Chapter 8: The Enchanted Forest

The first thing I felt was a warm substance hitting my face. My eyes flutter open and I realize that I am no longer in the cannery. My eyes completely open and I realize the warm substance I felt on my face was sand. I also hear waves crashing against each other. I turn around to see an ocean. It takes me a moment to re-collect my thoughts. The last thing I remember was Neal and I going through a portal. Why would the portal drop us off on a beach though? Then, the thought about Neal hit me like a ton of bricks. Where was he? I frantically look around for any sign of him. Then about 10 feet to my right, a body laid flat on the ground. I can only assume that it was Neal. He was not moving however. I quickly scramble over to him. 

"Neal?" I say not being able to find my voice.

No answer.

"Neal?!" I say a little louder. 

Still no answer.

I flip him from his stomach onto his back. I place my hand on his neck. Moments later, I feel a pulse. He was still alive, but unconscious. Then, remembering how he got shot, I pulled his hand away from his wound. He's lost too much blood and if he continues to, he might die. The thought worries me. I shake his arm a little bit.

"Neal wake up please" I say. 

No answer. 

I sigh sadly. I unbutton his coat a bit and take off his scarf to look at his wound. Tamara hit him on the right side of his chest, just above his breast. I breathe a sigh of relief. It didn't hit his heart, but who says this hit can still be fatal? I used his scarf to press up against the wound to continue to suppress the bleeding. I look around to see if I could find any form of shelter. Up ahead of the beach we were on, there seemed to be nothing but forest. There also seemed to be no form of help. I'm guess I'm just going to have to do this myself. I'm not sure if I'd be able to support Neal. Plus he was wet, giving him extra weight. I'm just going to have to try. I wrap my right arm around his waist and try to pull him up. Unfortunately, a sharp pain pierced through the shoulder I got shot at. I immediately drop Neal back off in the sand. Surprisingly, it didn't wake him up. I really hope I didn't hurt him by dropping him. However, there was no possible way of carrying him now. I simply just laid on the ground next to him, placed by head in my hands and started crying. Neal's going to die and I can't do anything about it. Then without warning my thoughts were interrupted.

"Are you alright?" a voice asks. 

I pull my head out of my hands to see who it was. It was obviously no one I knew, but I still got a good look at them. It was a man, probably somewhere in his late twenties. He was tall with dark brown hair and a beard. He was also wearing armor and had a sword. Why would someone around a beach be wearing something like that? Maybe a cosplayer or something. Nevertheless, I'm relieved he came. I notice that his eyes stray to my wounded shoulder.

"Oh my gosh you're hurt!" he yells.
"No no no, I'm alright. It's him who needs your help" I say as I motion to Neal behind him. 

The man turns around and kneels down right next to him.

"What happened?!" he yelled.
"He got shot" I said. 

The man looks at me as if I were crazy.

"He got hit by a bullet" I say. 

The man continues to look at me the same way.

"Listen that's not important. What's important is we get him to safety" I say.
"You're right" the man says.

Then out of the distance somewhere, two other figures, both female, run up to us. 

"Philip what did you find?" one of the women asked.

She was short with long brown hair. She also happened to be wearing a crown and a dress. It doesn't take me two seconds to figure out she's probably a friend of the man I presume is Philip. 

"I found this young woman and this man here. We have to help them, they've both been hurt" Philip says.

He does the same method I used to try and pick up Neal, except he succeeds.

"Mulan, help me with his legs please" Philip says.

The woman known as Mulan walks over to Neal and grabs his legs as Philip holds his legs. She was Asian with long dark hair and was wearing a warrior outfit. It seemed to me she almost fit the description of the Disney character, Mulan. 

"Aurora, help the woman" Philip says.

The woman known as Aurora comes up to me but I reassure her.

"No I'm fine. I can walk. The pain's just in my shoulder" I say.

She nods and walks back over to Philip.

Philip and Mulan start walking towards the forest holding onto Neal while Aurora follows behind them.

"Wait, where are we going?" I ask.

"To the castle. You'll be safe there and we'll be able to cure you both" Philip says. 

I role my eyes a bit. I guess these people were really into the cosplaying. Still, I was very grateful that these people found us. Even though I've only known them for a couple of minutes, I trust them and start to follow them.

Philip really wasn't kidding when he said castle. It makes me wonder. Did the portal not only send us here, but did it send us back in time to the Renaissance days? I shake the thought off as we walk into the castle. Mulan and Philip place Neal on a padded table in what seemed to be the throne room. I am then taken to a sort of medical room to get treated for my wound. I take my jacket and my shirt, leaving just my tank top on. My shirt stuck to the dried blood of my wound and it stung to take it off.

