Chapter 25: Listen to Your Heart

I got a call from Emma the next morning stating that we were going to have a small funeral for Neal. I honestly did not want to go. I felt selfish just thinking that but it was the truth. Then again, nothing more could hurt me, not after what happened yesterday. They said it wasn't formal or anything, so I simply just wore a nice black shirt, with a matching pair of pants and shoes. I always found it absolutely amazing how black was used for funerals. It doesn't just represent death. It represents the person's mood. Right now, I felt like I've fallen down into a deep darkness that's inescapable. Before I left, I put on a dark jacket. Then I headed outside towards the cemetery. I looked at the shops as I walked by and it seemed like they were all closed. Everyone must be at the funeral. One thing's for sure, Neal was definitely loved. It wasn't that far of a walk, and I managed to arrive right before the lowering of the casket. I snuck in right behind the usual gang of people. As I did, Emma turned around to acknowledge me. She didn't even have to say anything. We simply just exchanged sad glances. She turns back around to watch the casket, and I decide to do so as well. I almost wish I could've seen the casket open, that way I would've been able to see Neal one more time. Before it was completely lowered into the ground, I snuck a glance at everyone there. A few people were tearing up, a lot of people had their heads hung down, but a majority of the people just had sad faces. I wanted to cry some more, but I think I was still completely dried out from yesterday. As soon as I saw that the casket was completely lowered, it was then time to cover the casket back up with dirt. No one was really sure who wanted to do it first. I definitely didn't want to. Eventually, someone made a move, it wasn't Emma or Henry, but Hook. He walks over to the shovel and collects some dirt onto it, then dumps it in the ground on the casket. Next, it was David's turn. He does the same thing and then hands it to Mary Margaret. It then goes to Regina, then Belle, then Granny, etc. It was then Henry's turn. He takes the shovel and picks up the dirt. He then slowly pours it into the ground. He comes back and hands the shovel to Emma. Before Emma walks up, she turns to look at me with the same sad glance. I look at her the same way, and then motion for her to go. She shakes her head no and hands me the shovel. There was nothing I could do now. I slowly walk over to the pile of dirt and collect some onto the shovel. Before I dump the dirt, I take a pause and look down at the casket covered in dirt. Memories began to flood my head as I did. From the moment Neal and I first met, to our first kiss together, to our final goodbyes. All of them filled my head. As much as I wanted to smile at some of them, I couldn't because I knew they would never happen again. I then dump the dirt onto the casket and slowly walk back with my head down and hand the shovel to Emma. As Emma walks over and collects the dirt, I notice how she also took a pause before dumping the dirt. I couldn't imagine what was going on in her head right now. After a couple of more seconds, she then takes the dirt and throws it in.

There was a memorial luncheon afterwards at Granny's. Everyone else seemed to be going, so I decided to go too. The thing was though, now that Neal was no longer here, I felt awkward and out of place again. When he was here, he made me feel like I belonged here. Now, I just felt like that outsider girl no one liked. When I walked in, I simply just took one of the booths and sat there all by myself. It wasn't just the fact that I felt out of place again, I honestly just didn't feel like talking to anyone. The only person I talked to was the waitress when she asked if I'd like anything to drink. As much as I wanted alcohol, I decided against it. It wouldn't help numb the pain, it would just help with an even bigger headache than the one I had now. Pretty much the entire time I was there, I just stared up ahead at the opposite booth, expecting him to just come in and sit down any time now. Alas, it never happened. It never will happen. Before I knew it someone called my name. I didn't look up at who it was, but I didn't need to. I recognized the voice as Emma's. When I didn't answer, she simply just sat down next to me in the booth.

"Are you okay?" she asks.

I dared not get angry, but I can't believe she's asking me that. Someone I just loved dearly died and she's asking if I'm okay. Instead of answering her, I simply sigh sadly.

