10. Kyle and Declan's Past

Note: This chapter is about Kyle and Declan talking about their past.

Its the holidays, Katz, my sister and I are back in Chicago. It's great to be home for winter break. "Its good to be home for break," Nita said. "Yes it is. Katz and I are gonna go to her parents on Christmas Eve and then come home on Christmas Day," Nita said. 

I nodded. "Does her parents know that you proposed to her?" she asked. "Yes, I ask her grandfather's permission since her father passed away," I said. "That's good. I have a question," she said. 

"Okay?" I asked. "I wanna know, how do you know Declan? Besides that he's your roommate," she said. I knew Nita was gonna ask me about this. "Well I actually known Declan for years," I said. 

"Really?" she asked. "Yeah, remember when you caught that latina woman who was molesting me and another kid?" I asked. "No. I  remember his face but not his name," she said. "Well that was Declan," I said. Nita's eyes opened wide. 

"That was Declan?" she asked. "Yes. His father was who also caught her as well. She tried to lie and tell him that 'we' came on to her. He didn't buy it so he kicked her out,"  I said.

-Kyle at 13-
Declan and I were hanging out at his house playing video games. Declan's sister, Coralina, was doing her homework in her room. His dad wasn't home but his dad's girlfriend was there as well. "Why is your dad's girlfriend dressed like a that?" I asked. 

Declan looked over and rolled his eyes. "I don't know. Every since I turned 14, she's been dressing like that. My dad actually likes it," he said. Natasha walked over and brought us Colas. "Thanks," we said to her. We took sips of our drinks. 

Few minutes later, I felt dizzy. "I think this soda is old," I said. "I agree with you," Declan said, as his eyes rolled back. Natasha sat next to us and she starts touching both of us. 
-Fades away- 

I blinked as I kept reliving it. "It hard to relive all of the sexual assults," I said. "So what happened to Declan after all of that?" Nita asked. 

-Kyle and Declan at 14 years old-

I went to school after everything that happened. Everyone stared at me. Declan was at his locker, taking all of his stuff out of his locker, including his posters of Hilary Duff and Kelly Kelly. I walked over to his locker. "Dec, why you emptying your locker?" I asked. "Well I got some bad news," he said. 

"Uhoh," I said. "After the whole Natasha going to prison for molesting us, my dad decided to move away," he said. "What?" I asked. "Today's me and my sister's last day at this school. My dad doesn't want to live in our old house with all the bad memories," he said. 

"Well I understand that," I said. Declan nodded. "Declan, we gotta get going," his sister Coralina said. "Well I gotta go," he said. I nodded and we bro-hugged each other. "See you someday in the future," I said. 

-Flashback ends- 

"Ohh...," Nita said. "So Declan and Coralina moved to Wisconsin with their dad. Since they moved, Declan's father met another woman," I said. "Oh. Was she better than Natasha?" Nita asked. "Way better. His dad married a woman named Lilly and became his stepmother and she has a daughter that is about Coralina's age. and her name is Breanna," I said.

Nita nodded. "I'm glad they moved away to leave the bad stuff," Nita said. "Yeah. I wish Mom and Dad moved us to a different town but they didn't," I said. "I know. Was Declan physically abused by Natasha?" she asked. 

"He had the marks on his back to prove it.  Plus he had burn marks on his stomach from candle wax that she used on him as punishment," I said. Nita nodded. "Did Declan tell you about his past?" I asked. 

"He did. He showed me the scars and burns. I told him that you were molested as well," Nita said. I nodded. "Did Declan tell you that he was married before?" I asked. "He did. Have you met her?" Nita asked. 

"I have. She was really nice girl, very decent. They got married when they were 22 years old but almost a year ago, she decides to file for divorce before he graduated from our University and she was leaving him for another girl," I said. 

Nita nodded. 


I was home in Wisconsin visiting my family for Christmas. Its good to see my family after being away. "How's working as a college teacher at the University you graduated?" my sister Coralina asked. 

"Its good but weird. I love teaching English Lit and helping my students to be good authors, publishers, etc," I said. "That's good. Have you been getting phone calls from Natasha?" she asked. 

"Non-stop. Has she been calling Dad or anything?" I asked. "She's been harassing Lilly and telling her that our dad won't love her as much as she did," she said. "Natasha never loved dad, she used dad to get closer to me," I said. 

"I'll never forget how many times you cried yourself to sleep and always came to me to keep you safe from her," she said. "Dad didn't believe me until he caught her with me and Kyle," I said. "I remember," she said. 

"Well his sister actually witness Natasha molesting me and Kyle. His sister is actually one of my students," I said. "Juanita?" she asked. "Yeah," I said. "I haven't seen Nita since she was a little girl. I use to baby sit her, Kyle and you. I'll never forget when she had to testify to put Natasha in jail," she said. 

I started having a flashback about my divorced. 

One Year Ago
I was in the court house in Wisconsin for my divorce to be finalized. Melinda signed her part of the papers. I signed my part of the divorce papers. She took her ring off and threw it at me. "I will come by and get the rest of my stuff," Melinda said.

"I actually put whatever was left in my house are in a box on the front porch. You can pick it up," I said. 

My flashback ended. 

After Break

I restarted my classes today. All of my students were reading their books. Nita was looking at me. I looked at her. I texted her; 'Stay After?' She looked at her down at her phone were no one noticed that I was texting her. She looked at me, pushing up her glasses as its our codes. 

I looked at the clock. "Well you guys are free to go. Have a good day, see you Wednesday," I said. Everyone got up and left. Nita was getting up, grabbing her stuff. I walked to my office area. She followed me. 

She came into my office and I shut and locked the door. She turned around, dropping her stuff. I went to kiss her deeply. She hopped on my desk and cupped my face as we kissed. I broke the kiss, leaning my head on hers. "God, I missed you," I said to her. 

"I missed you too," she said. She kissed me again. "Nita, I know we've been doing this for a couple of months now but if we keep having this secret affair, people will wonder," I said. "We can't do it at your's and Kyle's apartment but Kyle doesn't want us alone when he's not there," she said.

I nodded. "Well I know a place but no one can know about it. Not even Kyle or Julianna," I said to her. Nita nodded and looked at me. "Okay," she said. I wrote down to where to meet and gave it to her. 

"How do I get there?" she asked. "Its not far from the campus," I said to her. She nodded. She put it in her bra. I kissed her again. "See you later. Bring some sexy clothes," I said to her. She got off my desk, grabbing her stuff and leaves. 
