Kenzie's POV

"You're absolutely positive?" Mom asked before we headed out of the door.

"Yes, I'm sure," I said for the hundredth time. I was all packed for the sleepover, and Mom was extremely nervous.

We headed over to Mikayla's house, and Mom came up to the door with me. A woman answered and greeted us. "Mikayla, another one of your friends is here!" The woman called.

Mikayla came down the stairs and looked at us. She put a huge smile on her face once she saw Mom. "Hi, Kenzie!" She said, giving me a hug. "Nice to meet you, Demi," she said to Mom.

"And you, too," Mom responded.

I could tell Mikayla was trying to contain herself, but it didn't last long. "OMG I just talked to THE Demi Lovato and THE Demi Lovato just talked to me," she squealed.

"Well, I should get going," Mom said. "I planned a while night to myself." I rolled my eyes. I knew she was just joking. "Call if you need anything, okay, honey?" I nodded and we hugged.

Mom left, and Mikayla was still in awe. "Your mom is SO cool," she said. I nodded in agreement. I out my stuff down in her room, and the doorbell rang. I followed Mikayla down to the door. Another girl walked in and they hugged.

"Taylor, I actually talked to Demi Lovato."

"No way!"


Wow, this is just like a teenage chick flick.

"Hi, I'm Taylor," the girl said to me.

"Hi, I'm-"

"Kenzie, I know."

Every time the doorbell rang, the same thing happened. Everyone was so jealous that Mikayla got to meet my mom. It was getting kind of annoying, but whatever.

"Girls, who wants cake?" Mikayla's mom asked. All eleven of us gathered into the kitchen. Yes, everyone was spending the night. It was a lot.

We all had a slice of cake and some ice cream, the Mikayla opened her gifts.

After that, we watched Netflix in the living room. There was definitely a chick flick marathon going on.

When it started getting late, everyone changed into their pajamas and brushed their teeth. We settled into Mikayla's room and talked. I listened more than talked, though. Until I was asked a direct question.

"So, Kenzie," someone named Sophia said. "How is like being famous?"

"Um, I don't know," I answered. "I guess it can be difficult going out sometimes. There's always someone taking pictures."

"Is it cool signing autographs?" Another girl asked.

"I guess. My mom obviously signs more than I do."

"Mikayla, I can't believe you actually met Demi," Morgan said. At least I think that was her name.

"It was so cool!" Mikayla said. They fangirled over that for a little while before the attention was brought back to me.

"Kenzie, do you remember what it was like before you were adopted by the most awesome person in the world?"

"You little brat, come here!"

I pushed the memory of his voice away. "No, not really," I lied. "I was only five."

"What happened to your real parents?"

"Too bad Mommy died so soon. She might have loved you!"

"I don't know," I quickly lied again.

Luckily, the girls went on to talk about something else.

Eventually, we got settled down to go to sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, he appeared. His voice echoed through my head. His yelling, his taunting, his laughing. I couldn't get the image of his evil grin out of my mind. I looked at the clock and saw it was 1:30AM. I quietly grabbed my phone and used the flashlight on it to find the bathroom down the hall. I closed the door and slid down to the floor. I put my head in my hands and started to cry. Why wouldn't the memories just go away?

"Kenzie, honey, are you okay?" I heard a voice say. I looked up to see Mikayla's mom. I didn't even hear her come in. "I heard you crying."

"I'm sorry," I said, wiping my face.

"It's okay. I'm a light sleeper and my room is right next door. What's wrong?"

"I just miss my mom," I said.

"Do you want to go home?"

I nodded without saying anything. I searched through my phone for her number and called her.

"Kenzie?" She answered.

"Mom, can you come get me?" I asked, my voice weak.

"Yeah, are you okay?"

"Yes, I just miss you."

"Hang in there, baby, I'm on my way."

She hung up and I carefully gathered my things from Mikayla's bedroom.

I hope she won't get mad that I left early.

I ran to my mom as soon as she pulled up. She got out of the car and I threw myself into her arms. She hugged me tightly, then we both got back in.

"What happened?" Mom asked.

"His voice. It won't go away," I said. "I just need to know you're here."

"It's okay, I'm here now. See, this is why I was so worried."

"I'm sorry, I thought if be okay."

We made it back home, mom picked me up and carried me to her bed. We snuggled up as we both fell back asleep.

Uhhhggggg it's sooooo late here and I CAN'T SLEEP! What's wrong with me?
