Chapter 16: Date Night

For the rest of the trip, I mainly just kept quiet. I tried falling back asleep, but I was way too excited to. Occasionally, I would talk to someone, whether it was Neal or someone else. But a majority of my attention focused on the sights I saw as I was flying...on a pirate ship.

 Eventually, I began to see a town come into sight. Some familiar sights began to come into the sight such as the clock tower in the middle of town. We were back in Storybrooke. I breathe a sigh of relief. As we landed by the peer, I saw almost the entire town standing on the dock, cheering and applauding. The first people to walk off the boat were Henry, Emma, Mary Margaret, and David and everyone went crazy. I saw Mr. Gold walk off and run to a girl whom I assumed was Belle. It was then my turn. I walked off the boat and began to walk into the crowd. I almost expected them to cheer for me as well, and that they'd forgot about the article. Boy was I wrong. As soon as I did, people began to give me evil glares and turn their head. I sighed sadly. Not even this was able to make up for the article. I began to walk away from everyone and back towards the peer. I simply leaned against the support. I turn to look to my right and I notice Regina doing the exact same thing.

"Regina, what are you doing? Why are you not celebrating?" I ask.
"It may not seem like it, but we are alike in some ways Molly. When it comes to this town, they don't care about either one of us. We could save all their asses and still wouldn't give a damn. They would still see us as horrible people" she says.

I gulp. It almost sounds true. The only thing is though Regina is known as the Evil Queen here. Me, I'm just the mysterious visitor who exposed all of Storybrooke's secrets. I bring my phone out and immediately start looking for flights back to Baltimore. As I'm doing so, I hear someone yell, "And we owe a lot of it to them!"

I look up wondering who the voice was referring to. I suddenly realize it was Mary Margaret who said so, and she was referring to both Regina and I.

"Molly and Regina helped save us all" Mary Margaret adds.

I began to hear murmurs through the crowd as if none of them believed it.

"It's true!" I hear a voice from the crowd says.

The crowd parts a bit to reveal Neal.

"If it weren't for Molly and Regina, not just Henry, but I myself would've died at the hands of Pan. What they did in the past may have been bad, but that was the past. We are now in the present, and by what it seems, both of them have changed" he proclaims.

This silences the crowd for a few moments until everyone began to cheer and applaud again. I began to smile. I looked at Regina and noticed she began to smile to. As soon as the crowd died down, Neal came up to me.

"Molly, there's some people I'd like you to meet" he says.

He grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd until we reach Wendy with two young adult men. When Wendy saw me, I noticed she looked a little different.

"Don't worry Wendy, I'm fine now. Pan is no longer in control of me. I'm just a normal woman" I say.

Wendy breathes a sigh of relief then smiles.
Neal then turns towards me

"This is John and Michael. They're Wendy's younger brothers" he says.

This causes another flashback. In the original Disney movie, Wendy had two younger brothers named John and Michael. Since Wendy has been on Neverland so long, she never grew up, but John and Michael did. Both Michael and John smile and shake my hands.

"Pleasure to meet you" they both say to me.
"Likewise" I say to them smiling.
"Guys, would you mind telling my friend here how you found your way to Storybrooke?" Neal asked John and Michael.
"Well, after we thought all hope was lost, we managed to find this article online" Michael started.
"And this article contained tons of information about Storybrooke and we were able to find our way here" John finished.
"Do you guys remember who wrote it?" Neal asked them.
"Not off hand" Michael replied.
"I think it was Molly or something like that" John said.

What was Neal up to?

"Would you guys like to meet the author?" Neal asked as he pushed me forward a bit.
Both Michael and John's jaws dropped.
" mean?" Michael said.
"I'm Molly. I'm the one who wrote the article" I say.

I was almost afraid both of them would attack me for some reason, but instead, I was embraced into a hug by both of them.

"Um, guys. I'm a little squished here" I say.
Both Michael and John broke away.
"Sorry" Michael said.
"We're just very happy. Without you and your article, we wouldn't have been able to find our way here" John added.
"And we wouldn't have been able to find our dear sister Wendy" Michael said.
"See Molly, your article wasn't all bad as everyone made it out to be" Neal says.

I smile. I'm glad I was able to do something right for once on my life.

"I think it's time for the Darlings to go home. All of us" John says.
"Safe travels guys. I hope to you guys again" Neal says.
"You too Baelfire and Molly" Michael says.

As John and Michael begin to walk away, Wendy continues to stay near us.

"You coming Wendy?" John asks.
"Yes, just give me a moment" she says.

He nods and follows Michael. Wendy turn towards us and hugs us both.

