After the excitement of this morning all of the girls including Betsy were sat in the drawing room. No chatter fell between the five of them but Betsy's heart swelled at just having all her girls in the same room happily together. She worried this would soon be something of the past before she knew it. Betsy also thought of her husband and how much he too would have loved to see all the girls together again enjoying each other's company. 

Sienna was sat at the piano learning one of her father's favourite songs. He had been meant to teach her but unfortunately he was taken from them before he managed to. But after the past few days and Peter's death she had decided to take it up on herself to learn. Her thought process was that it would help her feel more connected to her father and he would still feel like he was with her as she transitions into a hopefully a wife and a mother soon. Diana and Celia were playing with a few dolls enacting what they imagined happened between the Prince and Sienna. She did not mind them playing in this way as they were just so excited at the prospects of her being a Princess. Lydia as usual was reading a new book she had got from the book shop this morning on her walk with Betsy. While Betsy sat embroidering , it was a hobby she had found solace in after Alfred's passing. Since she was able to spend time to herself and not be bothered by the children without it feeling like a chore and she would get something beautiful out of it. 

Edmond at some point had also joined them in the drawing room. Reading a paper , Sienna felt like he was trying to stay close after the ball. But he would never admit it as he was too proud to. She also was still unsure whether he was happy about the Prince calling on her at the ball. Since he was her last chance at finding a husband before the season was up. Sienna could never read him anymore one minute she thought she knew where she stood with him but since Peter's passing it seemed they had gone back to how it was after father died. Which she did not like one bit , missing her loving brother who secretly pinned for Kitty. 

Breaking the serene atmosphere was that of Kitty. Edmond sat up straighter on the chair glancing over his paper at her as he waited for her to announce her reasoning for entering the room. Sienna glanced over at the doorway but the others carried on as if nothing was going on. Lydia continued as she was not fazed by Kitty at all , mostly because she did not care for Sienna's affairs of love. She wanted her bedroom when she moved out and that was all she cared about. Diana and Celia were too busy creating their own little fairytale with their dolls. Betsy also did not want to get involved unless needed as there is not much she could do apart from be a shoulder to cry on for Sienna. 

 "Prince Albert has asked for you to accompany him on a carriage ride at noon." Kitty announces a beaming smile on her face. It was as if she had won the lottery just saying the Prince had called upon Sienna. 

The tone of the room changed as Sienna gasped in shock her hands pulling away from the piano as if it had also sent a shock wave through her body. Edmond's jaw tensed as he continued to read his paper waiting for a moment to speak. Betsy glanced over at Sienna smiling as Lydia scoffed fed up of hearing all of this. Diana and Celia giggled whispering the Prince to each other over and over again. 

"Noon! What does one wear on a carriage ride?" Sienna questions to no one in particular. It was mostly just a question she had always thought. One could argue Sienna had experience of courting before but her relationship with Peter was cut short harshly. Therefore she was still almost as innocent as she had been at the beginning of the season. 

"One does not wear anything if you do not have a chaperone." Edmond quips closing his paper placing it on the table in front of him as he looked over at Sienna. 

Her face was a wash with different emotions. She was happy to be called upon as it her chance at happiness after Peter but at the same time she did not feel ready to move on. But she had no choice and for a man let alone a Prince to actually look at her not as damaged goods made her heart soar in a way she had never felt. She had been granted a second chance and she would forever be grateful for it regardless if it was because she was the diamond of the season. It made her mind wander to Nancy and if she had been in Sienna's position would she have got the same treatment. Had it been the title that waved away any thought of damaged goods , judging by Edmond's annoyance she was sure it played a part. Unless he was annoyed as usual being the chaperone for Sienna. 

"Oh Edmond." Betsy sighs. It felt like they had gone back to the beginning of the season once more where Edmond held the power over Sienna and all she could do was watch on. Praying he would do what was best for his sister and not ruin her life. 

 " I do not wish for Sienna to be in that close quarters with the Prince." Edmond states rising from the chair. It was his way of ending the conversation about the Prince without having to actually have a conversation. He had the power to just refuse anything for Sienna as she had to agree with anything he chose. 

 " You will be attendance dear brother thus I shan't be alone." Sienna replies as he scoffs. She couldn't tell whether he did not want her to go out with the Prince because he did not want to be around the pair of them or if there was another reason. 

 "If a prince wishes time with Sienna you cannot decline it would ruin her prospects at marriage." Betsy says as Edmond glances at his mother. A thousand different answers coursing through his mind. 

But she was right Sienna was lucky for the Prince to even look at her and he would treat her well if this were to become a marriage. He was just hesitant for some reason only he knew as he could afford to hold his cards close to his chest , Sienna however could not anymore. It was the Prince or risk his sister losing her honour and he did not want to be labelled with causing that especially with Lydia entering into society next year. People do not forget things like that easily and even if Lydia did not enjoy the idea of entering society it was what she was destined to do. 
