Chapter 03

I finally stood up and walked over to my dresser, deciding I should try to look better than I do right now. I grabbed a pair of shorts and a shirt that was slightly baggy on me. I pulled them on, tucking the shirt into the shorts and then threw on white below the ankle converse. Looking in the mirror, I gave myself a look of approval. I didn't look too fancy or too bad. My natural hair was wavy and was always a pain to deal with, but this day it didn't look so bad so I left it.

Walking out of my bedroom, I shut the door behind me. It was something everyone here did. We each had a roommate and we barely trusted them, never mind everyone else. I walked to where everyone else was and bummed softly, standing alone just like I always did in the same spot - the corner. I don't know why I stood in the corner, but I felt safer. It was away from people, people that could hurt me anytime they wanted to, some of the mean girls here have done it before. I'm not taking anymore chances on getting hurt anymore, I was already blocking everyone out before I got here. But then those girls, they told me I could trust them and I guess I did because I didn't want to be an outcast, and when I got close enough they hurt me. So now I am the outcast, that freaks out if someone even touches her. But I don't care, least they know not to touch me or to try and get close, so I can't get hurt anymore.

[Luke's POV]
The other three lads and I were adopting a girl today. No, we weren't doing this to seem 'good', we were doing this because we wanted to give one of these children what they deserve, happiness. We wish we could adopt more than one, but it took a while before everyone we worked with agreed on this. I didn't mind though, least we were changing one kids life. The lads and I agreed on a girl around 15-16, that way she can come on tour with us and she isn't a baby nor toddler, but still not older than us. It might be a little weird at first since we aren't that much older, but I'm sure we'll all get used to it pretty quickly. We looked at the girls and it took a bit before we all agreed on one. And when we did, we knew she would be great, she was perfect for us. I was happy that we finally picked which would one of these girls would be our child.

[Saige's POV]
Mrs. Jensen walked into the room all the girls ages 15-16 were sitting around in, waiting to hear who would be adopted. I was still standing in the corner. All heads perked up, besides mine. I didn't care like these other girls did. I'd be fine with staying here until I was 18 and then being on my own, like I plan.
"Saige, pack your stuff. You're being adopted!" Mrs. Jensen said, sounding very happy for me, and I knew she was. She was happy each time a child was adopted, not because they were leaving but because they finally we're getting a family that might actually care and want them. Me? I wasn't happy and neither were the rest of the girls. I heard them mumbling things like 'why her?'. But I learned to ignore them. I nodded at Mrs. Jensen and walked up to my room, well, I guess it's not my room anymore. It's just my roommates room, she'll be happy, she always said she wished she didn't have to share a bedroom. I packed the little stuff I had and then saw 4 tall guys walk into my room. Where they the ones that adopted me? They were gorgeous, not to sound weird.
"Hi!" A brown haired boy said with a giggle. Hm, he's got a cute giggle. But no matter what I wouldn't be close to them. They may seem sweet now but I didn't care, that's what people like them did, they trick.
"I'm Luke" a blonde haired boy spoke. "That's Ashton, Calum and Michael" he said pointing to each boy. They each smiled and said hi. I just waved back, putting my backpack onto my back and holding my Victoria secret duffle bag. I really only had clothes, but I didn't mind. I had less than this most of my life.

The boy with red hair, Michael I believe, came over and grabbed my duffle bag.
"I can get that" I said, looking up at him.
"Nonsense. I've got it love, it's not problem at all" he said and he gave me a smile. Maybe these boys weren't so bad- no, Saige. They're just going to hurt you. No getting close to them, no matter how sweet they may seem. I just nodded and forced a smile, something I was pretty good at by now.
"You ready to go?" Calum asked, looking down at me. Geez these boys were giants. I nodded and followed them out of my room, me shutting the door behind me, and then outside.

Ashton opened the car door for me, smiling wide with his dimples exposed. I gave him another forced smile and mumbled a thank you, getting into the car and buckling up. I put my backpack at my feet, fixing my shirt. One side of this shirt always hung off my shoulder and at times it annoyed me, but at the same time I loved the shirt so much.

The ride to the boys house consisted of them asking questions and me answering them, then on rare occasions me asking them questions and them answering. I didn't have much to say, not just to them, to anyone that this point. What do you say? 'My life's been hell'? I would never tell them all the things I've felt, the things I deal with and that's they didn't need to know. It'd be better if they didn't know.
