All the Clans(other than the Servine Clan)

Aonoi Clan.
Specializes in Aquatic and Water Magic and other Water related things. They have a strong belief over the gods that rule the ocean and are the only clan to preserve te memory of the forgotten civilization.

Contrary to popular belief that this clan hates the Flamoria clan the two clans are actually freindly rivals. The Aonoi clan also seems to love very spicey foods and even the Flamoria clan can't deal with the spicyness of the Aonoi Clan's food.

Flamoria clan.

The Flamoria Clan is known for their never ending burning passion and their ability to control fire, Magma, and other fire related things. They are one part of the Nether and do not like them because of their unreasonable sense to start wars that killed many innocent lives in the process.

Despite them being freindly Rivals with the Aonoi clan they had several conflicts over the years that considered them to be Freindly Rivals than Freinds or two clans that are freindly with one another.

Naturonia Clan.

As its name suggest it's a clan that Focuses on Nature like abilities and the clan tends to not join the conflict. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. They have a wisdom and knowladge that allows them to predict war outcomes and a proper solution to situations.

They are suprisingly very freindly and Passionate but will crumble down easily if they get something wrong.

Spinokebana Clan.

A clan that focuses on the dark arts and is home to many undead fellows ranging from zombies to ghosts. Though when they try to act freindly to other people, the people would often  be afraid and run away so they would often use masks to cover their identities.

They are indeed very freindly and  kind if you get to know them. They have a connection with the Servine clan because they are very accepting about other Clan Members.

Humono Clan.

The Humono clan is known for their High respect and Beliefs about the End and the Ender watchers. Their main ability can't be determind but Humono Clan Heir, Zensu Yoshika Humono focuses on illusory magic and would trick his opponents thinking they had won to get their guard down so Zensu can take the final blow.

Despite this The Humono Clan bloodline consist of Enderkin blood which in turn grants the bloodline Ender kin features like Eyes, hair color, etc.

Servine Clan.

The Servine Clan is known for being able to use a variety of magic to the point we can't determind which is the main magic used in the clan. The Servine is also known in its Exceptence of Other non-human beings who also want to join the Servine clan.

The Servine clan also known as "the clan of Dreamless Servants" is made out of In-human or human beings that have lost hope in trying something they love. They go to the Servine clan hoping they Can try Being a Servant, the Servine clan allows them to learn and if they don't like it they can stay at the Servine clan until they can decide.

Clan Leader Names:

Aonoi Clan Leader:
Arokijo Aonoi.
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Status no one cares about: Single with an interest of Garonok.

Flamoria Clan:
Magvieben Flamoria.
Status: Alive.
Status no one cares about:Single and doesent want to marry or have a relationship with anyone.

Naturonia Clan:
Garonok Naturonia.
Status: Alive.
Status no one cares about: Got cheated on by his Wife and is still sad about it.

Spinokebana Clan:
Gender: @$#%|
Status: ghost.
Status: not taken.

Humono clan.
No leader lol.

Servine Clan:
Mokaso Servine.
