Chapter 26: Happily Ever After

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The pain was leaving me. I prepared to sink down into darkness, relishing my last moments with Astor. I felt him pull away, and I wanted to reach up and call him back to me. I wanted him to kiss me until I died...

I opened my eyes. I was still alive, still in the dungeon. Astor gazed at me with adoration and wonder, cradling my head. My chest still throbbed with pain, but I was alive. I smiled, then laughed, beaming. "True love's kiss saves the day! Seriously, how much more clichΓ© can this get?"

"Er... we go home to the palace and get married?"

"Get married? We're not getting married! Not yetβ€” I mean..."

"Nyx, you asked what would make it more clichΓ©. I was answering your question."

"But where's Abaddon?"

"I know not what happened to him, Nyx. Your dagger hit him, and he just vanished. Your dagger is on the floor there."

I sat up and looked where he was pointing. The dagger was just sitting there, as though it hadn't hit anything. "Is he dead?"

"I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not."

I glanced toward Astor. "Could this be another trap?"

"I hope not. I care not! I want to get out of here, now!" He sounded half like a commanding monarch and half like a spoiled child.

We got up and ran in the direction Senka had gone, up several flights of stairs and into an empty, lonely hall. It echoed even more than the dungeon. In near darkness, we made our way around crumbling pillars and stone gargoyles. I was desperate to get out before we were attacked by something else. I panted as I followed Astor, trembling with anxiety. How long would it take to get out? Suddenly, Astor stopped abruptly. I panicked, but then he said, "I smell fresh air!"

"You smell fresh air? How can you smell anything? It's so musty in here."

"I am a creature of the night. I have a very sensitive nose."

Cautiously, I followed Astor in a slightly different direction. Before long, I could see light from outside coming from a hole in the wall. Letting out an ecstatic cry of joy, Astor leapt out the hole in the wall and spread his wings. "Oh, Nyx! The breeze! The sky!"

I stepped out, the wind blowing back my folds and hair. I stared up at the waning moon, down at the mountainside, and out across the land to the horizon. One side of the horizon was a paler blue. Dawn was coming.

Astor landed in front of me, grinning. "Nyx, let us find our friends. Cling onto my back."

"You're going to fly down? But what if I fall? There's still so much tension in my chest..."

"Nyx, we need to get you to my mother. You shall not fall."

"I might."

"If you want to walk down the jagged mountainside, go ahead."

"Oh, all right." Nervously, I clung onto Astor's waist. Astor lifted into the air. After the initial surprise of not having my feet on the ground, and Astor's wings beating on either side of me as he swept down the mountainside, it was magnificent. The wind whipped Astor's lovely hair into my face. I stared out at the horizon as we shot down the hill. We were free. We would always be free.

We noticed a black wolf and a black unicorn running down the mountainside below us. With no warning, Astor turned sharply and shot towards the ground. "Whoa, Astor! Can you tell me when you're going to do that?"

Astor laughed. "In that case, be prepared to put your feet down!"

He landed with a flourish, stopping Senka in her tracks. "You're alive!" she howled. "How on earth did you survive?"

"True love's kiss, of course!" I said with a grin.

Itzal bowed to me. Umbragard is grateful to you. I cringed and braced myself as his sharp-looking horn towards my chest, but as soon as its tip touched me, the pain left. "Oh my God... thank you!"

"Oh, Itzal!" Astor threw his arms around the unicorn's neck. "Must you return to wood? Might I ride you?"

Indeed,Highness. You have proven worthy. Itzal knelt, allowing Astor onto his back. Astor excitedly motioned forme to climb on behind him. Itzal stood up and took off down the mountainside,Senka following close behind. Astor let out a cry of pure joy, and begansinging: "So tonight, I'm riding a blackuuuuuuuunicoooooorn..." For a minute, the world faded into bliss. Β  Β Β 


Idimly remember seeing my friends and Astor's frantic parents once we reachedthe bottom of the mountain, because I collapsed from exhaustion in thecarriage. I woke up in my bed in Umbragard, sincerely wondering if I'd dreamed the whole thing. My inner folds were molded into a beautiful black silk and lace nightgown. My outer folds were the bedsheets. "Was I dreaming?" I wondered aloud.

"No, milady," said a voice. A maid entered my room from a side door beside the fireplace. "'Twas real as the night wind. His Highness has been very worried about you; you would not wake! I have come to check on you."

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Two nights, milady. You have been through a terrible ordeal. Is there something I might get for you, milady? Tea? Hot chocolate?"

I was so not used to being treated like I was actually someone special, but considering what I just went though, I appreciated the service. "Hot chocolate would be great, thank you. Uh... who are you?"

"I am Hesper, milady. His Highness would very much like to see you."

"Oh, okay. Uh... could he come in here? I don't really want to move."

"Ah, milady, the Prince follows his own whims. I cannot bring him to you."