"Did he know?" I ask.
"Did who know what?" Emma asks.
"Henry? Did he know that was his father who died?" I ask.
Emma then sighs sadly.
"Yes, I told him yesterday shortly after you went back to your room. Even though he didn't know him that well, it still seems like he was upset by it" she says.
Despite us talking, I still never looked at her. I still continued to stare at the booth. She picked up on it, however.
"Why do you keep staring at the booth?" Emma asks.
"Because I'm expecting Neal to walk in anytime now and sit down right across from me" I reply.
Emma looks at me sadly.
"I can't imagine what's going on with you right now" Emma says.
I shrug.
"You don't have to. You're feeling it. Everything I'm feeling, you're feeling and vice versa" I say.
"Not trying to make it seem like a contest, but I think out of everyone here, you're the most troubled with Neal's death" Emma says.
This catches my attention. I then turn to look at her.
"What do you mean? Why do you say that?" I ask her.
"Because you loved him" Emma replies.
"Yeah, and so did you. We all did. That's why we were all at the funeral" I say.
"No Molly, I meant because you were in love with him, and he was with you. When you guys said I loved you to each other before he died, it wasn't just a friendly one. It had depth to it. Depth one would call true love" Emma says.
I laugh nervously.
"You were Neal's true love, not me" I say.
"I couldn't have been. Because I wasn't Neal's first love" Emma says.
I gulp.
"What's your point?" I ask.
"My point is that I knew you and Neal were in love. I didn't really pick up on it until after we came back from Neverland. And it wasn't even me who figured it out, it was Hook. I just refused to believe it until I got to see it for myself" Emma says.
I don't know why, but I felt angry all of a sudden. Just listening to all these things about my late lover just started to take its toll.
"Yes, I know! What really confirmed it was the scene at the edge of Storybrooke before the curse hit and I kissed him in front of everyone because I wasn't afraid to tell everyone I loved him even if it meant being a victim of your wrath!" I yell.
I then start breathing heavily to catch my breath.
"Molly, calm down!" Emma says.
As soon as I catch my breath, I start breathing normally again and calm down.
"I'm sorry. I don't know what got to me" I say.
"It's okay" Emma says.
"I guess you're right. I am hurt the most by Neal's death" I say.
"It'll be alright Molly" Emma says.
As much as she's trying to comfort me, she really isn't. Suddenly a scary thought hits me.
"Have you seen Mr. Gold lately? I didn't see him at the funeral" I say.
"I thought you were talking to him yesterday after we left?" Emma asks.
"I did, but then he said he wanted to stay with Neal for a few more minutes" I say.
I was honestly worried now.
"Molly?" Emma asks.
"Yeah?" I ask.
"What did you mean by you being a victim of my wrath?" Emma asks.
Before I can answer, the front door swishes open. I almost expect it to be Mr. Gold, but it wasn't. Out of anyone I could ever thing of, it ended up being Zelena.
"My condolences. I'm so sorry I missed the funeral. I could never pass up a wake" she says.
I could sense the sarcasm in her voice.
"You b-" I'm about to yell.
"Witch actually dear. Not only is it the truth, but there are children here. You have to watch your mouth" Zelena says with a smirk.
She really caused my blood to boil now. I looked at the table next to me and noticed that there were a couple of darts. I grabbed them and threw them all at her. However, she merely just held up her hand and stopped them all in midair.
"Honestly dear, what did you expect to happen?" Zelena asks.
Honestly, I didn't expect to hurt her. I just wanted to make myself feel better. She then has all the darts fall to the floor.
"Oh, did I miss the speeches? Shall I make one? I mean, I am, after all, responsible" Zelena says.
This tears it for both Emma and me. We're about to charge at her when Mary Margaret stops us both.
"Guys, no. Too many people will get hurt" Mary Margaret says.
"You guys should listen. She's right. Anyone who tries to interfere with my plan is gonna have to deal with the Dark One" Zelena says.
Dark One? Rumplestiltskin? What's she doing with him? Is she the reason why he wasn't at the funeral?
"Have you no heart you b-" I'm about to say.
However, I get cut off by Zelena again.
"Dear, I'm not going to tell you again. The correct term is witch. It's a good thing you're not a mother because then your children would've picked up on your dirty mouth by now" she says.
I smirk and lick my lip. I escape Mary Margaret's grasp and she doesn't dare try to go back for me. I walk closer to Zelena until we're face to face.
