Chapter 3

When I arrive at the driveway of my own apartment, I saw the dim light coming from mine. What the hell!

I slowly open the door which is open and let myself into the house. Now I realize the boys are here since I saw that three familiar pairs of shoes.

"What the hell are you guys doing in my house?" I asked as I saw them watching TV in the living room.

"Zayn, chill. Aren't you used to it yet?" Louis spoke up.

"Yeh, we have been here a few times already." Niall just got into the conversation.

"So, why are you so late? What took you an hour long?" Liam asks me, am I that late? They act like we live in the same house which I never thought of in my wildest dreams.

"I lost track of time, I was meeting someone." I said leaving them expression less about my upcoming relationship.

"Date night?! Oh, Finally my Zaynie is getting out of this." Louis said. He is right but wrong at the same time. It's true that I am getting out of this but not that I am not going out with the same person.

"Nah, I just bump into Harry when I was getting back home." I said and now their jaws seem like they might reach down to the floor.

"So?!" They all said in unison which is like a detective asking the whole case to the victims.

"When I was heading back home, I was waiting for the green light to show, then I saw someone just like him walking down the road across from me. So, I made my way to him and found that he was with his daughter walking so I took them home. Now I know his address." I explain all the things but not in detail.

"Wait, just a second did you said Daughter? Harry has a daughter!!?" Louis yells that even the neighbors might have heard.

"Yeah, he has a daughter and she has a same green eyes like Harry but something like hazel mixed in it. I was hurt when he said she was his daughter. But when I got to their house nobody was there. They are just living there by themselves. Maybe the kid's mom is dead or something. I am so-" I was cut off by the call. They tell me to pick it up first so I just look at screen and it was from an unknown number.

"Hello" still I picked up.

"Hello, Zayn it's me, Dubby. Dad wanted to invite you to a dinner tomorrow night. He said all the other boys can join us, too." She said non stop which is a lot like Harry again.

" Okay Dubby, tell your dad that I will bring them all." I said and she was about to end the call but ended with this

"Good night, D~Zayn" I just said good night back and ended the call. She was about to said something before she said my name, ah maybe the signals were not good.

"So, make free time for tomorrow night, we are going to Harry's house." I said and they all agreed to it. Of course, they will since it's been 16 years and I am pretty sure that they would miss him.

"Now, get out. I'm going to bed. Y'all are staying enough you can go home now" I said and made them move their lazy asses.

"Sorry to say it but we all are staying here tonight. It's been a long day, right guys?" They said and still not making a move away from the couch.

"Ahh, what do you mean it's been a long time. It's been a month that you all are staying here. Don't you all have your own apartment" I said. I mean what are they even doing here. All of them are having fun but still I am the one who is running the whole company which is unfair.

Louis is an architecture so he has lots of time to go on and have fun. Niall is the most funny one who runs a famous restaurant 'The Ivy' which is Louis' favorite. They get in arguments when Louis come up to the restaurant coz of Louis leaving without paying. Liam is a athlete so he seems like a part timer. When he said he is busy, he didn't even got a time to eat. But when it comes to be free, he seems like he got a whole time of sea. So, they used to come to me when they have a time called 'free' which I never really have.

Knowing all the works they have, I still don't know what Harry is doing now. When we first met, he was a baker in small bakery at Cheshire. The place where the story of us started.
