Bed Buddy (Edited)

by: Livvy_deh_Whuumun

The night is darker than usual, and the downpour that happened out of nowhere forced you to stay in Shane's place for the night.

"Are you sure it's alright?" You ask, feeling guilty about the fact that you get to sleep in Shane's bed tonight. "I can take the couch, really--"

"It doesn't matter now, I already fixed up the couch for myself." He smiles reassuringly, though in the pit of your stomach you wished Shane would've shared the bed with you, not for the reason you'd think of. And with a reassuringly smile, he disappears in the darkness and out to his living room.

It is a mistake to watch horror movies right before bed, and the fact that the power is out and you're now drenched in pitch darkness, the only reassurance you have is sleeping in another room peacefully. You gulp, the only way to get through this is to sleep it off and wait until morning.

"Shane?" You call out softly, waking up with up with a jolt from what felt like a short nap. You'd heard a thud from somewhere in the room, waking up only to find the darkness staring back at you. You can't see shit, that's for sure, but you can only hear the occasional creaking of Shane's apartment and the raining pouring hard outside.

No one answers to your call, and you're certain Shane is fast asleep on his couch in the living room. After all, it could be just normal apartment sounds, and you could conclude that all the horror movies you two have been watching is finally getting to your brain.

You sigh, reluctantly lying back down on Shane's bed, tucking yourself back in as you trying to get yourself back to sleep. And from the soft creaks of the apartment and the pitter patter of rain, you slowly lull yourself back into slumber until-- A sudden flash of light from outside the apartment, and not long after, the booming sound of thunder so close by that made even the cars parked in the streets scream. You screech, clutching the sheets for dear life as you jolt back up, fully awake this time. And though the lightning and thunder died down in a flash, you haven't. You can feel your heart pounding and breath racing, head going numb that you hadn't even realized Shane barging in the room.

"(Y/n)? What happened?"

"I--It's just... The storm." You exasperate, heart still racing at the sudden boom of the storm. And finally you calm down, catching your breath and then turning sheepish at the realization that Shane barged in the room almost immediately just because of your fear for loud thunders.

"Oh God... This is embarrassing..." You sigh blood rushing to your cheek sin embarrassment. "I--I'm sorry, it just startled me... I'm fine."

You can see his outline in the darkness, tall figure standing awkwardly by the doorway of his bedroom.

"Are you sure?" He asks, tone flatteringly concerned. You swallow a lump. You're not fine. If another lightning and thunder were to pass by, you might shit bricks.

You don't respond, but Shane however, lets out a sigh, and in the bedroom you can hear shuffling until you feel Shane's presence beside you by the bed.

"Look, if it's okay with you, I can keep you company?"

You didn't need to second guess it, giving him a nod though forgetting that he can't see you in the dark.

"Yeah, I guess." You say, now feeling Shane crawl into the bed with you. You both lay stiff on his bed. Then another flash, and following short after the loud, cracking sound of thunder. You yelp, scooting over closely and you clutch Shane who just lets out an airy laugh.

"S--sorry!" You say, though he didn't mind, and you found yourself not letting go of Shane anytime soon.

"It's fine. I'd rather you cling on feeling safe than have a heart attack from the storm." He jokes, but you pay no mind, finding it unfair that he can make light of the situation as you clutch on for your dear life.

"I just don't want to bother you--"

"--For the last time, it's fine, (Y/n). Ryan's a lot worse than you."

You finally crack a smile.

And as minutes and hours pass by with the softest thunder there is in the distance, feeling a little better, your grip finally loosens on Shane, and the tiredness finally catching up to you. And Shane felt that, when he hears your eve breathing and soft snores in the blackness of his bedroom accompanied by the now soft pitter pattering of the rain, he finds the noises relaxing as your warmth draws him closer.

You wouldn't mind, right? After all, the storm and the blackout made the whole apartment a lot colder and the blanket just isn't doing its trick. He scoots over closer to you and draping an arm over your shoulders. Just a quick hug for warmth... He tells himself. And in a few minutes, he'd wake up and walk back to the living room. And finally, his eyes close shut as soft snores escapes his lips. Deep in slumber he forgets to wake up just a few minutes later, with his arm still encasing you in a warm embrace.
