
Youngjae's POV

"Youngjae?" Jaebum called when I was about to sleep

I groaned and faced him.

I grabbed some pillows so I can see his face.


"Just wondering why did bring me here..."

"Because you need companion. You need someone. You need the warmth of a family" I said then closed my eyes.

"Youngjae?" The idiot called again.

I opened my eyes and looked at him tiredly.

It was already 1 in the morning and yet, this man is still wide awake...

"I'm sorry..."

"You should sleep..."

"I have a hard time sleeping during the night" He said then hugged a pillow.

I just sighed and cleared all the pillows which I made as a barrier.

"You are always welcome to cuddle with me" I said then he wrapped his arms and legs around me

I always cuddle with the kids and the other boys so I'm used to it.


Jaebum started to cry while I just comforted him by rubbing circles on his back.

"You know, Even though I haven't been in a relationship I can give advices..."

Jaebum just chuckled and hugged me tighter...

"Of course. You are a doctor. A young prodigy." he said then hid his face on my neck

"I'll help you get over... I'll help you move on and carry on with your life... I'll teach you how to continue living..."

He finally fell asleep.

Now its my turn.

I detached myself from Jaebum and Closed my eyes.

I was about to go asleep but then the door opened and I saw Yugyeom carrying his human sized teddy bear and his eyes were bloodshot red. Its obvious that my baby just cried.

My eyes widen and he went on the bed.

He crawled on the bed and I let him lay between me and Jaebum.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"My nightmares are back... They are hunting me again... Hyung... I'm scared..."

"Dont be scared baby. I wont give you to anyone. If hyung has to kill then I will... I wont let you anyone touch you and the others..."

Yugyeom hugged me tightly and I hugged him back.

He was crying on my chest and I just kissed his head.

"Calm down baby... No one will hurt you here. You are safe here..."

Yugyeom just nodded and I played with his hair until he fell asleep.

I also fell asleep and drifted to my dreamland...
