
Five months has passed and its Summertime. My brother; Kyle graduated college yesterday. Declan and I are still sneaking around since its now summer, I don't have to worry. Julianna and I just got our own house and paying rent.

I'm taking summer off. So I can work. "Thank you, come in again," I said to my customer that left. I sighed. "Nita, you got another customer," my co-work Jean said. I grabbed a menu. "Good afternoon," I said.

"Afternoon, Miss Marsden," Declan said. "Well hello, Declan. Never thought you come into my work," I said. "Looking stunning in that waitress outfit," he said, laughing. "Very funny. So anything to drink real quick?" I asked.

"Could I get a coffee?" he asked. "Sure," I said, writing it down. I headed back to the grabbed a cup and poured the coffee in it. I took it to him. "Here you go," I said. "Thanks," he said. "No problem. Do you need a minute?" I asked.

"Nope, I will order," he said. I nodded, grabbing my notebook and pen. "What would you like?" I asked. He told me his order. "Okay, coming right up," I said, walking away. I write his order and put it on the thing, spinning it.

"Here's your orders for Table 19," Claria said. I took the orders to Table 19. "Here you all go," I said, giving it to them. "May I get a refill?" a customer asked. "Of course," I said, taking her glass. I filled it up and took it back.

"Thank you," they said. I went back behind the counter. I kept an eye on my customers.

Later that night, I left work to head home. I got into my car. I accidentally dropped my keys. I got up and I saw Natasha standing behind me. "Angelina Marsden, all grownup. I haven't seen you since you were a child," she said.

"I am not Angelina anymore. Leave me alone," I said. "So you are the girl that's been seeing Declan. He doesn't care about you. He's pretending with you because he still wants me," she said. "I am nothing like you. I sent you to prison for molesting my brother and Declan. Declan doesn't even want you. Just leave me the fuck alone," I said, getting in my car.

I drove away from my work and I called Declan. "Hello?" he asked. "Declan, I just ran into Natasha," I said. "That woman that molested me and your brother?" he asked. "Yes, she called me birth name, Angelina," I said.

"Oh my god, where are you?" he asked. "I just left my work," I said. "Okay. Just come to my mother's house. Remember the address?" he asked. "I do, I will be there shortly," I said, continuing to drive. The call ended.

My phone went off and it was Kyle calling me. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey, Nita. Katz is wondering if you want to go dress shopping with her and her grandparents. Since she doesn't have sisters or her mother," he asked.

"Just tell her that I will go dress shopping with her but you aren't gonna see pictures of it," I said. "I know the drill," he said. "Okay, I'm driving and I don't want to get pulled over," I said. "Okay. I'll leave you be. Stay safe," he said, ending the call.

Few minutes later, I pulled up to Declan's mother's house. I got my hair out of my messy bun and got out of the car. I sniffled and knocked on the door. The door opened. Declan was there. "Come in," he said.

I went inside and he shut the door. I sniffled and wiped my tears. Declan pulled me close to him, holding me. "Hey, hey, its okay. You're safe. Tell me what happened when you saw Natasha," he said. I told Declan what she told me.

"Did she call you Nita?" he asked. "No, she called me Angelina. My birth name before I legally changed it to Juanita," I said. "Angelina, I remember now. Why did you change it?" he asked. "My parents did, because they wanted to protect me," I said.

"So they kept Kyle's name alone?" he asked. "No, they kept it Kyle. They only changed mine because I witnessed you two getting molested when your sister babysat us all and I testified against her," I said.

He nodded and lifts my chin up, wiping my tears. "You're safe," he said. I nodded. He kissed my forehead. "She really scared me," I said. "I know. Natasha's wrong, I will never get tired of you. You are the reason that I am still alive. You saved me and your brother," he said.

I nodded. "No one has ever said that to me," I said, smiling. "Well at least I'm the first," he said, smiling and kissing me. I broke the kiss as our heads touched each other. He rubs his nose on mine.

"Want to stay here or do you want to head home?" he asked. "Julianna might be wondering where I am," I said. "Okay," he said, hugging me again. "See you later," I said. "You too," he said. He opened the door for me and I walked out.