"First of all, you're not my mother. Therefore, you should stop telling me what to do. Second, you killed the man I loved. You can imagine I'm feeling a little pissed and upset. Therefore I say whatever the hell I want and you're not going to say a damn word about it! You Wicked Bitch of the West!" I yell.
At this point, there was nothing but absolute fire and anger in my eyes. If looks could kill, Zelena would be a crispy piece of bacon by now. I didn't regret anything I said. However, Zelena didn't like what I said that much and that caused me to get a slap across my face. It stung, but not as bad as the pain I was feeling eternally. She didn't dare say anything else to me, but instead started walking closer towards Mary Margaret and David.
"Don't come any closer!" David yells at her as he walks in front of Mary Margaret to protect her.
"Don't worry. I'm not here for your baby. Not today, anyway" Zelena says.
"Well if the only reason you came here today was to piss off everyone, congratulations! Achievement unlocked!" I yell at her in the most smartass way.
She turns and she looks at me once more.
"My, my, my. This one is a little ball of fire, isn't she?" Zelena asks.
I'm pretty sure a lot of people would agree, but it seemed like no one wanted to answer.
"What happened to the sweet, innocent Molly that I met at Mary Margaret's apartment?" Zelena asks.
"Oh, she still exists. She just knows to never come out around you again" I say.
Before anything else can happen between the two of us, Regina interrupts.
"Why are you here then?"
Zelena whirls around and looks at Regina.
"Now that my covers blown. I can finally pay a visit to my little sister" she says.
"Who the hell are you talking about?" Regina asks.
"Why you, of course, Regina" Zelena says.
As soon as she says that, a bunch of murmurs can heard amongst the crowd. I simply just stare at Zelena dumbfounded. There is no way in hell she's Regina's sister. She's lied about everything else to this point, this has to be another thing she's lying about.
"I'm an only child" Regina states.
"Cora lied to you, Regina. I'm your sister. Half, if you want to get technical" Zelena says.
I take it Cora is the name of Regina's and supposedly Zelena's mother.
"Why should I believe anything you say?" Regina asks.
You and me both Regina.
"Oh, you shouldn't. It's a lot to swallow. Which is why I've brought a gift to help. You see, my gift to you is this sad, sad day" Zelena says.
I scoff at her.
"Maybe in Oz, you know where nothing makes sense because you guys have talking tin men and flying monkeys, gifts mean something different. Here, a gift that you give to someone should be something they want. No one wanted this sad day. But then again, I shouldn't blame you. Your head must be boggled from all that flying on a broomstick crap" I say.
At this point, I think I was cruisin for a bruisin. Zelena; however, continues to ignore me even though I know she heard me.
"Use it to dig into our past, Regina. You need to learn the truth and you must believe it. And then meet me on Main Street tonight. Say, sundown" she says.
"And then what?" Regina asks.
"And then I'll destroy you" Zelena says.
"This isn't the Wild West" Regina says.
"No dear, it's the Wicked West. And I want everyone to be there to see the Evil Queen lose" Zelena says.
Regina laughs.
"I don't lose" she says.
"Neither do I. One of us is about to make history. See you tonight, sis" Zelena says.
She then laughs and is about to walk out, but then she faces me one last time.
"Tell me Molly, what did Neal look like when he was writhing on the floor, screaming in pain?" Zelena asks.
She's done it, she's absolutely done it. I take a bottle that was on a nearby table and smash it over the top of the table. A few people gasped as I did that. Before she can do anything, I quickly swung the bottle and slices Zelena's hand with it. She yells out as I noticed that I broke skin and blood began to drop from it.
"Oh dear, that's cute" Zelena says examining it.
Then with her magic, she was able to heal it immediately.
"Maybe if you swung better, you could've gotten me" she says.
"Don't worry, because the next time I won't miss. And the next time will be a lot worse than a beer bottle" I say.
Zelena smirks and laughs as she walks away. She then uses the sword in her hand to swish open the door and she walks out.
I was angry she left because I really wanted to give her what she did deserve. At the same time, I'm glad she was gone because I couldn't deal with being there anymore. As soon as I knew she was gone, I suddenly get sad again. The worse part about Neal's death now is that he is officially labeled as my pressure point. Anytime anyone wanted to piss me off, which it seemed like that is now Zelena's main goal, they just have to mention Neal.

