The candles flickered around the room as Sienna's eyes glanced around the room. The minute Edmond had walked her into the room he had disappeared. She was not surprised he had been avoiding her all week after his admission. Sienna was not sure to believe him or not but to hear the word love come out of her brother's mouth was more of a shock then who it was about. maybe she had imagined him saying it or that he said it to scare her enough to make his escape. A horrible thing to do but that was Edmond. 

Her eyes trailing to find a familiar face but they were all deep in dance or conversations she did not want to interrupt. Mostly in fear she would blurt out Edmond's secret especially to Nancy. Who kept on trying to catch her eye and call her over. She knew it would be about Percy but Sienna was not in the mood to discuss another one of her brother's love lives. Whatever happened to this being her season of love she thought. Her gaze falling on Nancy who was dancing with Anthony which was not a surprise whatsoever ever to Sienna. It was a shame she was using him to annoy Percy as the pair made a beautiful couple. A stubborn and tempestuous one at that but they oddly complimented each other. Unlike her and Percy due to the fact Nancy was much to overbearing for her brother. 

"Aren't you the bell of the ball Miss Harmon." Josiah remarks as Sienna smiles at him. Finally a familiar face. However , his appearance was much different from what she was used to. His hair was rather unkempt as if he had just come back from a vicious fight with the wind outside , his facial hair was much in the same state. 

" Good evening Mr Sutherland." Sienna states curtseying towards him as he smirks at her. Revealing two small glasses in his hands. Holding one of the pair out to her she gratefully accepted sipping on the drink. Mouthing a thank you as she held the glass in her hand. 

 "May I ask for the next dance?" Josiah asks raising a questioning eyebrow at Sienna as he downed the contents of his glass in one sip. 

 "Let me check my dance card." Sienna says as fiddling with the little booklet on her wrist to see what was written down on it. But the writing was rather small and in some cases illegible where she had scribbled down someone's name earlier in the evening praying they would not come back for the dance.

 Edmond clears his throat behind the pair.  Sienna glanced up at the sound her eyes widening in shock. She was sure Edmond had some type of enhanced hearing that could sense when someone was around her the he did not want. Due to the fact he always managed to show up at the most inconsiderate time. But at least this time she was slightly thankful as she fumbled with the dance card. The stupid paper thing around her wrist she wished she could just throw away and dance with whomever she wanted when she wanted and forget this whole formality thing. 

"Sienna will be dancing the waltz with Mr Bembrooke." Edmond states on her behalf as Sienna tried to hide her shocked expression. She was not sure whether he had made that up or had memorised her dance card before she could. But she was rather grateful for him to be the one to let Josiah down instead of her. She was not sure how she could cope dancing with him. Her mind a whirl with both he and Peter it felt scandalous. 

"Oh ... I am I almost forgot. How about the next dance?" Sienna suggests meeting the gaze of Josiah to show she was being sincere. Knowing if she did not he would sense something was wrong with her. But upon meeting his gaze she realised he was not even looking at her at all. His eye line was directed at Edmond glaring at him. For what reason she was unsure but it made her think of the other day with Edmond being secretive and strange. 

"I shall wait. Have a wonderful evening Miss Harmon. Edmond." Josiah states turning away from the pair as Sienna lets out a breath she had been holding in. Her head rather heavy as the ball room felt like it was suffocating her. Her hand reaching out to grab Edmond's arm to steady her as Edmond downed his glass. His jaw firmly clenched and stern eyes stalking Josiah as he walked away from them talking to another group of men. He did not even bother to regard Sienna and her faint state. 

"I will be back do not dance with any one other than Mr Bembrooke." Edmond whispers harshly as he pulled his arm from Sienna's. Stalking away with determination leaving Sienna confused but she was not about to get involved in god knows what trouble Edmond was going to get into at this event. She already had enough secrets this season. 

"Sienna.." A voice delicately floats through the air as Sienna's face softens. Smiling at Mr Bembrooke who also shared the same smile. Maybe it was the fact he had used her first name she was so giddy but she did not care. Just seeing him stood in front of her holding out his hand for her to take was enough to make her knees weak. 

"Peter.." Sienna replied her hand connecting with his as he lifted her palm to his lips he kissed the glove. Her gaze falling to the ball room floor to hide her pink cheeks. She begged for him to wrap his arms around her and never let go. 

"Shall we dance?" He questions as Sienna bites her lip nodding knowing full well if she opened her mouth she would say something stupid. 

The pair headed to the centre of the ballroom as his arms delicately grazed her skin. Leading her gracefully around the floor as if they were floating on a cloud. This was the heaven her mother had talked about , the moment you knew you were with the one you were to be with the rest of your life. Briefly she saw Edmond talking with Josiah her eyes catching his and her heart began to race. She tried to ignore them but she could not , wishing she could tell Peter to stop spinning but that would raise too many questions. His calls to ask if she was alright melded with the musical notes being played by the musicians. All he got from her was the occasional smile and nod as she tired her best to enjoy the dance as she had been. But she begged to hear their conversation without leaving Mr Bembrooke. She did not want to lose either of them.  The smash of glass echoing through the ballroom as everyone's attention turned to exactly what she was trying to look at. A gasp escaping her lips as Mr Bembrooke's grip tightened on Sienna to stop her from running. 
