
Hansen's POV

I'm not a kid you saw yesterday as a newly born baby anymore. I am 12 years old grown up kid now. So it's been 12 years that I was born. You know what I mean right. Ugh... If you still don't get it, today is my 12 birthday.

I am the baby of the Malik family so they treat me like one with birthday cake and candles and balloons. What I want is actual party with some stuffs you know. But never in a million years that daddies would let me throw party. Daddy is fine with me having some party but Daddy Zayn is not. He is so strict lately and I can't fit in that tools.

"Hansen, get down. Your sister will be here soon." Daddy Zayn yelled from the base of the stairs. Speaking of devil, my sister is already married with some dude called Xavier. She live with him just a block away from here. She said she has been friends for a while and then they become a couple. Daddy Zayn first didn't like the idea of them together but then he agreed on it soon. Typical Dad.

"Coming!" When I run down the stairs I bumped into Leo, Uncle Louis' and Auntie Elenor's child who is the same age as me.

"Dude, seriously, you just bump into me." He said.

"Sorry, my dad wants me down."

"Okay then let's go down."

When I got down, I can't see anything except the little sunlight that went through the little left space of the curtain as they are all close. They are going to make a surprise.

"Dad!" I yelled out but no answer. I tried to turn around to find Leo but he is nowhere around me where did he go.

Then when I am bout to call out again, the LEDs on the ground just on each side of me light up and that leads me to the empty room you can take it as a guest room it doesn't have anything in it.

"Dad. Daddy. Uncle Lou, Uncle Liam, Uncle Niall. Sissy." I call out their name once again just to make sure but no I don't hear their reply. I hate surprising.

Then when I opened the door as I twist the doorknob,
"Happy Birthday, baby boy!" They all said as they have some spray and light in there. I have to make my eye adjust the light coming enormously into my eyes.

When I can clearly see them and the room, the first thing get caught in my eyes is the room is full of arcade games, shooting, driving, tennis and all the stuff. Even piano is in there. I love piano as a musical instruments and I have some classes at school I attend.

"Do you like it?" Daddy Zayn said. Are you serious?

Without an answer I run up to hug them both as they are my first priority. I seems like a bad boy outside but inside of me is really soft. I am emotional and all. Then I feel myself sink in them in a hug.

"Oh My God, he's having emotional again." Dubby my sister said as I went to hug her too.

"Where's mine, baby?" Uncle Louis said as usual.

"I'm not a baby." I said then I give him a hug. Same goes to Uncle Liam and Uncle Niall.

"Thank you, guys. I really love it. When did you do this while I am here right inside the same house everyday."

"Remember when you come down to have some glass of water in the middle of the night." I just nodded to tell them I remember. That's suck that I just forgot to take a glass of water that dad told me to. So I have to come down and have one.

"Then you heard the thrust sound but you didn't bother to come and see right?"

"Ugh. Yeah. I thought it was from outside. How did you know this?"

"Because we are moving that piano in but Louis accidentally drop it so it lose our balance and it go hang onto the ground. Before we move in we saw you walking down the stairs so we just place the piano in view but you didn't manage to figure out that big thing and just pass. That's why we know that you are there as Niall watched you get in and have some water." They laughed make me shy. So I am the stupid one who didn't see the piano in front of me. That's not my fault I am way too exhausted that day.

"Come on, I am just too tired that day to even move my ass."

"Okay, that's enough. We still need to celebrate." Dubby said. Oh, I love that part.

Then we all lead to the kitchen. I can now see various food lying on the table. Just with thousands of plate taking place in the whole table. I bet they are from Uncle Niall's restraunt.

"Are those from Uncle Niall's?"

"You don't even have to ask. This is my present for you."

"Best one." I smirk at him. I am just like him I can't control when it comes to food. But I am just skinny as Daddy Zayn and have a gorgeous green eyes as Daddy. I am the truly mixture of both of them. I kinda look more alike with Dubby. If she and I don't have that much age gap between people will think we are twins.

"Ring!" I heard the doorbell ring.

"I will get it." That's what I always do. I got door all the times same goes to Daddies' phone. I am in too much interested of all the things running around. Might I say very curious boy.

The one who stands in front of my door left me in surprised that she is one and only crush of mine that I have on her when we are in kinder.
"Jasmine, heyy." I said with so much shy.

"Happy Birthday, Handsome. I just want to give you a present." She always call me Handsome instead of Hansen.

"Thanks. Wanna come in?"

"No, it's fine. I got to go. Bye. See you on Monday."

"Yeah, see ya." I said and walk back into the house with her present in my hands.

All of them are staring at me or mostly to my gift, "What?!" I said as I am the one who is so shy in here. Nothing's wrong with them.

"Seems my baby boy just found one." Dubby said.

"Ah. Stop!" I said and take a seat but still having that present in my hand.

"Come on, boy you can look at it for the rest of the day but put down we need to celebrate" Uncle Lou said. Funny!

I put it down and they all sing a birthday song for me. During these 12 years of my journey is full of yelling, sobbing and crying but still full with love, memories of us. When I cross this emotional one I just get to know that no matter what we have done or doing we have our own way back to where we belong.

We all are raised in the same town got the scares and pains on the same ground but we used to kick it off and make up to where we want to. We all came back running to where we belong just for our happiness and loveliness.

We built this with Daddy's love, Daddy Zayn's anger, Daddies' warmth and Dubby's overprotective.

"This" is Malik Family.

The End