"Thank you guys so much once more. You saved me when you didn't have to" Wendy says.
"Well, it's our job" Neal says smiling.
"I have to go now, but I hope to see you guys again. I hope you guys have a happy life together" Wendy says.

She then quickly runs to her brothers, while I stood there thinking.

"Wait, Wendy! What did you mean?!" I yell to her.

She's already too far away for me to hear. I sigh. I then turn towards my right and see something not quiet right. I see Henry and Felix conversing. What can Henry possibly need to talk about to the right hand man of the boy who tried to kill him? Then I hear Henry call over some people David immediately takes Felix away. That answered my question.

"Hey Molly?" Neal asks.
My attention goes back towards him.
"Yeah?" I say.
"I was talking with everyone and we were thinking about maybe having a party at Granny's tonight to celebrate Henry's return. Would you like to go?" he asks.
"Is that your excuse of asking me on a date?" I ask him.
He chuckles a bit.
"No actually, but I guess it's alright if you dress up nicely. Like I said, it's basically a get together, and since you helped save Henry, I think you deserve to go to this party" he says.
I sigh and smile.
"Alright, I'll go. I'll try to see if I have something nice" I say.
"Don't worry, I'll dress up to if that's what your wondering" he says.
"You are asking me out on a date!" I yell.
I playfully hit his shoulder.
"Am not!" he yells defensively.
"Okay" I say sarcastically.
"Are you good walking to Granny's by yourself or would you like me to walk you? Since you know, we're both in the same hotel" Neal says.
I keep laughing at how he's trying his best to sound casual while flirting with me.
"Sure, why not?" I say.

It was around 6:45 when I had just finished showering. I desperately needed it. As I brush my hair, I looked through my clothes I was still debating whether or not Neal really was asking me on a date or not. I tried to see if I packed something nice enough to be more than casual, but less than fancy. I ended up picking a purple sleeveless ruffle shirt, a nice pair of black jeans, and my combat boots. As I finished drying my hair, I heard a knock on the door. I go to answer it and it was Neal. I noticed he was wearing a polo shirt with a pair of blue jeans.

"Oh crap, I'm over dressed" is the first thing I say.
Neal laughs.
"No you're not, you look fine" he says.
I wanted to argue, but I was afraid I'd lose.
"Fine, let's go" I say.

I link arms with Neal as he leads me down the stairs, out the door, and across the street towards Granny's diner. As we entered, the smell of coffee immediately filled my nose. I took a look around and noticed a lot of people were here already. Hook was at the counter. Emma and Henry were sitting in a booth talking. And a few other people here and there chit chatting. None of them seemed to notice we were here which I was quite alright with.

"Alright, catch ya later" Neal says.
"Hey! You can't leave your date!" I tease.
This causes Neal to laugh.
"I already told you! This isn't a date! It's just a time to socialize and have fun!" he yells.
I roll my eyes at him.
"Alrighty then" I say.
"Have fun, but not too much" Neal says.

I laugh and shoo him away. After he walks away, I'm stuck there. I looked around trying to find someone to talk to. Everyone was already talking to someone, and despite how Neal stood up for me, I didn't wanna take any chances with people. I decided to just go to the counter. As soon as I sit down, an older woman comes up to me. It was the same one who worked at the hotel. I fear she's going to give me another dirty look but instead just asks, "What can I get you?"
I look around just to get an idea of what everyone else was drinking. They seemed to all be drinking some alcohol. I haven't had a drink in a long time and to be honest, after all I've been through, I needed one.

"A beer please" I say.
"Coming right up" the woman says.

Moments later, the woman hands me a mug and I pay her. As I drink, I spin my chair to face everyone in the diner. A couple of guys were playing darts. Others just drinking and celebrating and simply having a good time. As I get lost in my thoughts, I hear a giant thud right next to me causing me to jump. I spin back around and see Henry with a giant storybook labeled Once Upon a Time. He started furiously starts tearing through the pages.

"Henry? What are you looking for?" I ask.
"There's gotta be a story about Peter Pan in here somewhere" he says.
"Why do you need to find a story about Peter Pan? We defeated him" I say.
"No, there's another story somewhere. About his revenge that he gets. Everything that takes place in this book has happened at one point or another" Henry says.
"What makes you think Pan is going to get revenge?" I ask.
"Because Peter Pan never fails" Henry says.
I look at him oddly.
"What did you say?" I ask.

He completely ignores me and goes back to flipping through the book. Is it just me or did Henry just say, "Peter Pan never fails?" Why would he say that? Am I drunk already? I shake it off despite the odd phrase to come out of Henry's mouth. As I sit there and take another drink, I hear someone else sit down next to me. I turn around to see Hook.

