A Moment With Each Another part 3

Snow: Seeing Nero having a ACTUAL conversation was nice for him to have but of course. I'm kinda having trouble with current situation "H-hey Weiss."

Weiss: "Hmph."

Snow: I try to think of something to make up to her till a light bulb hit me, I slowly moved my hand behinde me while snowflakes were appearing above my hand

Weiss: I felt a small chill I look over to Snow seeing some snowflakes going behinde his back, then he looks at me with a sincere face

Snow: "I-I'm sorry for not knocking on your dorm room. I know I shouldn't just walk in without permission and uhh s-see things I shouldn't." Even though I'm kinda thinking about it "But! I want you to have this." I pull out my hand from my back to show her a frozen rose that shines when light hits it

Weiss: I gasp as he handed it to me, I took a good look at the detils on the frozen rose it almost look like a sapphire rose "S-Snow...it beautiful." I smile at him being thoughtful

Snow: I blush seeing her smile she always have such a wonderful smile on "Y-you know your new dress, w-white looks amazing on you I-I like it." I rubbed my chin feeling alittle embarrass saying it

Weiss: I blush to his compliment I'm so happy the fact that he notice my dress today "T-thank you." I pull my hair behind my ear to show him my earing

Snow: I notice her new earings they look like icicles "May I see your earings?"

Weiss: "S-sure." He scooch abit closer as he grabbed gently onto my earing "You like them?"

Snow: I took a good look to admire her earings "Where did you get these?"

Weiss: I turn a bit to make eye contact with him, then I started explaining where I got my earings.

Orlando: Hearing Snow and Nero able to have a conversation was nice to see, however...my date isn't going so well "So Blake I already figure where we Will be going if there any places where you like to stop by you can let me know."

Blake: "....."

Orlando: I just laugh to ruff off the awarknesses between me and Blake

Pilot: "We are landing into citie of vale kids."

Ruby: After hearing what the pilot said we see the door opening to the back of the ship, then we walk off heading to the middle of the streets in the citie of vale

Nero: I turn to face the others "So you guys will be heading somewhere?"

Snow: I nod to confirm his answer in a polite manner "Yes, I was thinking of taken Weiss to a park."

Nero: Once I nodded knowing where Snow heading I then look over to Orlando "What about you Orlando?"

Orlando: With full confidence I gave him my answer "The Tukson's Book Trade!!!"

Blake: After hearing that place he caught my interest who kneq Orlando knows how the catch my eyes so easily "I've been wanting to go there for a while."

Orlando: I gave Blake a big smile "Glad to hear that. Now let goooo!"

Blake: Before I get the chance to say anything Orlando was already pulling me once he grabbed my left hand "H-hey slow down!"

Orlando: "Come on! We got a whole day to ourselvess. LET HAVE A BLAST SUGAR!" I laugh as we started our date

Weiss: I look at Snow with an eager look "W-well. What are we standing here for let go!"

Snow: After seeing her excitment I smile, then she grabbed onto my arm which made me extremely blush "S-sure let go." We walk off leaving Nero and Ruby alone together

Nero: I felt nervous being left alone with Ruby with no idea on what to do nor where to take her "Sooo where you wanna go?"

Ruby: "Weapons!" I ran up to a weapon shop that are selling parts, swords, guns, knifes, spears, and axes "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!!!"

Nero: I just stare at her for a brief moment with no words to say about how Ruby behaving so I just smirk it off and walk up to Ruby side "Thinking of a new weapon?"

Ruby: I started blushing while I giggle for being silly "Well I am a dork."

Nero: "So your a weapon freak. Never knew you be the nerdy typed of girl." I looked at some of the items they have on set

Ruby: "Is there anything you like to get?"

Nero: "Well I'm not thinking of anything I could possibly need nor what I want." I rubbed the back of my head trying to think if there anything I want

Ruby: "Then let the weapon nerd help you!!!" I put a gaint smirk while flexing my arm's

Nero: It made me felt good seeing Ruby smiling like that "Sure, let take a look around." Ruby started showing me the items that are on the table infront of us, seeing her going all geeky over this is actually...very adorable

Ruby: I saw a cute red ribbon laying on the table so I pick it up and tie it onto Nero strain of hair "There we goooo how is it!?:3"

Nero: I look into my scroll to use as a mirror..."I look like I'm trying to dress up as Red Riding Hood." We stare at each other for a moment then...We started laughing with each other of course I didn't laugh as hard as she did but for me I put on a real laughter "I think I'll take this one."

Ruby: "Yay!"

Nero: After I bought the ribbon, me and Ruby walked off "What next?"

Ruby: As we were walking I see one of those face painting stand and with NO hesitation I grabbed onto Nero shoulder pointing at the face painting stand "Let do that!!!!!!"

Nero: "Ok Ru-Whoa!" She started to pull me, for a girl her size she pretty strong I'm just glad this date with her is gonna be great

Orleans: I was standing ontop of the buildings with my sniper...spying on my brothers date "Those girls with MY brothers. Please! They think it easy to take care of them! They think they can come in and sweep my brothers heart! NOT TODAY!"

