Chapter 05

[Ashton's POV]

After the lads and I said goodnight to Saige, we all walked downstairs and sat in the living room. We were going to discuss what Mrs. Jensen told us earlier about Saige.

[Flashback - still Ashton's POV]

We were looking through the group of 15-16 year old girls, there was more than you would think. Right away, we eliminated a few, not because we didn't think they were good enough, but because they didn't catch our eyes. Then we see her, one we all agreed on. She had long brown hair, blue eyes and she was 15 and her name was Saige. Mrs. Jensen, the orphanage lady, must have seen us starring at Saige's file because she smiled softly and started to speak
"That's Saige, as you can see she's 15" she hesitated for a moment "she's been through a lot more than most of us combined"
"Like what?" Luke asked, biting his lip ring.
"I'll have to let her tell you that herself, if you adopt her, cause it is her life and I'm not sure if she's comfortable with me telling you. But I can tell you this, she wakes up crying and screaming a lot because she gets nightmares of what happened to her. She has severe depression, anxiety and social anxiety. She doesn't trust easy and she tends to push people away" she said, looking at all four of us.
"Wow.." We all mumbled.

[End of flashback - Ashton's POV]

Luke and I were sitting on the couch, while Michael and Calum were on the other. None of us knew what she had been through, but we could tell that it was bad because of what Mrs. Jensen told us.
"Do you think she'll ever tell us?" Luke spoke up, finally breaking the silence, something that never really happened with us.
"Maybe, but we can't force her. It's her choice and if she wants to, she will" I said, and the boys nodded, agreeing.

After talking for a while, we were all exhausted and we decided to head to bed as it was nearing 12 am. It took me a while to fall asleep, all I could think about was what made Saige so sad and scared? All I knew was that she was safe with us now, and we wouldn't let anything hurt her, especially me. She had my last name. Saige Rose Irwin, I was going to treat her like my daughter because she deserved it.