Hesper left and brought me hot cocoa. I sipped it while I waited for Astor. I considered maybe crawling through the secret door into his bedroom, but I decided against it. He would probably show up at some point.

Sure enough, he swept through the door to my room. "Nyx! I am delighted to see you have awoken, my love! I tried kissing you to wake you, but alas, 'twas unsuccessful. Do you like Hesper? Jasmine loved Cassia so much that we decided to give Hesper to you instead."

"Uh... okay... yeah, yeah I like her."

"Good," said Astor, sitting on the end of the bed. "Tomorrow night we will have a party to celebrate our victory."

"Another party?

"Shadows will never shy at an excuse to have a party!" Astor cried. "'Twill be a formal ball this time. 'Tis almost the dark moon, anyways."

"Sounds good. Are we going to wash the floor again?"

"Tomorrow. 'Tis almost dawn."

"Oh, seriously? I just woke up! Though I am a little too lazy to do anything at the moment..."

Astor laughed and sat down on my bed. "Thank you for saving my life."

"Thank you for saving mine."

Astor leaned forward. "If you are too exhausted to do anything else, perchance we might spend some quality time together before daylight."

Slowly, he wrapped his arms around me, stroking my back and hair. I sighed as his soft lips touched my cheek. I inhaled the thick scent of cinnamon and roses that enveloped me. When we broke apart, Astor said, "You are beginning to develop a scent."

"Oh, do I? What do I smell like?"

"You smell like Nocturne Park after it has just rained. You smell lovely."

He stood up and crossed to a table in front of a mirror on the other side of the room. From his folds he took out a small black box with three pentagrams engraved on the top. He opened the box and began taking things out of it. He spread a black velvet cloth over the table and placed two black candles on either side. He took my dagger from where it hung on the wall and placed it on the table with a long black wand. Then he decorated the table with other little things: statues of dragons, the gargoyle cats, black stones, an incense burner, a silver goblet, and the black box, which he put in the center. "Come, Lovey. We shall honor the delightful sanctity of darkness."

I got up and walked over to him. "What are you doing?"

"A ritual," he said simply. He picked up the knife and twirled in a circle before replacing it and picking up the wand. He faced each corner of the room and drew a pentagram in the air. Then he lit the black candles and the incense.

"Lord and Lady of the Night," he breathed, his voice deep and silvery, "send thy dark energies into us, Your children, as the lingering hours of darkness pass by. Bless our nocturnal existence and all that are apart of it. Take us into thy dark embrace, and grant us knowledge of the Night's Mysteries."

I stared into the mirror. Our pale faces were reflected in the dim candlelight, our violet eyes glinting. I started to feel a very strange sensation. It was like I was filling with dark smoke. I felt as I had beside the lake in the Dark Labyrinth. I felt powerful.

Astor and I turned to face each other. I stared deep into his violet eyes. "Make a wish," he whispered softly.

I didn't wish. I stated, "We will be together forever."

"Yes, we shall," he said, and then he glided to the bed and smiled at me. "Welcome to my voluptuous life."

"Thank you for sharing it with me."

Astor slid his folds off his shoulders so they rested low on his hips. He raised his arms behind his head and stretched, flexing his wings. The candlelight highlighted his physique and cast deep shadows. He gave me an intense, passionate stare that made my whole body melt. Then he relaxed, supported himself on his elbow and beckoned.

"Astor... what?"

Astor put his finger to his lips, then he rolled onto his back and stretched again, squirming in his folds before sinking into the bed with a deep exhale. Then he gave me that look again and smirked.

He was irresistible.

"I am going to sleep, Nyx," he said simply. "You are welcome to join me, if you wish."

"It's my bed, Astor!"

Astor shrugged. "There are twenty-seven bedrooms in this palace. Go find another one to sleep in, if it bothers you." He rolled onto his side so his back was facing me, his lovely hair tumbling over his shoulders and onto his wings. His legs were encased in a thick, fluffy bundle of folds.

I sighed. "You're so stubborn."

Astor sighed and hummed pleasantly.

I sighed too (with defeat), and joined him.

Astor rolled on top of me and kissed me deeply, pulling his folds up over our heads. I felt like a small explosion went off in my chest. I started running my hands up and down his back, stroking his sleek feathers. His hair brushed my face, and his sweet aroma surrounded me. He wrapped his wing around me and pulled me closer to his perfect body. "Astor, oh, Astor..."

"Nyx... I love you so, so much, Nyx." He tenderly kissed my neck again.

The world dissolved into feeling. His smooth, warm skin, my fingers in his long, silky hair, the thick, cozy softness of the folds. I felt myself filled with a warm, fuzzy feeling, my heart swelling as though it was about to burst. We squirmed beneath the folds, cuddling and kissing, breathing heavily, not caring that the folds were getting all tangled. I stared deep into Astor's burning cat eyes. He kissed me fiercely, his body undulating. I felt like I could sink into him. I didn't want this moment to end. Astor's eyes flickered, and he smiled.