Yang: I was just standing next to Orleans eating chips "So remind me why I'm here again?"

Orleans: "Because I don't know my way around the citie so I need you to make sure we don't lose them...and I don't get lost either." I zoom in on my scope seeing Orlando and Blake "Grrr! >:["

Orlando: As me and Blake were walking a sushi resturant caught her eye, they started to sparkle like the stars "You like sushi?"

Blake: I nodded without hesitation with a huge serious look on as my eyes sparkle

Orlando: I laugh alittle to the way she was behaving "Well let go see what they have then. IT SUSHI TIME!!!!"

Blake: I laugh alittle to his wilde humor "Well for a pervert you have a sense of humor."

Orlando: I put on a flirty look for her "Hmm does this mean you forgive me for seeing the goods?"

Blake: "Oh yes I for sure forgive you for not seeing me half naked and not once apologize for it." I gave him my sarcasm for asking such a ridicules question

Orlando: I lean abit close to grabbed her chin "Actually if you think carefully I'm giving you an apologie by showing you a good time."

Blake: I moved my chin away from his grasp "Ugh! let just go eat." I cross my arms feeling unamused to his response

Orlando: "Time to eat some aqua man dish!" I grabbed her hand, then started dragging her in the sushi resturant

Blake: "W-whoa!" Once we came in the sushi resturant a waitor came to us

Waitor: "Oh greetings! You two are here together?"

Blake: "Y-yes." I felt alittle nervous normally I'm not the talkative type

Waitor: "Great! Let me take you to your table!"

Orlando: "Well he seem excited." We started following the waitor as I talked to Blake

Blake: "That because you actually seeing it." I gave a sarcasm joke

Orlando: I laugh abit "I'll be honest I didn't think you will have a sense of humor." Without me realizing I was still holding Blake hand we stare at each other eyes which felt like forever I blush once then let go"S-sorry I forgot I was still holding your hand."

Blake: "I-it fine." I held my hands together feeling shy it felt werid but nice at the same time

Orlando: We follow the waitor to our table once we sat in our seat the waitor started to pull out menus to take our orders

Waitor: "What will you two like to drink?"

Blake: "Water."

Orlando: "Coka cola!" I smile big while I order my drink

Blake: I giggle a bit to his way of response he sure knows how to be all losen up

Waitor: "Ok! A waitress will be here shortly to order your food. Enjoy! :D"

Orlando: With that the waiter leaves for our drinks, I look at Blake only see she still mad about that whole incident "H-hey Blake."

Blake: Without words I look at him to see what he needed

Orlando: "I uhh...well I'm sorry about that incident." I rubbed the back of my head feeling nervous on what she will do either a slap or another silent treatment

Blake: "Incident?" I lift a eyebrow to wanted to hear him apologize to what he exactly did

Orlando: I sigh as I put on a sincere face and voice "I apologize for seeing you half naked. I've should of know better to knock before enteting like that, so I hope we can move on from it and have fun with each other today."

Blake: Wow who knew a guy like him can be this nice to a lady "Thanks."

Orlando: my mouth widen with excitment I intently grabbed her hands to show appreciation "That GREAT!!!"

Blake: once he started touching my hands my heart started to pound my chest felt like it was running a marathon race "R-right."

Orlando: I sat back down in my seat feeling relief "I didn't want to upset a girl that put so much effort looking gorgeous today."

Blake: "W-wait you pay attention?" I became surpise to the things he actually pay attention to"Then what were the things you pay attention to?"

Orlando: I point at her eyes with bright red tomato face I put on "Your eyes."

Blake: "....W-what!" My face started to heat up red so I cover my face using the menu we have

Orlando: "Ohh come on show me those lovely eyes Blake." I try to grabbed the menu away from her

Blake: "H-hey let go you perv!"

Orlando: I laugh seeing her trying to resist "Hey, hey now sugar. You were the one who dresses up for me today."

Blake: I gasp to what I heard him say "Shut up!"  I smack him with my menu while I laugh abit to his comment

Orlando: "Ow! Hey!" I laugh with her "You should respect your elders Blake."

Blake: "Oh please respect elders. Maybe I'll start respecting you once you make this date worth our wilde."

Orlando: I lean back on my char with my arms cross while I put on a confident face "Challenge accepted."

Blake: I pull my hair back after a giggle I gave out, then I gave him a small gentle smile

Orlando: Seeing her smile makes me feel good I enjoy making others feel nice. A thought did occure to me how Snow doing?

Snow: As me and Weiss are sitting on a bench we are eating some hot dogs discussion about our classes "So what other classes are you taken?"

Weiss: "Well I am in a class where we learn about strategy on the field, negotiation, and that about the one's that I wanted to take for the start. The others are just requirements for the academy, you?"

Snow: "Hmm let see." I try thinking of classes that dosen't invovle the requirements for Beacon "As far as the classes I wanted I am taken Dust, Businesses, combat, and company's."

Weiss: I look at him confuse "Business, company's and Dusts? I understand about you taken combat classes, but why the other three?"

