Sienna strolls along the streets with Nancy by her side. She had suggested going to the tea room but Sienna was not in the mood. Not after yesterday it had been a long day. Nancy knew it was unlike her but it was probably because she knew a wedding was on the cards sooner rather than later and she wanted to be in the best shape she could. In Sienna's case that meant cutting down on the fruit tarts , but it also meant people would not think she has fallen pregnant outside of wedlock. Due to the fact people were looking for rumours to spread about Sienna like no tomorrow to knock her off the pedestal of Diamond of the season. In reality Sienna did not want to go to the tea room due to both Lydia ripping up her drawing and the letter that arrived yesterday. Her mind plagued with what happened at Claridge house she could not quite believe what was going on. 

"You know I will never forget you Nancy." Sienna states as Nancy laughs at her. 

"You could never forget me if you tried besides Claridge house is not that far away." Nancy says as Sienna stops in the middle of the street grabbing hold of Nancy's hands. She frowned in confusion. By the worry on Sienna's face and her eyes clouding over this was about more than just marriage. 

"I am not talking about marriage ..." Sienna takes a deep breath to stop herself from balling her eyes out in the middle of the street knowing there was going to be some one watching. It was the last thing she needed at this very moment. 

"Sienna what is it. You are not ..." Nancy questions her eyes glancing down at Sienna's stomach as she giggles lightly shaking her head. Sienna was not sure whether Nancy was being serious or not but she took it as a joke to make the situation less emotional for her. Sienna wanted to be pregnant there was no doubt in her mind just not yet especially since she was not even married. That would ruin her family forever. 

"No ... no. What do you take me for Nance. Mr Bembrooke's mother has taken ill and thus he must return to Ireland." Sienna spits out a weight instantly lifting from her shoulders. Having that knowledge swimming around in her mind with no one to tell was hard. Especially with everyone thinking it was about Mr Bembrooke proposing. It was far from it. 

"Oh ... Sienna did he ask for you hand in marriage?" Nancy questions carefully glancing around the street to see if anyone was close enough to hear this conversation. Thankfully they were not and thus they could talk. Sienna shook her knowing what was about to come from Nancy's mouth. It was what she did not want to hear which is why Nancy was the first person she had spoken to about the letter. 

"I know what you are going to say Nancy and I do not want to hear it. If I did I would have told Edmond and Mama." Sienna states trying to change the subject almost instantly as Nancy sighs. It was hard for her not to say it but she knew what it meant for Sienna. 

"What are people going to say at the next ball , Bembrooke will be out of town and a ring will not be on your finger." Nancy replies whispering to Sienna. She did not want to even think about the situation Sienna would be in if she keeps this a secret. 

"They will not have anything to say as I will be going to Ireland." Sienna says as Nancy almost faints in shock. She could not be serious that she was going to go with Mr Bembrooke. 

That would mean leaving her family with a man who had not asked for her hand in marriage without Edmond knowing. Nancy was not sure what was worse. Sienna being at the next ball without Mr Bembrooke around or Sienna leaving for Ireland without anyone knowing. It meant that if she did go without permission Nancy would be in as much trouble as Sienna for keeping it a secret. 

"Ireland ?!?" A voice says as Nancy and Sienna's eyes widen in shock. The pair turning to look at Josiah who was just walking out of one of the many jewellery stores on the street. Sienna and Nancy's mouths both turned dry as Sienna gripped onto Nancy's hand praying she would not let go. 

"I was just telling Nancy it is where Mr Bembrooke's family are from." Sienna lies as Nancy nods trying to stick up for Sienna as best she could. 

"How lovely. Sienna may I speak with you in private a moment?" Josiah questions as Sienna glances at Nancy. She did not want to let go of Nancy's arms to be alone with him. That was even worse than her lying to him with her present. Knowing for a fact if he heard the rest of what she had just said he would tell Edmond even if they were not speaking right now. 

"Of course." Sienna states as Nancy squeezed her hand before letting go. It was her way of reassuring Sienna everything was going to be ok. 

Josiah and Sienna walked away from Nancy who focused her attention on the windows of the jewellery shop occasionally looking over at the pair to keep and eye on them. 

"I am sorry what happened at the ball the other day." Josiah states as Sienna smiles at him 

"I wish Edmond would also say sorry. He has been acting so unusual recently." Sienna says trying to pry if Josiah knew something she did not. Especially when it came to a certain woman she held dear to her heart. Sutherland nods his head agreeing with Sienna but she was not sure if that was code for him knowing or him agreeing with the argument that happened at the ball. 

"His little sister is almost ready to move out of the house. Even if he will not admit it he of course will miss you." Josiah says Sienna's heart breaks slightly. Everyone was so upbeat about her situation. 

"You are right. If that is all I should be heading back to Nancy we have a dress fitting to get to." Sienna mumbles her gaze focused on the floor in front of her. Turning away from Josiah to head back the way she came. 

"You do not seem too pleased is Edmond forcing your hand to marry Mr Bembrooke?" Josiah questions as Sienna looks at his face which happened to be the biggest mistake of her life. Her eyes clouding over as his face was plastered with worry much like Nancy's had been a few moments ago. 

Sienna's eyes clouding over as she desperately wanted his arms to wrap around her. To lie her head on his chest as she balled her eyes out. Shaking her head as she looked away from Josiah to the floor once again to stop the tears from falling. He however , put his hand under her chin lifting her gaze to look at him. Her body frozen as his soft hand melted onto her skin creating a burning sensation. His hand not even thinking about moving and Sienna did not care. She wanted it to stay there forever as she forgot about the fact they were in the middle of the street. All she wanted was his lips on hers. 
