Kenzie's POV

I've gotten into a bad habit. I mean, a really bad habit. That's what I've always seen it as at least, before I actually started it myself. I've cut several more times since that first night. I always had thought to myself, 'why would anyone do that to themselves?' But now it somehow makes sense. I remember when my father would hurt me and make me bleed. It was nightmare back then. But now I'm doing it to myself. How messed up is that?

With every new flashback, with every new tweet about me, I can't control myself.

I know it seems wrong, but it also seems to help in a weird, twisted sort of way.

There just had to be something wrong with me. People wouldn't be so cruel if there wasn't.

So I've found a solution. One to match the way I feel worthless. After all, I am pretty worthless. I'm nothing special. Important people don't have anything wrong with them. But me? I'm nothing but issues. At least it seems like sometimes... Most of the time.

Mom hasn't found out, which I'm so grateful for. I'm hiding it pretty well, then. I make sure my wrists stay clean. Wrists are way too noticeable. That's the place everyone checks.

I just can't ever let Mom found out. I'm scared she'd be upset with me. She'd probably be furious. Mom isn't one to get mad, but I just have a feeling that she'd get so upset over this. She'd definitely think there was something wrong with me, that's if she didn't already know there's something wrong with me.

I'm just a worthless disappointment. That's all I'll ever be, I guess.

Demi's POV

Since the run-in with her father at the mall, Kenzie has been really off. She speaks less, she smiles less, and she always seems to be in some kind of a daydream. It's only when I talk to her directly does she seem to be focused on anything. Her tutor seems to notice it, too. She's a smart kid and all, but she's not working to her full potential. It's obvious.

I just know this has something to do with running into her father, but I thought it would just eventually go away. Instead, she's continued to act not herself, and I can feel her growing more and more distant from me. Nick notices it, too. He always assures me that Kenzie is still my little girl, I just need to give some space sometimes. I just have this feeling that it's more serious than he thinks.

"Kenzie?" I asked during dinner one night.

"Hmm?" She asked, snapping out d her trance again.

"You've barely touched your food," I stated with concern.

"Oh," she said, looking down at her plate. She then put her fork down. "I'm just not very hungry."

"You're never very hungry anymore," I pointed out. She didn't know how to respond to that. "What's going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've just seemed more out of it lately. Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah," she said with an assuring nod. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"You'll come to me if you ever need anything, won't you?" I asked.

"Of course," she responded.

"Okay," I said, half believing her.

"I'm just really tired. Can I go to bed?"

"Not until you finish your dinner."

"But, Mom, I'm not hungry."

"It's not good for you to skip meals. Eat what's on your plate," I said with a little more stern tone.

Kenzie picked up her fork and continued to eat until there was nothing left on her plate. She got up and took her dishes to the sink.

"Goodnight," she sad as she headed towards her room.

"Good night, love you," I responded.

"Love you, too," she said looking back at me.

She went to her room as closed the door. I just sat and thought. Should I push her? Should I try to get her to open up more? Or do I give her space and time?

Final exams are so stressful UUGGHH!

I did a quick update because I don't know when I'll be able to again.

Also because you are just so amazing.
