
It was the first week of may when Jaebum saw the kids crying.

Jaebum entered the kid's room his eyes widen when he saw that Minghao, Winwin, Kun and Jun was packing their things up.ย 

"W-what's the meaning of this?" Jaebum asks

"We are going home hyung..." Minghao answered sadly and hugged Jaebum.

"You cant just leave me... Us..."

"I'm sorry..." the four Chinese boys said then cried

Youngjae was just sitting on The bed silently.

"I'll visit you next summer. Promise" Winwin and Kun said

The four boys went to Youngjae who was really sad.

"This is not good bye. Thank you for the memories" Minghao said then smiled eveb though he had tears running down his face

Youngjae hugged the four boys and kissed their heads.

"Visit me soon okay? Have a safe trip"

Jaebum clenched his fists at the sight of Youngjae crying.

The four chinese kids left...

Their parents picked them up and Youngjae tried his best not to cry but failed.

Jaebum is not good at comforting words so he just opened his arms for Youngjae. Youngjae hugged Jaebum and cried on his chest.

The other kids already fell asleep.

"Lets be strong... The kids wont like seeing you in this state"

Youngjae just nodded and Jaebum wiped his tears away.

"Its late. We should go upstairs..."

Jaebum just nodded and went to their shared room.

Youngjae went to the bathroom to freshen up and change his clothes.

Youngjae went outside the bathroom wearing his robe and a pair of boxers underneath it.

Jaebum just took a quick shower and dried himself and only wore a pair of boxers.

Youngjae was sitting on the bed while holding his phone with his brows furrowed.

Jaebum's POV

"What's wrong?" I asked at Youngjae who sighed and put his phone away

"Jinyoung-hyung and Mark-hyung is getting married next month. Jinyoung-hyung said he wants us to come..."

My eyes widen when I didnt feel anything about it.

"What's wrong?"

"I dont feel pain... I feel nothing at all..."

"Really? Then what about this?" Youngjae said then showed me a photo of Jinyoung and Mark kissing.

I felt a pang in my heart but... Its not really painful...

"Just a little more Mr Im. You'll get over him" Youngjae said then smiled

"Honestly I dont care about them anymore..." I said then sat beside him

"Keep ignoring your feelings Mr Im and it will run wild" Youngjae said then pulled the covers over his body

"I think I'm slowly getting over him... Thanks to you Doctor Choi"

I also slipped under the covers and Youngjae turned around.

Our faces were like 3 inches apart.

I can feel his hot breath fanning on my face.

He smiled and I smiled back.

We stared in each other's faces for seconds, minuets I don'tย  know...

Staring at his eyes made me feel like I'm lost... He had a pair of pretty and sparkly eyes...

"Good night Mr Im" he said then snuggled on my chest

"Good night" I said then played with his hair.

Am I starting to fall in love again?
