Unrequited (Edited)

So I'm apparently in the mood for
some heart-breaking fics. Inspired by another fanfiction with the same title, only the fanfiction was about Steve Rogers.

It was like torture to Shane to see you so happy when he's the one suffering. Sometimes he wonders whether it was fate for you two to be really close with each other only to end up in Ryan's arms.

Unrequited is probably one of the worst things Shane has ever felt or experienced. He gazes at you with longing eyes, hoping someday you could just elope with him with no questions asked-no hesitations. But he knows that can't be, that's not how reality works. You cling onto Ryan's arm as you mingle with the rest of the guests in the party, showing off the shiny rock on your finger as you tell the guests the story on how Ryan dropped on one knee. Meanwhile, Shane successfully hides his pain by just going along with it as he continues to be the Shane he's always been.

It's a shame, though. The engagement party you help was such a romantic sight as all the guests gathered in a gazebo situated just by a lake, and the lights even made everything better. But tonight, Shane wasn't feeling it. All he could do at this point is think of how it would've been if Shane made the move first before Ryan did. Would you be happy with him, like the way you are with Ryan? Hell, would you even love him the same in the first place? But what sucked even more is that whatever Shane does, whatever he thinks, you're always somehow in it, and you're always somehow the reason for his actions. You were his everything, yet here you are being happy with Ryan not knowing that you were the source of someone else's happiness. But Shane knew that if he loves you, he'd let you go, and the least he can do is to be happy when you're happy and to be there for you whenever you needed him.

The night is young and the atmosphere is light and beautiful. Everyone seems to be having a grand time, which is why you didn't understand why Shane was suddenly heading out of the gazebo. It was kind of unlike him so you unlace yourself from Ryan's arm, excusing yourself to everyone else for a quick while as you make a beeline to Shane.

"Shane, hey!" You call out, weaving through the crowd until you finally reach him. "Why are you leaving so soon?"

It took a lot of courage just for Shane to turn and face you, but it even took a lot more to plaster a fake smile across his face.

"It's just that I have to be early tomorrow, you know?" He shrugs casually.

You rolled your eyes. "Yeah, but you wouldn't leave without saying goodbye, won't you?"

He shamefully smiled and looked down at his feet, before looking back at you once again.
"Well then, goodbye." He says rather blatantly. You swat his chest.

"Don't be such a dick, dude!" You scold. "You can't just leave my engagement party, I need my best friend to be there." You pout, and it instantly made his heart sink.

He didn't mean to just leave you like that, but the situation in the party was really getting to him and it was a lot better than being such a buzzkill in your own engagement party or even making a scene. He doesn't want to ruin things for you, in fact that's the last thing he wants to do.

"I-I didn't mean..." He sighs. "I mean, I really want to be there for you, (Y/n), but something came up." He lied. "And it's an emergency, I promise I'll tell you soon."


"I promise." He says as he reassuringly places his hands on your shoulders.

"Fine." You sigh. "Well then, at least say goodbye to Ryan." You tell him. "He'd be crushed when he finds out you just bailed on us." You say and take one of his hands. "Come on." You say and pull him towards the venue, but Shane didn't budge.


He looks down as if he did something wrong. And immediately, you knew something was up.

"What's wrong?" You look at him, but he keeps avoiding your eyes. "What are you not telling me?"

He just shakes his head. "I'm sorry, but if I tell you it will ruin everything."

"Shane, I-" you stuttered. "Please, tell me what's wrong." you take a step closer, but he takes a step back.

"Please." You whimper, and that was enough to make him crumble.

"(Y/n)..." He says, finally pulling you a little closer, but he stops just a few inches apart because suddenly it is as if holding you feels wrong. "It's complicated-"

"I don't care, I'm your best friend and you have to tell me!" You cry. "Tell me, Shane."

He looks down on you as you look up at him with pleading eyes. And he hates it on how you have such an affect with him that makes him cave in any minute, and that whatever he is about to do or say next is a mistake.

"I love you." He blurted, though it came out more as a whimoer. And it really was a mistake now finally seeing your eyes widen, your optimism and excitement suddenly wither away as your face is suddenly replaced with sadness, confusion and...Regret?

"Why now?" you whisper, pulling yourself away from him. "From all the chances your given to say this to me, why now?" you yell a little louder this time.

Shane just shakes his head. He turns to leave but you grab hold of his arm.


"I'm sorry." He choked. "I just never thought you'd go this far. I just never thought I'd still feel this way, for so long." He cried.

You finally let go of his arm as he reluctantly turns to his car before stopping mid way. "I just didn't want to hurt anyone else."

You sniff and hold back the tears threatening to spill. You just nod. "Alright, fine." You say, intending for your words to suddenly turn ice cold. "Just go." You tell him, pushing him away with your words. And though it hurt, Shane knew it was for the better. And with that, he just left.

You stand in the empty parking lot for a little longer, trying to collect yourself as the tears threaten to spill. But it doesn't, you didn't allow it to. You take a sharp breath before finally turning back to head to the party, to go back to continue the life you chose, yet for some reason now begin to question whether or not it's the path destined for you.