Our folds were a tangled mess. The layers were rearranged, lumped, and scattered. I struggled to layer them upon myself in the right order. "You needn't do that, Nyx," Astor said softly, his eyes fluttering open.

"Why not? The folds are completely disarrayed."

"Call a servant," said Astor lazily, his eyes still closed.

"How? What do you want me to do, scream out the door for one?"

"Pull on the rope behind your bed."

I opened the curtains behind the headboard and pulled on the silver rope that hung there. In a few minutes, I heard a voice. "You rang, milady?"

I pulled back the side curtain to reveal Hesper. "Yeah, uh... could you layer our folds for us, please?"

I made sure my inner folds were secure around my body as Hesper de-tangled my folds from Astor and laid them over me, one by one. It felt weird to have someone do it for me. She did the same for Astor, who lay unmoving. "Bring us breakfast," he ordered.

"Certainly, Your Highness," said Hesper before dashing off.

Astor smirked. "Are you looking forward to the ball, Nyx?"

"Yeah, it sounds really cool."

"Your sisters will be coming. We figured we should invite them after our victory."

"Oh, okay."

Preparations for the ball were in full swing by the time Astor and I finally managed to drag ourselves out of our comfortable little haven of folds. The wrought iron and black crystal chandeliers were being illuminated with Shadowlights, and torches on the walls were lit. My friends arrived just in time for the Washing of the Floor (with Patricia and Isabel), and it wasn't even midnight when the ball started. Distinguished Shadows swept through the great main doors to be greeted by King Spyro and ushered to the ballroom.

"I suppose you and Dad will be gallivanting with all the women again," Jasmine grumbled as she and Astor came down the grand staircase.

Astor laughed. "Perchance, but perchance not."

Astor certainly looked very princely. He wore purple velvet robes fastened with a jeweled clasp, and a black silk cloak. Underneath his robes he wore a darker purple doublet and black tights. His long black hair was bound with a silver circlet set with an onyx. He looked extremely regal. "Ah, my princess!" he cried.

"Hello, Astor. That's aβ€” lot of fabric."

Astorsmiled and winked. He placed a nearly identical circlet on my head, set with amoonstone rather than an onyx. "Oh, Astor! I β€”I'm not a princess!" Astor gave me a look and lifted his pale hand to take mine.

We walked along a black velvet runner leading into the ballroom. Servants threw black rose petals at Astor's feet. The Shadowlights and torchlight gleamed on the dance floor that we had washed so perfectly. Many Shadows were filing their way into the large circular room.

"My fellow Shadows!" Spyro announced. All the Shadows in the room turned towards him and knelt. "This Dark Moon ball is held in tribute to Prince Astor, Lady Nyx, and their companions. Three nights ago, they defeated the Dark Shadow Abaddon, my nephew, who plotted to take Astor's life." The assembled Shadows gasped in horror. "They both fought very bravely, and every member of their groupβ€” all teenagersβ€” survived."

The Shadows stood up and burst into applause. Then they bowed to Astor. "Hail!" Astor beamed.

"Hey, we don't go killing Dark Shadows just for congratulations," I said. "We almost died. Multiple times."

Astor inclined his head. "I have you to thank for my life."

He strode among the Shadows to the middle of the dance floor, and debonairly bowed deeply. "Lady Nightborn, might I dance with you?"

I curtsied. "I'd be delighted, Your Highness."

Astor took my hand. The dance floor cleared. A sweet, eerie waltz began to play. I tried my best to go along with the stepping of his feet, forward and backward, around and around. Astor swept me around the dance floor, his hand resting on my waist. We glided across the ballroom, silently, gracefully, as though blown by a gentle night breeze. Astor twirled me around, then grasped my waist and lifted me above his head with surprising strength. I felt weak in the knees. I placed my head on his shoulder. Once again I felt swept into a dreamlike state. I was dancing with a prince in a ballroom at midnight. The bliss could have lasted hours, maybe weeks, maybe years, or even lifetimes...

"Now all you have to do is lose your shoe!" Senka roared.

Steadily, other couples joined us. I noticed Noire dancing with Orphe. Isabel was squealing as she danced with another young Shadow. "This is just like being inside one of my vampire fantasies!" she breathed as she swept past me. I laughed as Astor twirled me around, catching the golden eye of a black wolf.

I smiled at Astor, whose eyes were gleaming with triumph. I was very aware of the warmth between our hands, the glassy floor under our feet, our sweeping cloaks, the rhythm of our breathing and the beating of our hearts. For a moment, the Night was ours. I was a Shadow now. I had a new, wonderful life with my wonderful creature of the night, my love, my Prince. And it was real.

"You are integrated," said Astor quietly. He stopped and wrapped me in his arms, his folds, and his wings. He kissed me. Wrapped within our dark folds, a brilliant, divine light burned.

I would never be afraid of the dark.