"What the hell has gotten into you?!" is one thing I heard.
After Zelena left, people have been yelling at me because of what I did. I know people here have seen me angry, but no one has seen me when I'm pushed past my breaking point i.e. when I smashed the bottle and threatened Zelena with it. People were either focused on me, or on Regina and questioning her about her relationship with Zelena.
"Molly, are you alright?" I another person ask.
"I don't think she's stable" I heard one person say.
I sigh angrily and I continue to do what I was doing earlier. Staring at the opposite booth. The only time my eyes strayed off the stop was when I noticed Regina get up and walk out. I'm surprised she got sick of being questioned before I did.
"Molly, talk to us. This isn't healthy behavior" someone said.
I sighed angrily. I then got out of the booth and climbed up onto the table.
"Listen up!" I yelled.
This captures everyone's attentions and they turn to look at me.
"Everyone is a bit concerned for me right now since everyone here witnessed by erratic behavior exhibited here not too long ago. Well I'm here to explain why!" I yell.
Everyone still seemed to be tuned in, so I continued.
"Neal is now officially labeled as my weakness. Having the witch talk like that about him really got to me and I just lost it. Emma, you mentioned earlier that I'm probably the one mostly affected by Neal's death, and in all honesty, yes I am. I know everyone here loved Neal, but I was the one closest to him. He was my best friend. Not only that...." I say.
I stop and hold my head down. I pull the engagement ring out of my back pocket and show it to everyone. I heard almost everyone gasp.
"He was my fiancé. He proposed to me right before he died to let me know that our love will last forever" I say.
I look over at Emma sadly.
"Emma I need to especially apologize to you. I've been lying to you about everything. You did see an engagement ring on my finger yesterday, I just took it off so you wouldn't start asking questions. You also texted me why I didn't tell you about us. You said you had to find it out for yourself. Well, it was exactly how it seemed. I was hiding it. We were hiding it. The minute you told Neal you still loved him, I backed away, hoping you guys would get back together, only to find out that Neal loved me. To find out he loved me way before you even. And in all reality, I loved him too. So we start dating in secret, to avoid any unwanted attention. To avoid, what I said earlier, your wrath. I was afraid that having you find out about Neal and I would less you to hate me more than you already did. I had already almost ruined your town for you, I didn't want to ruin your love life too" I finish.
Emma returns the sad look, but doesn't say anything. It gives a chance to say something else.
"So there it is. You know the entire truth. The reason behind everything. And I'm ready to receive any hate anyone has for me" I say.
To be honest, I don't know what caused me to blurt out everything about Neal and I. I just felt no more secrets should be kept. Especially not after his death.
Nobody says anything. Not one person. I sigh.
"Seeing Neal die right before my eyes was the worse thing to ever happen to me. I snapped earlier at Emma when being questioned about Neal. I didn't mean to. It hurts gravely, but it gave me no reason to get that angry. But with Zelena it was a different story. Knowing that Neal's killer was right there in front of me, taunting me about it, I lost all sanity. I almost felt like I was under Peter Pan's control again. Being angry and having murder on the mind. It's not healthy. It's not sane. It's not human. But it was how I felt the second Zelena walked in here. I didn't mean to scare anyone with what I did, but that was my natural instinct at the moment when Zelena poured salt into my wounds" I say.
Still, no one said anything. Silence continued to linger into the air. I then got off the table and began to head towards the door.
"Molly, where are you going?" Mary Margaret asks.
Before I push open the door, I stop and sigh.
"Wherever my heart leads me now" I say.
Then I walk out.