Snow: I started to blush a bit while giving her my answer in a Stutter "I-I was t-thinking I could work for the S-Schnee Dust company a-after my time being a huntsman."

Weiss: I look at him surprise "W-what! I-I uhh. I don't know what to say." My heart starting beating with the thought of Snow working for me in the future once I manage to own the company. I can see him everyday if I want to!

Snow: After me and Weiss finish our hotdogs I got up grabbing her hand "There a park near here. I hope you will like what I have for you there."

Weiss: His hand felt so warm and soft, I grip his hand as I got up from the bench. He always been such a gentleman and that what I love about him he always been sweet to me since we were little and nothing has change that.

Snow: I notice Weiss was smiling as we were walking holding hands I'm glad to see her happy "I'm glad your having fun."

Weiss: I look at him with my cheeks going bright pink "W-what uh I don't know what you talking about y-you dunce! Hmph!"

Snow: I laugh to the sight of her denying that she actually enjoying this

Weiss: After hearing him laugh I started blushing more "Snow Zexal! You did not just laugh! Did you?"

Snow: I started to panic which cause me to start stuttering "S-sorry I-I didn't mean to I just t-thought-" she place her fingers on my lip to keep me silent

Weiss: I look away to hide my face "I-I'll forgive you i-if you let me...Hold your arm!"

Snow: After hearing that it made my face heat up so much steam is coming out "S-sure."

Weiss: I was secretly smiling more hearing him say "yes" I'm excited to hear those words so I turn around and hold his arm tight, then we continue walking to the park

Orleans: I see Weiss holding Snow arm through my sniper scope "G-grrr I-I no she did NOT just did that!"

Yang: I look into Orleans scope to see"Aww ain't that cute. I'll sure take picture of that sight."

Orleans: I stare at Yang with a expression of "-_-" 

Yang: I laugh it off knowing she can kill me at anytime "Aren't you even happy for your brothers? They are on a date with one of the great girls they can meet."

Orleans: "I am it just..." I put on a small sad expression"They all I have, they are the people I've always look up to...I love them dearly and happy to be they're little sister. For them to be going off...I'm worried that I might not see them again." I tighten my grip on the handle of my Sniper just thinking of those thoughtd make my stomach sick to eat anything

Yang: "Pfft! Orleans how can they not see you again. Your they're little sister that throws a party 'literally' and I'm pretty sure they love you as much as you do so they wouldn't do anything to change that." I gave her a smile while also comforting her a bit by patting her back

Orleans: I look up at Yang hopping what she say is true "You think so?"

Yang: I gave her a confident smirk"I know it!"

Orleans: I giggle a bit on how I ask a silly question "Your right I shouldn't be too worry about it...Hope Ruby didn't do anything with my brother yet!" I look back into my sniper scope to see Ruby and Nero eating at a outside resturant ">:("

Nero: As I was eating my food me and Ruby talked about the face paint we did "At of all the face painting it had to be is a Beowolf Grimm."

Ruby: I giggle as I remeber Nero reaction to it "I thought it was fun."

Nero: I lift a eyebrow to Ruby statement "If you ask me it was ironic."

Ruby: "Ironically funny." I giggle a bit more to my joke

Nero: I started laughing to her jokes "Your a very happy girl." I looked at the food she order which she order a small cake"You like the vanilla cake?"

Ruby: I answe his question with a full smile "Yes I do!!! Want to try one?"

Nero: I started blushing thinking of Ruby feeding me but of course I wouldn't ask her such a thing "W-well no thanks I-I'm fine."

Ruby: "Aww come on." I use my fork to get a piece of my cake, then lean on the table to feed it to him "Say 'Ahh' "

Nero: My face started to heat up like a tank shooting out flames through a tube running "R-Ruby y-your a bit c-close." I then notice people around us are staring at us with a "aww" face so out of defeat I open my mouth saying "Ahh", then I ate the piece of cake, surprisingly tasted delicious or maybe it because a sweet girl infront is the one feeding me "Wow, it was actually good."

Ruby: I put on a gaint smile happiness "That great! Here have another say 'Ahh' "

Nero: Ruby grabbed another piece of the cake to feed me and to be honest, with me I'm actually having fun doing this I even laugh with a small smile "Ahh" I then took a bite of cake, then we started eating it together with joy in our moment

Orleans: After seeing Ruby feeding my brother cake...I gotten furious "Grrr,ahh AHHH SHE DID NOT JUST DO THAT, FEEDING MY BROTHER LIKE SHE HIS MAID, DID ANYONE TAUGHT HER HOW TO BE HER OWN WOMEN OR DID SHE JUST DECIDED TO PUT ON THAT BLOODY MAID OUTFIT TO FEED MY BROTHER DAMN CAKE 'CAKE'!?!?" Then I stood swing my Sniper Rifle at some boxes like it was some baseball bate violently while also screaming out insults about Ruby

Yang: I was hidding from Orleans questioning on WHO she got that attitude from "How did her brothers live with her?....0-0"
