Things Dr.Bright is not allowed to do with Scp-1980

-Dr.Bright is not allowed to tape A sleeping Scp-1980 to a roomba and let it wonder around the facility. Goddamn it Bright. Why cant you just let her sleep in peace without being dragged by a roomba all night.

- Dr.Bright is not allowed to take Scp-1980's clothing and tell everyone it's a cosplay of Scp-1980. Bright, just be happy Scp-1980 has multiple spare clothing.

- Dr Bright is not allowed to try and Disect Scp-1980. You've already done that 14 times already bright. Just leave her alone please.

- Dr. Bright is not allowed to  put Scp-076, Scp-682 and Scp-1980 in the same Area armed with Baguettes and a snowball RPG. The results were suprising as Scp-1980 managed to make use of the Snowball RPG but the whole area turned into a sheer cold-free ice cube cave.

- Dr. Bright is not allowed to throw random Scps at Scp-1980. No Dr. Bright, you're not allowed to throw Scp-073 at Scp-1980.
