Demi's POV

I've talked with Kenzie's biological father. He kept calling, and I finally listened. He seemed like he was doing better. He sounded sober. He told me that the alcohol was making him do the things he was doing. A part of me didn't believe him, but another part wanted to.

He wanted to see Kenzie again. I didn't think it was too bad of an idea. Of course I wouldn't let him take her away again, but they should talk. As long as I'm there, too.

"Kenzie, can I talk to you?" I asked, taking her attention off of the TV screen. She turned the TV off and focused on me. "Okay you know I love you, right? And I would never do anything to hurt you. I would never let anything hurt you, right?"

She nodded slowly. "Mom, you're scaring me."

"I've been talking with someone."


"Your father."

She took a quick breath in. "Why? What does he want?" Her voice started to rise.

"It's okay, calm down, breath," I instructed. "He wants to see you again."


"Now, just listen to this."

"Mom, you'd really let him see me? You trust him?"

"No, I don't trust him. I will we there the entire time. And so will Max. Nothing is going to happen."

The fear was evident in her eyes. "What does he want?"

"He wants to apologize. He said he wants to tell you how sorry he is. He wants to do it in person rather than over the phone," I explained. "He sounded really genuine, Kenzie."

"Can Nick come?"

"He's on tour, remember?"

"But can't we wait until he gets back?"

"That won't be until a long time. Kenzie, Max and I won't let anything bad happen to you. I'll never leave your side."

"Promise?" Kenzie asked.

"I promise."

She held out her pinky, and I grinned as I hooked our pinkies together.

Sorry, this is super short.

I know it's taken me a longer than usual to update, I apologize. I had some things to work out.

I've also started school, so I'll be busier than I have been.

Thanks for reading!