"Careful, don't hurt yourself" Mulan says.

I nod then quickly pull it all the way off to avoid anymore pain. I am seated down and Mulan starts to treat it.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"The enchanted forest" Mulan replies. 

"I don't know what the enchanted forest is" I say, "I'm not from here." 

"Well, it's a world divided into many kingdoms. My guess is you came from a world without magic, and this is a world full of magic" Mulan says.

I let this sink in and I think. Neal originally came from a land of magic. Did we end up where he grew up? I would never know unless he wakes up, or if he ever wakes up. I shake the horrible thought away. I know he'll be okay. 

"How did you get here?" Mulan asks.
"We fell through a portal" I say.

We're silent for a few seconds as I watch Mulan continue to patch me up.

"So, your name is actually Mulan?" I ask.
"Yes" she replies.
"That's funny, because you fit the exact description of the Disney's version of Mulan" I say.
"I'm sorry but what's Disney?" she asks.
"Nothing" I say.

A few more seconds pass by and I ask, "And Aurora? She was under a sleeping curse and Prince Philip awoke her with true love's kiss?"

"Yes, that's exactly it. How do you know so much?" Mulan says.
"All of your guys' stories, I read them all as a child. I believed them as a child and I especially believed them after Neal, well, Baelfire at the time, came into my life telling me these amazing stories. I stopped believing them as I got older however" I say.
"Well, we're all here. I promise you, it may be hard to believe but we're all very real" Mulan says.

I smile a bit. I don't know why I had a hard time believing this especially after Neal told me he was in Neverland for a portion of his life and that the town of Storybrooke was inhabited by fairy-tale creatures. I guess once I thought I'd never see him again, the thought escaped my mind.

Mulan then finishes up with me and places gauze on my wound.
"There, it should be better in a couple of days" she says. 

I smile.
"Thank you" I say.

Mulan bows then walks out of the room. I walk out as well. As soon as I step out, Mulan is gone and I am lost. I turn to the left and head down the corridor. Turns out, that was the right way to go. I end up back in the throne room with Neal on the padded table. I see Philip next to him patching him up. I walk up to see how it's going. 

"Is he going to be alright?" I ask.

"I believe so. It's a good thing we found you right away or else bad things might've happened" Philip relies.

I breathe a sigh of relief. I don't even wanna know what it would be like to lose Neal.

"Do you know when he might wake up?" I ask.
"Hard to tell. He's lost a lot of blood so it could be anywhere from a day to a week" Philip states.

I gulp hard. At least he's alive. I walk over to a window nearby and peer out. Nothing but forest seemed to stretch on for miles. 

"Do you have any idea how we'll be able to get back home?" I ask.

I was busy worried about whether Neal would live or not, that I totally forgot about the fact that we're in a totally different world that I am not even sure how it works, without any means of returning back to Storybrooke. 

"Sorry, I'm not sure. Maybe when your boyfriend wakes up he might know" Philip states.
"Oh no, nothing like that. He's old friend" I say. 

Philip nods then finishes patching him up as well. 

"It's getting pretty late. I'll have Aurora take you to one of the chambers. I'll watch him" Philip says.
"I-is it alright if I watch him?" I say.

Philip gives me a look that made it seem like the previous statement he made was obvious.

"I-I just..." I stutter not knowing what to say.
"It's alright" Philip says.

He walks by me and is about to leave the room but faces me once more.

"Goodnight Miss.....?" Philip says looking for a response.

That's when I realize that I never gave him my name.

"Molly" I say.
"Ah, goodnight Miss Molly" Philip says.

I smile as he leaves the room.


I pull up a chair next to Neal. I hang my head down in shame and place my hands over my face.

"None of this wouldn't have happened if I didn't write that damn article" I mumble into my hands.

I pull them away and begin to feel tears forming. 

"Why would Greg do this to me? He's loved me and has taken care of me like I was his own child. Could he have really changed this much in the the time span I didn't see him?" I whisper into the night.

The teardrops begin to roll down my eyes. Then I realize. Maybe Tamara was wrong. She may have been double-crossing Neal, but she could've been double-crossing Greg as well. It was just all part of her master plan. But I still wondered why he had me right that article and did he know what were Tamara's true intentions? I slump my head back down. I honestly don't know. Whenever we get out of here, I'll have to have a good long talk with him. I just don't know when that'll ever be. I bring my face back up a bit and look at Neal, still lying there. I reach for his hand and grab hold of it tight. Surprisingly, it was warm. 

"We'll get out of here. I know we will. Everything will be alright" I say.

I continue to mumble those final four words before I felt my eyes getting heavy and I eventually drifted off to sleep.
