
Previously on Seduced by My Teacher

"Why are you asking me these questions for?" I asked. "You know why. He won't love you as much as I do. When I told you that, why didn't you say anything back?" he asked.

I sighed. "My first relationship lasted for a year. Keith told me that he loved me and then I told Keith that 'I love him back' then he takes my virginity and dumps me days after I turned 16 years. That's why I can't say it back," I said.

"So you afraid to say it because of what Keith did. I remember Keith but I never thought he would do that," he said. "That's what happens after you and your family moved away after I put Natasha in jail for molesting you and Kyle. If you stayed, I would have gotten with you," I said.

"I should have stayed in Chicago but I had no choice to move. I was planning to come back to Chicago after I graduated high school but I went to college to become a Teacher since I love teaching but I had no idea you would be coming the Lark University," he said.

"Well I am here now. I have another 2 years left. I hope you and Nina have a lot of fun together until she ends up going back to Mr. Ortega once she's bored of you," I said, walking away.

"Wait what are you talking about?" he asked. "Oh you didn't know?" I asked. I left his classroom.

Note: This chapter is Declan's point of view

As Nita left the classroom, I was confused about what she said about Nina. I heard footsteps coming to the classroom. "Hello, Mr. Loughlin," Nina said. "Hello," I said. She shut the door then heads down. "I'm here for the bj," she said.

He was about to undo my pants. "Nina, stop," I yelled. "What?" she asked. "Tell me the truth, were you fucking Mr. Ortega before you came to me?" I asked.

"I have no idea what your talking about," she said. "Don't lie to me. I know about you and Mr. Ortega," I said. "Who did you hear it from? Nita? If it was Nita, she is dead!" she yelled.

"Her boyfriend Riley Banks told her about it and then she told me. She even said, 'You'll go back to fucking Mr. Ortega if you get bored of me," he said.

"I'm actually fucking you both. Want to know something else? Nita or I should say Angelina, is the real reason why my mother went to prison," she said. "What did you say?" I asked.

"My mother is Natasha. I know she molested you and Nita's brother Kyle. Until Juanita or I should say Angelina turned my mother into the police and sent my mother to jail. I skipped foster home because of what Nita did. So I followed my mother's footsteps but instead I am fucking men like you," she said.

As she mentioned Natasha. "Get out of my classroom!" I yelled. Nina gets up and leaves. "Oh by the way, Juanita, Angelina, what ever her name is will feel mine and my mother's wrath," she said, walking away.

After Nina left my classroom, I call Kyle. "Hello?" Kyle asked. "Hey, Kyle, its Declan. I know you don't want to talk to me after what happen between me and your sister. You need to listen to me," I said.

"Okay, I'm all ears," Kyle said. "I just found out that Natasha, our molester has a daughter," I said. "Oh God, does my sister know this?" Kyle asked. "No, I haven't yet," I said. "Well since you told me about it. You need to tell her," he said.

"I will tell her," I said. "You better tell her," he said. I end the call and I attempted to call Nita. "Hey, its Juanita. Leave a message," her voicemail said. It beeps. "Nita, its Declan. Can you call me whenever you get this? Its important," I said, leaving a voicemail.

Next Day

I got to campus and I went to go talk to Mr. Ortega. As I got there, Nina was already in there. I sneaked a couple of pictures. I headed to my classroom. I see Nita as the first one in as usual.

"Nita, your early,. My class doesn't start until noon," I said. She got up from her spot. "I got your voicemail. What's so important?" she asked. "Come to my office," I said. She sighed and came to the office.

I shut the door after I got in. "Now, tell me what's important," she said. "Okay, I don't know how to tell you this but be careful of Nina," I said. "I ain't scared of that bitch. Why should I be careful?" she asked.

"Nina is actually Natasha's daughter," I said. She looked at me with her eyes opened wide. "I had no idea that Natasha has a daughter," she said. "I didn't either. I told Kyle," I said. "How did she tell you?" she asked.

I told her what Nina said to me. "Oh God! No wonder why she's always bullying me. I sent Natasha to prison for molested you and Kyle," she said. I nodded. "I also asked for someone to do a background check on Nina Broderick," I said.

Nita nodded. "So what should I do?" she asked. "Don't be alone. Make sure Riley or Julianna's with you," I said to her. She nodded. "I will," she said, she hugged me. "Mr. Loughlin?" someone asked.

"Someone's here," she whispered. "I know. Stay in here and I will see who it is," I whispered. I left the office room. I went to see who it was. "Are you Declan Loughlin?" the guy asked. "That's me," I said.

"Hi, I am Private Investigator. You called about a background check on Nina Broderick and her mother Natasha. Nina is the daughter of Natasha(nee: Gomez) and Michael Broderick. Her parents were married after Nina was born but didn't last because her ex husband caught her cheating with a 17 year old but she deined the truth, so he left her and took their daughter. Years later she was sent to prison for molestation two young preteen boys. One of the boys' sister testified against Natasha. After Natasha was sent to prison, Nina's father passed away cancer. Since her father's death, she in and out foster homes until one foster parent adopted her but she keep her father's last name," the PI said.

"Okay, thank you," I said. "Also, there's more things about Nina but I rather not say but its all here," the PI gave me the documents. "Thank you for bring these," I said. "No problem. Any questions or need us to track her, just give us a call," he said.

"Will do, thank you," I said. The PI left the room and I headed back to the office, shutting the door. "Who was that?" Nita asked. "Its a Private Investigator I called to do a background check on Nina," I said.

Nita and I look at the background check and she has a big list of things.

"I heard about her childhood," she said. "There is something else that he didn't say," I said. Nita and I looked at it. "Oh god," Nita said. "Nina has been charged with Promiscuity, Prostitution, and drugs," I read Nina's charges.

"Like mother, like daughter," she said. They showed her mugshots. "Reminds me of Natasha's face that I see in my flashbacks," I said. "Do you still have flashbacks of the molestation?" she asked.

I looked at her. "Sometimes. Do you have flashbacks of you tesifying?" I asked her. "I have. Sometimes I had nightmares about it like what if it never happened," she said.

"Like what if Natasha didn't go to prison?" I asked. She nodded. I held hugged her. She held me tightly. I sighed softly. "Well class will be starting soon," I whispered. "Okay," she said, kissing my cheek.

"I will be safe," she said, smiling. She opened the door and went to her spot before people arrive. "By the way, Ms. Marsden, love the new hair and cut," I said to her. "Thank you," she said, smiling.

Everyone was coming in. "Afternoon, everyone. I hope you finished your essays. If you haven't finished them, please email them to me before midnight. For the ones who finished their essays, will you please turn them in?" I asked.

I know Nita always sends her essays and assignments. Everyone was turning their assignments.