"Hello love" he says.
"Hey Hook, how's it going?" I say.
"Not bad. It finally feels good to get off of Neverland" he says.
"Tell me about it" I say.
"Hey listen, I just need to ask you something" he says.
"Sure" I say.
"Are you and Neal a thing or no? I'm just very confused" he says.
"Oh no we're not" I say.
"Good, because I was thinking about backing off from Emma that way her and Neal can have a chance, especially with Henry back" Hook says.
I smile. That was exactly what I wanted to do, except I backed out earlier than Hook did.
"Don't worry. We'll both find the right one someday" I say to him.
"Indeed" he says.

Throughout the night, I start getting a bit more social. I guess what Neal said really did change people's minds. It was around 9:00 when I decided to just sit down in a booth and relax. I was still deciding which flight to take back to Baltimore. The earliest flight tomorrow is 8:00, but I still most definitely will be sleeping then. The next one is not until 2:00. That's probably the best I'm going to get. Before I decide to book the flight, I hear talking from not too far away behind me. It was Emma, Mary Margaret, and David. I didn't get much of what they said but one major thing I heard was something about going on a date with Neal. I can only suppose that Emma was talking about that. I smiled. I hope it'll happen sometime. I look at my phone and at the big button that said BOOK FLIGHT. Yesterday, I would've clicked that in a heartbeat, but right now, I'm not so sure. I am then once again interrupted by someone sitting across from me. I pull the phone away and see Neal.

"Having fun?" he asks.
"Quiet a bit, yeah. I'm just taking a break" I say.
"What are you doing in your phone?" Neal asks.
I bite my lip looking for a lie.
"Oh you know....just playing Flappy Bird" I say.
"Let me see your high score" he says.

Neal tries reaching over for my phone as much as I try to block him off, he's stronger than me. He ends up snatching the phone out of my hand. It takes him 2 seconds to realize what I was doing. I look down in embarrassment.

"Why are you booking a flight to Baltimore for 2:00 tomorrow?" he asks.
I don't answer.
"Molly, I don't understand" Neal says.
"Listen Neal, I'm not even so sure now if I want to book it. After what you said earlier today, it changed people's minds about me. I mean, you still realize I still have to get back home right?" I tell him.
"We haven't even gone on that date yet" Neal says.
"We're on it right now!" I yell.
"We're actually not. Tonight was going to be the night I was going to ask you out" he says.
"So you asked me on a date to ask me on a date?" I say.
Neal starts laughing.
"You know sometimes you're a pain in the butt" he says to me.
I smirk at him.
"Which reminds me; have you put anymore thought into the date?" he asks.

I kind of forgot until earlier that Neal wanted me to think about going on a date with him. I honestly hadn't put much thought into it.

"Neal, how am I going to go on a date between now and 2:00 tomorrow afternoon?" I ask.
"Don't leave tomorrow. Stay one more day please. I obviously can't change your mind about this, but I just want to spend time with you before you go" he says.
I knew the decision I was making was a right one.
"Yes, I will go on a date with you" I say.
Neal smiles brightly.
"When do you want to go?" I ask him.
"Why not right now?" he asks.
He gets up and begins to tug on my hand.
"But Neal it's too late" I say trying my best to sound like a teenage girl.
"It's never too late. Plus, it's only a little past nine" he says.
I roll my eyes and smile at him.
"Alright, but my curfew is 10:30" I say.
Neal smiles. He then grabs my hand and we walk out the door.

                                                                                   Hook P.O.V

Despite what Molly had said to me, I knew it was too good to be true. I see the way they look at each other. Molly and Neal were in love. They just won't admit it to anyone else. After both Neal and Molly left, I confronted Emma.
"Emma" I say.
"Hook, what's up?" she asks.
"Have you noticed Molly and Neal have been spending an awful lot of time together?" I ask.
"Yeah, but you know that they were best friends as kids, right? And they haven't seen each other in 20 years. Of course they're going to be spending a lot of time together" Emma says.
"Yeah, but that's not what I'm saying. Think about it. They walked in together. They walked out together" I say.
"I don't understand" Emma says.
"My point is that Neal isn't in love with you. He's in love with Molly" I say.

                                                                                  Regular P.O.V

"So where do you plan on taking me for this date?" I ask him.
"Nowhere special. Just somewhere where with peace and quiet and where we can be alone" Neal replies.

He extends his hand out for me to hold onto. I give him an odd look. It causes him to feel bad. He's about to put his hand back down when I decide to grab onto it. His hands were warm as always. We walk for a bit until we reach a bench where Neal allows me to sit first. He then sits right next to me. I look around to see where we're at. My eyes eventually adjust to the darkness and I realize we're sitting on a bench at the park.

