a no, so I have a chance."

Ritchie - so, brother. What did you need to talk to me about?

Brandon - Blake asking for some time off got me thinking. The guild has been doing a lot recently. We only just figured out all of the problems we were dealing with. I think everyone could use a bit of a break. Including us.

Ritchie - what are you saying?

Brandon - I mean. I think it would do us all some good to get away from city life for a bit.

Ritchie - you wanna ask Blake if all of Divinus Magia can go with her back to her home village?

Brandon - I mean Tiffy, Selene, Laura, and Faun are all currently busy with there own personal things. As well as Inmo. So maybe not them. But I don't see why the rest of us can't go.

Ritchie - I mean, sure. Why not? We'll let everyone relax for a while.

A couple hours later.

All of Divinus Magia was exited about the news. They got to take a break. And they got to meet Blake's other family. Etch and Kit were both exited to meet Blake's parents. Etch wanting to meet their grandparents, and kit wanting to meet her 'sisters' parents. Lucas on the other hand was pretty nervous. The rest of the guild was just exited they got a break. Blake happily agreed to let everyone come. She was beyond exited for her family in everything but blood, to meet her biological family.

And so, they all packed there stuff. Then a few hours later, Ritchie, Brandon, Devin, David, Mario, Etch, Lucas, Kit, and Blake, were on there way to Alden Village.

Two Days Later.

Divinus Magia had finally docked, Mario and Blake getting off the ship immediately. However it was still a bit of a walk to Alden Village, Blake's home. As they were walking, Blake put out some rules for everyone.

Blake's - alright before we get there, a few things need to be said. First of all, no magic.

Everyone - why!?

Blake - other than me, nobody from my village has magic. There not used to it. It would cause panic. So once again, no magic. Okay?

Everyone - fine.

Blake - good. Now rule two. No law breaking. Meaning no stealing, or taking your clothes off, or anything like that. I'm looking at you David.

David - rude!

Everyone laughed at the completely true comment.

Blake - but seriously. Divinus Magia has no authority here. Nobody knows who you are. Meaning they won't care if we are part of a guild, or if we have money. You will be locked up, and you will be forced to pay a fine if you want to get out. If it happens to many times they will make you leave the village.

Brandon - she's right. As far as these people need to know, we are normal. That means, all of you, be on your best behavior.

Blake - exactly. Now, you guys have two choices. We have multiple guest rooms, so you guys can stay with me and my parents. Or you can stay at the inn. It's your choice. However, I will tell you, some people will have to double up if you are staying with us. Plus the rule at my house. 'You live there, you work there.' If you are staying with us then you will be helping on the farm. Meaning helping with the crops and the animals.

Ritchie - I think it would probably be smarter to stay at the house. Less money wasted on an inn none of us would even be comfortable in.

Everybody agreed with Ritchie.

Blake - okay then. We have three guest rooms, plus my room. It would probably make the most sense for kit to stay with me in my room. Etch can stay with us to if they want. Boys, you six can figure out who stays in what room. Six of you, three rooms. You work it out. And if it really comes down to it, someone can take the couch.

For the rest of the walk the guild talked about a bunch of random stuff. As well as sleeping arrangements. Ritchie and Devin would get a room, Lucas and David would get one to. Brandon would get his own room, and Mario would be on the couch.

Time skip. When they arrive at the village.

Third Person POV still :

As Blake walked into Alden, she saw a lot of familiar faces. Multiple people came up to greet her, welcoming her back. Finally the guild reached her house. It was a pretty house a little bit away from the main village. It had a giant field behind it, with what seemed to be multiple animal pens, and a barn.

Blake's walked up and knocked in the door, the rest of the guild only a few feet behind her. They figured they'd let her greet her parents before barging in.

The second Blake knocked, multiple barks could be heard from inside. Then someone opened the door.

Mrs.Carter - hello?

Blake - hi mom.

Mrs.Carter - Blake! You're here!

Blake's mother almost immediately hugged her, she almost squeezed all the air out of Blake's lungs while doing so. 

Mrs.Carter - honey! Come here! Blake's here to visit!

Footsteps could be heard and then a man walked out. And also hugged Blake tightly. 

Mr Carter - my baby girl! We missed you!

Blake - I missed you guys to dad.

While this was happening Divinus Magia watched. Happy that at least one of them had a good relationship with there parents.