Several Minutes Later

I got to mine and Julianna's house. We decided to get takeout as usual. Its nice to have our own place," she said. I nodded, as I ate. "I know. No more seeing Conrad, Tina and Nina on Campus," I said. "Good thing we have our own place. We can talk about anything," she said.

I nodded. "Yeah but can you keep a secret?" I asked. "Of course I can," she said. "Don't tell anyone about this but Mr. Loughlin aka Declan and I actually knew each other when we were younger," I said.

"Really? I didn't know that," she said. "Yeah, something bad happen between Kyle and Mr. Loughlin when they were younger," I said. "What happened?" she asked. I started telling Julianna that Declan and Kyle were molested as teenagers.

Her eyes opened wide. "Mr. Loughlin and Kyle were molested as teenagers. I had no idea," she said. "Yeah I caught Mr. Loughlin's father's girlfriend molesting and seducing them. I had to testify against her and I sent her to prison," I said.

"I always heard about girls getting molested but not boys," she said. "So your saying its okay for a teenage boy to molested by an older woman?" I asked. "I didn't say that. Its actually wrong for any boy or girl to get molested by an older man and/or woman at any age. I know my boy classmates would disagree," she said.

"Kyle and Mr. Loughlin never tell their friends because they wouldn't understand," I said. "I can't imagine someone molesting my sisters or my cousins that are boys," she said. "Most parents don't want to believe their friends, boyfriend/girlfriends are molesting their children and they just let it happen anyways," she said.

"Yeah they don't deserve to be parents," I said. "I agree with you. Did your parents believe them?" she asked. "Mr. Loughlin's father didn't believe him until his dad caught her and kicked her out of his house and told her 'Don't you come near my children again'," I said.

"Did you tell him that you saw it too?" she asked. "I did. I had to testify against her to save my brother and Mr. Loughlin's life. If I didn't say anything, Natasha would still be molesting them aka act like Mrs. Robinson," I said.

"It's a good thing you did," she said. I nodded. "Yeah, usually no one believes kids but I'll always remember what I saw. However, I didn't remember him until Kyle told me about it. It helped jog my memory," I said.

She nodded. "That's a good thing he did," she said. I nodded, taking another bite of my pizza. "Is that why you and Mr. Loughlin are pretty close?" she asked. "Will it affect our friendship if we are?" I asked.

"No, you've known him for years. Also, it won't affect our friendship. If Nina or Tina asks about it, I'll tell them to mind their business," she said. "Okay. Just don't tell anyone about what I told you," I said.

"You know I don't trust Nina or Tina after they broke you and Conrad up. I never trusted them. Remember the ex I talked about Freshmen year?" she asked. "Yeah, the one the you rejected for sex?" I asked.

"Yeah, Nina and Tina set it up to ruin my rep. Then Marcus came to the college and he and I hanged out as friends but he wanted to be more than friends," she said. "Oh okay. So Nina and Tina like to ruin people's relationship?" I asked.

"Yes they do. They tried ruining mine and Marcus's relationship. He told them to 'back off and I don't care if she has a rep, you two are the reason why her rep was ruined because you two are jealous of girls getting the guys they want.' So they back off," she said.

I nodded. "Has anyone tried stopping them or kick them out of college?" I asked. "They tried however, their Daddy's pays the teachers about keep their grades higher than anyone," she said. I nodded.

"My real name isn't Juanita," I said. "What you mean?" she asked. "I was born Angelina Marsden but after I testified against against the woman that molested my brother and Mr. Loughlin. After that my parents decided to change my name from Angelina to Juanita to protect me just incase she got out," I said.

"Is that why they call you Nita?" she asked. "Yes, its short for Juanita. They gave me a Mexican name and I decided to nickname myself 'Nita' and that's what I'm use to," I said. Julianna nodded. "I like Nita but do you remember what Angelina was like?" she asked.

"Angelina was a little girl from Chicago, Illinois who was had a perfect attendance and wasn't afraid to get hurt. Then her childhood changed and she became Juanita, a girl who got smart in school and believed in herself," I said.

"Angelina and Juanita are two different girls but with the same body and soul. You are still my bestie since you came to my dorm room. You can always trust me. If there's anything going on between you and Mr. Loughlin, you know I always got your back," she said.

I nodded.
