ii. Chapter 22: "Nightmares are inevitable,"

June 19th, 2016 at 11:00 pm (Eastern European Summer Time)

Bucky's Safehouse in Bucharest, Romania

Walking in the kitchen, Bucky grabs the coffee pot, "Want some?" he asks, turning to Sarah.

"Nope, it's all yours," She replies, staring up at the ceiling lightly, brushing her hand over her aching throat. Bucky pours what's left into his mug, watching her intensely and taking a sip of the stale black coffee.

"I'm sorry,"

"If this is anyone's fault," She said, gesturing to the bruise starting to form on her neck and continues, "it's mine. I tried to wake you up from your nightmare. Again...Do you remember anything this time?" This isn't the first time Bucky tried to choke the life out of Sarah when she tried waking him up.

"Just bits and pieces, They still don't make any sense," Grabbing his journal from on top of the fridge.

"At least you remember things, right?" Sarah questions.

"I don't know if it's because of you, or the plums," Bucky says.

Laughing, Sarah replies, "It's definitely me. Plums are just a theory, think you'll be okay for the rest of the morning? because I'm gonna turn around and get some more sleep in,"

"You do that. I don't think I'll be getting any more sleep so, I'll be writing down what I remember,"


June 20th, 2016 at 12:00am (Eastern European Summer Time)

Sarah woke with a start. Any sudden sound or abnormality would wake her up. It's something she got used to with Bucky's constant tossing and turning at night, but this was different.

"Your phone is vibrating," Bucky deadpans, his mouth still full of his recent bite of oatmeal.

"How long have I been asleep?" Sarah asks, grabbing her phone from the barely standing nightstand, "Nap is more like it. it's only been an hour,"

she looks down at her phone to see a text message from an unknown number, 'She passed away,' followed by the time and location of her funeral. In an angry fit, she throws her phone towards Bucky, he catches it with ease, "What's wrong?" Bucky asks concern,

"It's nothing," Bucky wasn't convinced, so he looked down to see the text message, "Who died?" he questions,

"My mother," Sarah say frantically looking around for something to wear, "It has to be, I asked the home to call me with anything. Call! Why did they send me a bloody text message?"

"It's what they do nowadays. I bet your mother had a lot of families, calling everyone would be too time-consuming,"

"Still doesn't make it right," Grabbing a black dress from a hanger, and heads into the bathroom,

'Victory is in my veins. I know it, I know it. And I will not negotiate. I'll fight it, I'll fight it. I will transform-'

"Sarah your ph-" Bucky began to say, Sarah was out of the bathroom as fast as she could, "-one is ringing," He finishes after she takes the phone from him to answer Wanda,

"Hey, Wanda," Sarah says out of breath,

"I am going to reprimand you later for not getting in touch with me as frequently as you promised...I have bad news Sarah, it's about your mother,"

"I got the text from the Nursing home,"

"Oh...well, are you okay?"

"No. I got a text, a text! Wanda. Honestly, I wish it was you that woke me up and not that bloody text. Hearing it coming from you or even Steve would've been so much better,"

"I know,"

"It's good to hear your voice though,"

"That's both our vault, we were both busy. Me with the Avengers and You with James, How're his memories coming along?" Wanda asks.

"A working progress,"

"He's still having nightmares?"

"Nightmares are inevitable,"


"I'll be back in a couple of days," Sarah says to Bucky slipping on some heals,

"Wait, you're leaving now. It's 12:44 in the morning?"

"Not in London, Now, Please...don't do anything stupid till I get back,"

A brief, but noticeable smile crosses Bucky's face, next thing Bucky sees is a flash of white in front of him. When his eyes recover, Sarah is holding a camera, "What was that for?" Bucky asks,

"Needed to capture your smile, It's barely often that we see it,"

"I remembered something funny,"

"Oh yeah? Tell me when I get back. I'll definitely need a good laugh after this," She replies sadly, teleporting away.

"I'll never get used to that," Bucky mumbles, turning to the counter spotting his now cold oatmeal.