Then only a second later, three dogs bursted out and almost trampled Blake. Making her fall to the ground, Dakota, Indara, and Raven all welcomed back their owner.

Picture of what the doggies look like. Please note that all the pictures were gotten off Google.




Blake - well hello to you three as well.

Blake was being cover in doggie kisses while at the same time petting the three dogs. Divinus Magia watched in amusement as she was trapped by the animals.

Mrs.Carter - so Blake, who are these people?

Blake - right. Umm, mom, dad, meet Divinus Magia. Some of my friends from Atlantide.

Different types of hellos resounded through the group. And Kit, being the only one that knows how to be polite, introduced herself.

Kit - hi! I'm kit, Blakes best friend. It's nice to meet you Mr and Mrs.Carter.

Mrs.Carter - well it's a pleasure to meet you as well dear. Now all of you come in, come in. It must have been a long journey.

Everyone entered the house and the rest of the introductions were made.

Blake - and finally this is Etchevera, or as we call them, Etch.

Etch - Mama's, mama and papa?

Mr and Mrs.Carter - what!?

Divinus Magia all laughed a bit at Blake's parents reactions to her having a child.

Blake - right. Uh, mom, dad. Etch thinks of me as there mom. So they call me mama.

Mrs.Carter - okay. Thank God. You almoat gave me a heart attack there for a second. But anyways, it's very nice to meet you Etch!

After that whole thing. Everyone went to settle into there rooms. Mario would keep his stuff in the same room as Brandon, but would sleep on the couch. And David, and Lucas would just alternate between who gets the floor, and who gets the bed.

Now Kit, Blake, and Etch we're all in Blake's room.

Kit - your parents seem really nice.

Blake - thanks. Although I'm not sure how my dads gonna react to Lucas. He knows I have a boyfriend, but not who it is.

Kit - that's gonna be entertaining to watch.

Etch - papa gonna get in trouble.

Blake - probably.

Kit - but, none the less. They both seem like great people. I wish my parents had been like that.

Blake - hey, don't worry about it okay?remember, you're my sister. And knowing my mom she'll probably treat you like her own daughter whether you like it or not.

Kit - good to know. It'll be nice to have someone like that for once.

A few hours later.

Everyone had just finished dinner, although it was still a little bit light out. All of Divinus Magia had been extremely impressed with the food. Now they were all sitting around the living room.

Devin - dinner was amazing Mrs.Carter!

Mrs.Carter - why thank you dear. I try my best.

Mr.Carter - oh! Before I forget. Blake. All the chores have already been done, but I'm sure Caspian would enjoy a visit. You can take the dogs with you.

Blake - I was already planning on it.

Blake got up from the couch and called the dogs. All three came running to her. She then headed to the back door.

Mario - who's Caspian?

Blake - you can come meet him if you want.

Divinus Magia all looked at each other, curious as to who this was. Lucas regonized the name, but couldn't remember who it was. And so they all got up and followed Blake out back.

Blake walked up to a fence. She whistled and a horse trotted up to her.

Blake - this is Caspian. Hi bud, did you miss me?

Picture of said horse. Once again, picture was gotten from Google.


Kit - he's so pretty!

David - the lost child has a horse? Can you even ride?

Blake - yes, I know how to ride horses David. I grew up doing it.

Etch started in awe, clearly wanting to pet the animal.

Blake - did you want to say hi Etch?

Etch nodded. And so Blake lifted them up and sat them on the fence. Caspian sniffed Etch, and then let them pet him.

Lucas smiled, amazed by how well his girlfriend can handle both a child and a wild animal at the same time.

Mario - do you have other horses?

Blake - we do, but Caspian here is my horse.

Kit - can I?

Blake - yes Kit, you can pet Caspian. He's super friendly. At least around people he likes.

Ritchie - how do you know he likes us.

Blake - if he didn't, then it would be very obvious. He would be much louder and wouldn't come as close to the fence as he is now.

After a while, Divinus Magia went back inside and went to sleep. All knowing that they would be expected to help out with chores the next day.

That's it for this one-shot! I hope you enjoyed. I'm sorry that the ending was so dull, I kind of didn't have any more ideas for it. I will gladly make a part two if you all want. However I request that you givee ideas on what should happen in part two, cause I have none.

Other than that, have an amazing day and remember to keep being yourself.

~ Gypsy
