Chapter 19

Liam's POV

"That beach is something awesome not like the one in LA." I said as we all means the boys are getting sunburn. Dubby is so busy collecting some seashells. The Zarry couple just sitting on one of the stone hugging each and enjoying the view.

"Boys and Girls, I got some plan." Louis just wake up from his thoughts he has been like this for a little while ago.

"Today is their honey night so you all know what I mean right?" He got smirk in his face.

"What do you mean?" We all look at each other not knowing what he means. What is honeymoon night with what?

"Idiots, honeymoon baby!" He only think that kind of things. Genius!!


"So, we need to give some space to have some quality time you know. So we need to plan some movie night to keep Dubby with us. And Niall you can sleep with us. I mean we all can sleep in one room that's not a big deal."

"So, after dinner, we all have to be in one room saying that we are having a movie night to drag Dubby from there."

"Exactly!" All agree with him so what else. Let's do this.

Zayn's POV

Me and Harry are walking on the beach enjoying the sunset. The sun is above to dive into the endless sea. I pull Harry close to me and kiss him with passion by the time the sunset.

"You know all the couples come to see the sunset of Cuba. Some said the one you sit together during the sunset view will surely to come back as a couple." I break up and said these.

"How romantic!? How did you know this? Have you come with someone here before?" Again!!

"Yeah. I have been here with someone else before." By the time I said this, Harry glare me with death glare and walk past me.

"Harry! Harreh!" I tried to keep up with him. He stomps his feet like a kid and walk so fast. Then he suddenly stop and walk back to me,
"From now on, you are mine and if I see you going out with someone else. I will kick you out of. Got it?"

"Got it." I tried to kiss him but he shoved me away. Then walk forward from me again. I follow him but then he stop again. I know how he is feeling right now but I still like to mess up with him.

"Who did you go with?"

"Ryan. I got some business here that I might have to figure out. So, I have been to this before. And the one who I have meeting with suggest me to look for the beach. So I did go with Ryan." I looked in his eyes smiling like an idiot.

"You know.... I hate you..." He said I can see his shy smiles.

"I know you love me. Come." I hug him. I heard him giggle and go further finding himself comfortable in my arms. I make my way to his lips and kiss him again.

Now I got to kiss the lips of him for the rest of my life. We pull apart as the sun is nowhere to see. He smiles at me like a kid. So I did give him back the same.

"You are like a kid when you smile!" I said.

"You love this kids right?"

"I do. I want one, too."

"What?!" My bae is smart but sometimes he didn't seem to notice.

"You will see. Come on, let's head back to hotel for Dinner. I am starving." Then I called out boys and girls to go back. Dubby first hesitate to go back but when I said we have to look for some more beaches tomorrow, she get from where she is.

Our table at the dinner is just a mess. With so many people getting in small one is not a great thing. I can't even count the empty plates and cups on the table. I love this kind of big family.

"Let's just stay up all night as movie night? Who is in with me??" Louis suddenly break the silence eating.

"Count me in"." We are in" all the other said the same but me nor Harry didn't say anything about going. Now I got the plan what are they looking for. I smile some creepy smile to Louis that he smiles me back saying have fun.

"I'm a little bit tired I will just head back to my room" Harry said and ready to get up.

"Boys, have fun. Not too much you know the hotel might burn down." I said and try to keep my step to Harry.

I open the door for us and get in.
"Zayn why don't you stay with them?"

"I just want to spend more time with you."

"Don't mess up with me!" He slap me on my arms. Oh, I am serious right now.

"Why would I?"

"I gonna go take a shower."

"Want me to join??" Nothing said but when I am bout to face him. Something come flying to my face. The pillow.

"Don't take too long." I screamed out loud coz he already disappeared.

I waited and waited and waited. After a thousand of years, I am just kidding, after 30 minutes, he comes out with sweetpants and grey shirt. So simple but still cute.

Then he make his own way to me where I am supposed to lying. He get into the bed and as soon as he lie down I wrap him in my arms. He struggle more into my chest where he is much more comfortable than the earlier.

"Harry, you are missing something!" He didn't give me a goodnight kiss.

"What?! I don't think so!" He said.

"Look up at me." I said as soon as he did. I kiss him passionately. So much passion that turns the whole room full with clothes. We ended the night there with each having each in the arms secure and safely.

"All mine!"

"All yours, Zaynie!" As we continue our making love section.