"Why are we at the park?" I ask.
"I told you. Quiet, nice, and just the two of us" Neal replies.
I smile. I'm kind of glad Neal picked out a simple date and not something too extravagant like dinner or something.
"Here look up" Neal says.
I do as he says and I look up at the dark sky.
"What am I looking at?" I ask.
Neal looks up with me.
"The stars" he replies.
"I realize there are stars. But what about them? I see them every night" I say.
"See those clusters of stars over there? They make up the constellation Orion.  And right over there? That's the Big Dipper" Neal says.

He begins pointing all the nearby constellations. This causes me to smile even more. I never really sat and stared at the stars long enough to see all the constellations.

"How do you know so much?" I ask.
"When you're on Neverland, you find things to do in your meantime. These stars have been my friends since then and they still are" Neal replies.
As I continue to look up at the stars with him, I scoot over a bit, closer to Neal and I felt his hand hold on tighter to mine.
"Do you have anything else planned for tonight?" I ask him.
"Why? Do you not like this?" Neal asks.
"No, it's just....I just" I say starting to get flustered.
"I'm just messing with you" Neal says.
Couple of minutes later, he stands up and extends his hand out for me to grab. He then pulls me up.
"Where to now?" I ask.
"Nowhere special" Neal repeats.

We walk down the sidewalk until we stop in front of a store.
"The video store?" I ask.
"Yeah, I was thinking we can rent a movie and watch it in my hotel room. And the best part is, I'll let you pick the movie" Neal says.
"You're letting me pick the movie?" I ask.

He nods. I start to smirk. I know exactly what I'm doing. I walk into the store and immediately walk over to the romantic comedy aisle. I began to browse through the movies until I saw my favorite romantic comedy. 13 Going on 30. Neal manages to find his way back to me. I show the movie to him.

"13 Going on 30? Good choice" he says.
"Are you sure? It's a chick flick" I say.
"I said it was your choice. Plus, I like that movie" Neal replies.

I smirk a bit. I wonder if he's telling the truth. I bring the movie up to the front and Neal offers to pay for it. It was only $2, but my guess was Neal wouldn't stop until he'd done it. After we walk out of the store, we head back to the B&B. This time, I grab onto Neal's hand on the way back. This causes him to blush a little. When we get there, he opens the door for me like a gentleman and I walk in with Neal walking in right after me. We walk up the stairs into his room. As soon as we walk in, I immediately walk over to the DVD player and pop the disk in. Just before the movie starts, I get up on the bed. As I do, Neal climbs on the bed as well. I bit my lip a little, mainly just to contain my smile.

"Coming?" Neal asks.

I climb up next to Neal and snuggle up close to him. I rest my head on his chest and his arm wraps around me. I then take the remote and hit play.

I honestly have forgotten how much I enjoyed this movie. I haven't seen it in a very long time. Mostly because I had no reason to. My main reason to rent it wasn't to watch it again, but to torture Neal. I think my plan backfired because I would occasionally glance at Neal to see him smiling. I would smile along with him at all the cute moments. Not only was it an adorable movie, but you learn a lesson from it too. As it nears the end, right before Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo end up together, I took another glance up at Neal. He honestly looked like he was about to cry tears of joy. He then turns and look down towards me and smiles. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the part of the movie where the wedding happens. This allowed me to do what I wanted to do. I don't say anything, but I instead pull Neal into a kiss. I guess I catch him off guard because at first he doesn't respond. Eventually he does, and deepens the kiss. He breaks it off a few seconds later to catch his breath.

"Wow, a kiss on the first date?" he says in between breaths.
I laugh shakily, mainly because I was catching my breath too. I place my hands on his cheeks.
"I love you Neal" I say.
Neal places his hands on my shoulders.
"I love you too Molly. Please don't ever forget that" he says.

I smile and I now feel like I'm about to cry tears of joy. Neal then leans in for another kiss, but this time it starts out passionately. I return it with just about the same amount of passion. I pull him closer towards me. He lays me down on the bed and his hands begin to caress my shoulders. However, I yelp in pain a little as he goes over the bullet hole. Neal immediately pulls back.

"Sorry. I forgot it still hurts there" he says.

I'm not even mad because of how happy I am right now. Instead I then push Neal onto the bed and I climb over him and press my lips back down on his. He pulls me onto him and I begin to giggle. I run my hands through his hair and he then begins to caress my back. After a while, we began to grow tired. We both lied down on the bed and caught our breaths. I moved closer to Neal and I wrapped my arms around his stomach as he did the same. I laid my head against his chest and I listened to the soothing sound of his heartbeat. He rested his chin on my head. I'm not sure exactly when, but we eventually both fell asleep. All I remember, is falling asleep with the brightest smile on my face.
