It's Complicated

Rating: G. Warnings: none

Danny pulled out the chair from the kitchen table for his Mum and said, "Uh, Mum, why don't you sit down? I need to talk to you about something."

His mother shot him a suspicious look, but did as he asked.

"It's nothing bad," he hastened to add. "It's just... complicated."

"So, sit down and explain it to me."

Danny slid a cup of coffee across the table toward her and took a sip of his own.

"So, remember Josselin?" Danny finally asked.

His mother beamed. "Meara's sweet friend from school! Of course."

"Yeah. Well... they're dating now."

A look of what could only be described as devastation crossed her face. "Oh, Danesh, Meara broke up with you? I'm so sorry."

Danny held up a finger and said haltingly, "No, uh, no, he didn't, actually! He's still dating me and he's also dating Josselin, and I believe Josselin is seeing one of their classmates and Meara and I have invited Morgan to join us in a triad."

His mother blinked owlishly. She squinted.

"Maybe I should draw a diagram," Danny muttered.

"What on earth are you talking about, Danesh?"

"We're poly. Polyamorous."

"Is that a bisexual thing?" his mother asked. "I know you said a while ago that you're bisexual."

"No, no, sexual orientation has nothing to do with it," Danny said quickly. "And we're all guys, anyway. It's not like being greedy, or wanting more than your share, or anything gross like that. It's just... I love both Meara and Morgan. And Meara loves us and Josselin. And Josselin loves Meara and his other boyfriend, Dona, I think his name is?" His mum's face had gone from screwed up in confusion to blank, and Danny buried his forehead in the palms of his hands.

"It's just, they're all a part of my life in some way or another, and they're all important to me, and you're important to me, too, and I wanted you to --" His voice cut off, strained.

His mother gently took his hands and pulled them down to the table. She'd never seen her son -- always so sure of himself, always so positive -- look so vulnerable and afraid. Not even when he was a small child, coming home scraped and bruised up from some adventure or another.

"Are you happy?" she asked gently.

Danny nodded, eyes still averted.

"Are your partners happy?"

Danny chuckled and sniffled. "They've never told me otherwise."

"Nobody feels forced?"

Danny shook his head.

"Then I will try my best to understand, although I may need your help."

Danny let out a sob of joy and his mother jumped up from her chair and scurried over to his side of the table. She wrapped him up in her arms and cooed, "Oh, my dearest love, my little Danesh. All I want is for you to be happy." She kissed the top of his head and he wrapped his arms around her.

"But in the meantime," she said, "maybe you should write me that diagram. At least until I understand better."
