[4] - Royality - Movie

warnings: i dont think so

short one, based on text post


It was finally a break between classes, Patton had twenty minutes to do anything he wanted, and he was hurriedly on his way out of the school and towards the nearby park.

His best friend, Roman, had texted him to come to the usual place (a big tree which they sometimes sit under on their breaks when there was nothing else to do) and Patton would be there within a minute. Roman obviously wanted to tell him something, and Patton was eager to listen.

He found Roman almost bouncing on his feet, seemingly filled with excitement, and also nervousness, if Patton wasn't wrong. But as soon as he spotted Patton he seemed to brighten up.

"Hi Roman." Patton smiled as Roman pulled him into a tight but brief hug. Patton wished he could keep Roman in his arms for forever. Well, maybe not forever, but long enough for him to finally feel like he didn't always yearn to have Roman close.

"Hi Patton." Roman grinned brightly, bright enough for Patton to feel that perhaps the sun was not needed any longer, not when Roman smiled like that. Patton hoped to god that he wasn't as flustered as he felt.

"You wanted to tell me something that was apparently too important to say in a text?" Patton said, looking out over the park to not have to look much longer at Roman. He was too pretty with the sun shining on him and making his brown eyes look like liquid gold, his freckles scattered over his face and smile still on his pink lips.

Patton was totally and utterly smitten, but what else was new?

"Oh, yes! Patton, you know what?" Roman said and his smile widened yet again, and Patton raised his brows and smiled back, it was impossible not to when Roman looked so happy.

"What?" He asked, eager for Roman to let him in on what he was thinking about.

"I'm seeing a movie with my crush soon." Roman said, forcibly calm, but Patton could tell he was very excited.

"Cool, when?" Patton asked, feeling as if his own smile was weakening a bit now. He was of course happy for Roman, Patton told himself, but he couldn't help feeling a bit sad and disappointed. He had been crushing on his friend for almost months by now.

"Depends, when are you free?" Roman said, and actually /winked/ which had Patton feeling as if all coherent thought had just abandoned him.

"Next weeke-" Patton began, then quieting and staring at Roman who was still smiling just as widely at him and waiting for him to catch on.

"Wait a second..." Patton said, feeling how a blush was not definitely creeping up on his face. Butterflies swarmed inside his chest and stomach, and he had a strange urge to begin to giggle.

"Yeah?" Roman said, there now being a clear waver of nervousness in his voice even if he oh so clearly tried to sound as confident as always.

"Are you- are you asking me out? On a date?" Patton asked, having to make it clear that he had not somehow horribly misunderstood this situation and that his crush was really asking him out to see a movie.

"Yeah, um, is that alright? I get if not, and if so we'll just forget this situation ever ha-" Roman rambled, nervousness seemingly having taken over at this moment, and Patton was quick to interrupt to assure him that he really (really) wanted this.

"Of course I will go out with you!" Patton said, almost bursting at the seams with happiness and he bounced up to Roman and hugged him, it taking a moment before he felt Roman returning the hug. Then his feet was lifted from the ground and he was twirled around, letting out a surprised gasp and then a laugh. He gripped to Roman and refused to let go even when his feet was back on the steady ground.

They stood in silence, tightly embraced and neither seemed to want to let go any time soon, but they did anyway, at least parting enough for them to actually be facing each other.

"What movie do you want to see?" Roman asked. Patton kept his arms around Roman, smiling softly as he considered the question, it taking a moment for him to fully comprehend it as his mind was swarming with affection for Roman.

"Oh gosh, I don't know, there are so many to choose between. Are we watching at your or mine place or are we going out to the movies?" He asked, because knowing so would make it at least a little easier to decide.

"I'll be honest with you, Pat, I hadn't thought that far." Roman said, a small laugh escaping him. One of his hands found Patton's, their fingers intertwining. "Whatever you prefer I suppose."

"Anything's fine. Also," Patton looked down at their hands, then back up at Roman, "I have a crush on you too."

Roman had never smiled brighter.


Written: 25th August, 28th, 29th September, 2nd October 2019
Published: 22nd December 2020
Words: 879

all these that i wrote like over a year ago are,,,,kinda ew lol

better oneshots are coming later on, i prommy 