I decided to go to the place you would least expect me to go: the docks. I sadly walked to the end of the boardwalk and notice a ladder descending into the water. I walk down it and sit on the third rung. My feet dangling just inches above the water. I thought it'd be best if I was not found for a while. I contemplated on whether or not I should jump in. I look into the water sadly. No, it's not the right thing to do. Neal wouldn't want that. I continued to sit there and just stare off into space. I ignored every phone call or text I got. People seemed to be worried, but no one seemed to be trying to come and find me.

Not only was I upset over this whole ordeal, I was a bit scared for Regina. Not only is she supposedly sisters would this evil creature, but she has to face her, tonight. My guess is that some sort of battle will commence between the two and I'm worried Regina will not be strong enough. I shouldn't think so negatively like that. Regina is strong and brave. Then again, it was hard to think about anything with positivity at this point.

I guess didn't know how long I was here for because it didn't take that long for the sky to start to get dark. I checked my phone. It was almost 8:00. I noticed just about how many phone calls and texts I got. Some were from David, Mary Margaret, and Belle, but most of them were from Emma. I didn't feel like listening to my voicemails or checking my messages because I bet they all say the same thing. "We're concerned for you Molly." "It's not good to take on this situation alone." "You need someone to talk to." I'm glad everyone is concerned, but they're doing me my good by smoldering me. I just need some alone time. I was really glad no one tried finding me at the docks or even succeeded at finding me. It must've been because I well hidden underneath the docks on the ladder. Alone time was the best thing I needed in this situation. It gave me a chance to calm down and contemplate on everything. Gave me time to be alone with my thoughts. My thoughts of mostly anger and sadness. I climbed up the ladder and pulled myself back onto the docks. I got up and slowly walk down them. I guess it was best to let everyone know where I am and that I'm okay.
"There you are, love" I hear a familiar voice say.
I turn my head and notice Hook on the docks with...Henry? I was a bit confused as to why Henry was there with him. Maybe Hook was trying to connect with him? I wasn't sure, and I didn't really care to know. I don't even bother smiling so Hook or anything. I simply just continue walking. Before I knew, Hook caught back up with me.
"If Emma send you to help me, tell her I don't need it" I say.
"Actually no, Emma didn't send me. I was here all day with Henry showing him around the docks, helping him make peace with his father's passing" Hook replies.
I grimace.
"That's nice" I say.
Then I continue walking.
"Doesn't mean I'm still not concerned for you" Hook says.
I sigh.
"We all saw what happened at the wake, Molly. We're all just trying to look out for you" Hook says.
I snap.
"I don't need your guys' help, okay?! Literally ever since it happened no one will get off my back! A million times a day people ask me, 'Are you okay?' 'Do you need someone to talk to?' I don't need anything or anyone at this point! Smoldering someone when they're hurt and suffering does absolutely nothing but make the pain worse! Not only that, because of what I did at Granny's, everyone thinks I'm like a full-blooded psychopath now! Reminding me of what happened doesn't make the situation better! Asking me a billion questions about why I did it and about Neal does nothing!" I yell.
Hook is taken back by what I had said. He now looks concerned more than ever. Yelling only caused me to get more upset.
"I'm sorry...I just" I say as tears begin to flow.
I hide my face in my hands as the tears drip down my face.
"Here, bring it in" Hook says.
He walks closer to me and embraces me in a hug. I was too upset to remove my hands from my face to hug him back, but he got the idea.
"When my brother died, it was the worse feeling in the world. Did I feel angry? Yes. Did I feel upset? Yes. I felt like my world was crumbling around me. But I knew I couldn't grieve over it, merely because I knew he wouldn't want me to. He would want me to get up and move on and do great things, even if it was without me. And even though he may not be there physically, I'd like he's there spiritually, watching me. And I'm sure all of this is the same with Baelfire" Hook tells me.
I remove my hands from my face and try to wipe away the tears.
"One thing you have to understand. Baelfire did not die in vain. He died to save his family, to save Storybrooke, to save you" Hook finishes.
All the excess tears were gone at the point, and I begin to actually smile. I break from the hug.
"Thanks Hook. That honestly really helped" I say.
"Anytime, love" Hook replies.
Just as we finish up, Henry catches back up with.
"Killian..." He begins to say.
He then stops when he sees me.
"Oh, hey Molly. What are you doing here?" he asks.
I smile.
"I just needed someone to talk to" I say in response.
Suddenly, I heard a loud bang come from what sounded like downtown. That's when I suddenly realize. Zelena wanted to meet Regina on Main Street at sundown. It was now officially sundown.
"Listen thanks again, Hook. I have to run off now, but I guess you were right. All I needed was someone to talk to" I say.
Hook smiles and I quickly return it before running off.

I quickly run and try and see where the commotion came from. I notice a large group of people standing in the middle of the intersection, so I take it that's where the action was. As soon as I run over, the first thing that I see is Regina being thrown into the Storybrooke clocktower.

There was honestly nothing I could do. I mean after all, this was a showdown between the Evil Queen and the Wicked Witch. A person like me would stand no chance if I tried to intervene. A few minutes later; however, I see Regina emerge from the clocktower unharmed. I was a bit surprised, but then again, she's the Evil Queen. Following up right behind her were David and Emma. Emma then peers out into the crowd, and out of the people there, she notices me first.
"Molly!" she calls out.
She runs over towards me causing David to go after her too.
"Where have you been? We were all worried! Sorry, I hope I'm not making you mad" she says.
I grin.
"No it's fine. I was just down by the docks all day. I just needed some alone time. But you gotta us were right. You were all right about this situation. I shouldn't deal with it by myself. I should have at least one other person there with me. I shouldn't have pushed you guys away, and I'm sorry" I say.
Emma smiles.
"It's alright Molly" she says.
"So what happened? Regina's all right isn't she?" I asked.
"She is, it's just that she mentioned something kind of weird" Emma says.
"What is it?" I ask.
"Well, she said Zelena tried taking her heart and we were curious to why she would want her heart. And she mentioned since Zelena already has David's courage, Zelena might be collecting ingredients for something" Emma replies.
"For what?" I ask.
"We thought it was a curse, but we tossed that aside since Storybrooke is already a curse, so we're not exactly sure what it could be" Emma says.
"What do we do now?" I ask.
"We do what every other detective does. Wait until Zelena makes her next move" Emma says.  
